Welcome to America, Ex Politician Now Journalist Expatriot Tory Louise Mensch!

We in America welcome immigrants from oppressed lands and certainly the UK fits in as a giant oppressive imperialist force from the past.

Having seen the Light of Liberty and come to New York we are certain you will fit right in with our country!


We welcome dreamers from around the world.

Why here in the Central Valley of CA we are a verititable immigrant paradise as we feed the nation.




We welcome you and are glad an ex Tory MP has grasped Freedom!



And…. Uh…

Louise we won our independence in a Civil War that we call the Revolutionary War.

You know, you taxed us, we rebelled, we kicked England’s ass out?

Ring any bells?

So freedom isn’t a gift.



Right.  Glad that’s cleared up.

Ok, so, uhh…



Louise are you sure you want to call our country a moron?

This seems pretty harsh doesn’t it?  God & Country to God and Moron?

I’m unsure why you would call the United States a moron.  Are you SURE you want to be in America, Louise?



Approved for entry.



Edit:  Louise Mensch provides the following update:






‘Scuse me Governess.  Was just rememberin’ that we serve God and Country not God and Mammon, Moron or Turd.

You swear an oath of loyalty to the Constitution and are supposed to disobey illegal orders.

Sadly that didn’t happen, especially in regards to torture, but it shouold happen that way.

3 thoughts on “Welcome to America, Ex Politician Now Journalist Expatriot Tory Louise Mensch!

  1. oh dear poet.

    ‘you cannot serve both God and Mammon’ – Jesus Christ. (as in Our Lord said it, not as in i am swearing). it was a pun on the word Mammon, in which i compare Donald Trump to a moron.

    you can serve both God and country, and in so far as i am #NeverTrump i am trying to do just that.

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