Hobbled By #SocialMedia Beggars Trying to Steal Your Sunshine?

To many so called “social media experts” and “social sales rock stars” are social media dingleberry klingons trying to rub off some of your shine into their shaded area.

Don’t be fooled by their chatter amongst themselves.

Just watch what they do.

For instance Keith Gill, AKA DigitalKeith buys tweets on fiverr, spams and trolls celebrities, and engages in cyberbullying to try to control what other people write about, even if it’s perfectly valid subject matter.

These people simply should be avoided, blocked and left to their own devices.

Say no to Social Media beggars and klingons!

(Not coincidentally these people are Leaders at EmpireKred.)

Leave them to their shaded playground, and move into the light where the organic goodness grows!

Protect your community from the wild uncouth weeds of social media.



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