Monthly Archives: December 2018

Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?

Kyle Kashuv, a Jewish 17 year old senior at Stoneman Douglas, was threatened by a man named Christopher Suprun, a twitter verified account, with a “horsewhipping.”

He also mentions a “SKing.”  We are not certain who that it however the most prominent person on twitter with those initials is Shaun King, a writer for Glenn Greenwald’s “The Intercept.”

Kyle has tweeted with Chelsea Clinton and has met with many people who aren’t Conservative in an effort to promote bipartisan politics and good faith, non violent behavior in America.

The tweet of Christopher Suprun was reported to Twitter and we await a response.

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Threatening a “horsewhipping” is precisely how racist plantation owners in the antebellum south threatened their slaves and kept order with slaves who learned to read and had their own ideas on slavery and being horsewhipped.

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Twitter has acknowledged receipt of the report.

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Kyle was involved in an interesting discussion with William Legate when Mr. Suprun intervened to threaten him.

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Twitter has a massive problem with antisemitism on the platform as covered by other Main Stream Media sites.

Twitter also has a very well documented (and longstanding) problem with violence and threats of violence on their platform despite ostensible rules prohibiting advocacy of violence.

It is hard to believe that “horsewhipping” a Jewish kid doesn’t glorify and incite violence against other Jews as “horsewhipping” has a long history and is symbolic of the racist South however Twitter lacks transparency and their decisions are often, at best, bizarre.

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Kyle Kashuv is simply NOT a Nazi. Threats to abuse others under clearly false pretenses should not be tolerated by Twitter.

If Jack Dorsey feels threats of “horsewhipping” is OK we’d all like to know who he thinks it’s ok to have horsewhipped.

Mr. Supran is also a verified account. If verified accoutns have rights and privileges other twitter customers (the hoi polloi) lack, Jack should make that policy clear to us all as well.

Continue reading Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?