Category Archives: social media

Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?

Kyle Kashuv, a Jewish 17 year old senior at Stoneman Douglas, was threatened by a man named Christopher Suprun, a twitter verified account, with a “horsewhipping.”

He also mentions a “SKing.”  We are not certain who that it however the most prominent person on twitter with those initials is Shaun King, a writer for Glenn Greenwald’s “The Intercept.”

Kyle has tweeted with Chelsea Clinton and has met with many people who aren’t Conservative in an effort to promote bipartisan politics and good faith, non violent behavior in America.

The tweet of Christopher Suprun was reported to Twitter and we await a response.

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Threatening a “horsewhipping” is precisely how racist plantation owners in the antebellum south threatened their slaves and kept order with slaves who learned to read and had their own ideas on slavery and being horsewhipped.

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Twitter has acknowledged receipt of the report.

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Kyle was involved in an interesting discussion with William Legate when Mr. Suprun intervened to threaten him.

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Twitter has a massive problem with antisemitism on the platform as covered by other Main Stream Media sites.

Twitter also has a very well documented (and longstanding) problem with violence and threats of violence on their platform despite ostensible rules prohibiting advocacy of violence.

It is hard to believe that “horsewhipping” a Jewish kid doesn’t glorify and incite violence against other Jews as “horsewhipping” has a long history and is symbolic of the racist South however Twitter lacks transparency and their decisions are often, at best, bizarre.

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Kyle Kashuv is simply NOT a Nazi. Threats to abuse others under clearly false pretenses should not be tolerated by Twitter.

If Jack Dorsey feels threats of “horsewhipping” is OK we’d all like to know who he thinks it’s ok to have horsewhipped.

Mr. Supran is also a verified account. If verified accoutns have rights and privileges other twitter customers (the hoi polloi) lack, Jack should make that policy clear to us all as well.

Continue reading Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?

Twitter’s New Rule Proposal: “Dehumanization”

Charlie Warzel of Buzzfeed has reported that Twitter is considering new rules on “dehumanization.”


Having found that twitter mobs quickly label anyone asking questions or not obeying the herd rules to ostracize them AND signal the mob on who to abuse I think that’s necessary.

One way scumbag political operators like Heather Greven dehumanize people is by LYING about people’s politics AND then refusing to review facts, contrary evidence and running off while you are falsely labeled.

My BLOG is FULL of posts that aren’t by the wildest stretch of any imagination “Conservative” but that is no matter to Jack and the aforementioned liar, Heather Greven.

I even posted my Political Compass results as a helpful guide to avoid such confusion.


I think being lied about by a campaign major for a major campaign is dehumanizing.

As a disabled Californian I find it unacceptable.

I’m not sure if Jack agrees, cares or will do anything.

After all journalists have had to write about DEATH THREATS they receive before Twitter will do anything at all.


An Open Letter To @Jack. Hire Randi Lee Harper

Dear @Jack,

I am wriitng to you with a surprising recommendation.

Hire Randi Lee Harper.

I know she’s spent years yelling at people, finding exploits and attacking people. She’s written bots, and done things that were surprising to me.

She even threatened my figurative knees. I like my knees. They are the bees knees I’m told.  I didn’t appreciate that much at all so I resolved to look into what made Randi tick.

Frankly, she’s an obnoxious, difficult, head strong individual.  Just like you (If your Momma is honest with us).  And me.  Or anyone.

Here’s why you should defy convention and hire Randi.

The FBI has a long history of HIRING people who exploited systems to work FOR the FBI or Department of Justice to catch the bad guys.

The FBI RECRUITS hackers to help America.

Would Randi need a well structured environment with capable supervisors to monitor her work product and keep her productive?


Put her on a sealed test network to try to screw up your code the worst way possible.

Should she scream on twitter about hating people and they should eat dicks?


As a professional public speaker, who is WELL recieved by her audience I know that she knows that’s not great for long term goals like eating and sleeping and having medical insurance.

I’m here to say that you could learn a lot if you hired her, debriefed her, and put her to work fixing what she kind of helped break.

I have read TONS of Randi’s tweets  over the years.  I know nothing about Randi she hasn’t said of herself or hasn’t been said in press coverage.

I know quite a lot because I investigated claims for a living.  Your team has the same access to the tweets.  Read them.

Has anyone ever gone out of their way for NO REASON to help Randi? I don’t know.

Maybe you can be the first.

This is American Justice.  And we here are concerned with Justice.

Are you?

Randi posted she is clsoing her Patreon down and looking for work.

Hire Randi.

Consider this penance and forgiveness.

Turn the page. Help someone turn the page.

Ed Whelan, “Conservative Activist” Floats “Some Other Dude Done It” Defense For Judge Kavanaugh, Doxes Homeowner

The Judge Kavanaugh confirmation for Supreme Court just became extremely muddled and convoluted.

“Some Other Dude Done It” is a standard defense floated by miscreants when they have no other defense to offer.

The Jury Expert reports,

The results of the current experiment suggest that in court, the addition of one or more alternative suspects would decrease jurors’ belief in the defendant’s guilt, even when the alternative suspect is not actually believed to be the culprit. (See Tenney, Cleary, & Spellman (2009) for more study details.)

Apparently Ed Whelan feels the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are credible enough that he tracked down a house matching the description and an alleged perpetrator and named them in a bizarre tweetstorm on Twitter.

Ed Whelan tweeted a series of tweets in which he strongly insinuated that a lookalike of Judge Kavanaugh (former classmate) commited the alleged sexual assault of Christine Blasey Ford.

Ed also managed to tweet the name and picture of the man he named and the address AND floorplan of the home he believes the alleged assault may have taken place in.

In other words, this is a massive DOX of private individuals to try to muddy the waters around Judge Kavanaugh.

When Brianna Wu was doxed by Nazi Trump supporter Ethan “Cop Beater” Ralph he tweeted detailed images of the floorplan of Wu’s home.

Ralph who served time in Virginia for assaulting Law Enforcement (a felony), had a nazi on his staff, Lane Davis, who killed his own father, and Wildgoose, a notorious doxer.

Yours truly has been doxed by Wildgoose previously.



Ralph began stalking Wu at public appearances.


The tweetstorm by Whelancame after he posted a link to this Washington Post article that irresponsibly claimed “mistaken identity would be a welcome resolution.”

Of course we don’t KNOW if there is no evidence or witnesses because the FBI won’t reopen the background check or assert jurisdiction and investigate the allegation.

The effect on the safety and security of the current home owner and the man Whelan named are unknown however doxing is a popular tactic of harassment mobs who know or hope that someone will take action to silence said individuals permanently.

The Cyberbully Research Center reports,

The goal of those who seek, find, and then release personal information of others is ostensibly to bully or scare targets by destroying their sense of privacy and rendering them vulnerable to victimization by future harassers. For instance, a bullying aggressor might make use of your personal information by ordering multiple pizzas (that you never ordered or wanted!) for delivery at your home address. Another tactic is called “swatting,” and occurs when someone anonymously calls the police with a false threat (like a hostage situation) and uses your address, causing deployment of the police SWAT team to show up at your house armed and ready for violent action.

Continue reading Ed Whelan, “Conservative Activist” Floats “Some Other Dude Done It” Defense For Judge Kavanaugh, Doxes Homeowner

Tech Bro Anil Dash is a Gaslighting Douchelord Troll!

Anil Dash was a “leading supporter” of Republican TERF Randi “Die In A Fire” Lee Harper.


Randi Lee Harper’s credentials are IMPECCABLE.

Randi Lee Harper tweeted she lead a haraassment mob and now Anil in his “I am not listening, I am right about everything” mode, has decided harassment mobs don’t exist.

There Is No “Twitter Mob”

You see, there is no “Twitter mob”, there’s only people

Sorry, but mob leaders who attacked people FOR Randi have tweeted about how their abuse mob tactics worked before they were suspended, Anil.

Sorry LGBT silenced by a harassment mob leading Republican terf, but what you saw you did not see.  IT did NOT happen to you.  Anil Dash says so.

Anil Dash is STILL “this asshole.”

How did a Republican TERF who silenced LGBT gain such prominence?

Early supporters like Anil Dash latched onto her message and didn’t listen to her victims.

Anil Dash is a gaslighting troll denying the very reality Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says exists at Twitter and that we know Anil Dash particpated in.

He is condescending, rude and a participant in harassment.

Please ban Harassment Mob Foot Soldier/Troll Anil Dash.

Anil Dash.  Gaslighting Troll.

Joe Bernstein of Buzzfeed Is Correct About White Nationalism In The GOP.

Joe Bernstein of Buzzfeed news produced a seminal article about Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulis and how they smuggled White Nationalism into the GOP.

I suggest that it wasn’t “smuggled” but was done so quite openly and can be seen on Twitter.

First, a little about me.

I’m non partisan. I know that seems strange since I’m a registered Republican but at the time CA required you choose a party to vote in primaries.  As an 80’s kid, Ronald Reagan is my favorite President. I regard the 90’s, with Bill Clinton as a pretty decent time, also.

As a consequence of seeing firsthand how GOP party officials and advocates acted on Twitter I now support Deputy District Attorney Andrew Janz in his run against Devin Nunes.

I realize other people have different views, and knowing now how the Clinton’s influenced incarceration rates of minorites (Donald Trump wants to execute drug dealers) that’s an extremely valid criticism.

My Unce is a retired CHP officer and curerntly works for Tulare County District Attorney’s office as an investigator.

I have an awful lot of family in Tulare County who are growers and various professions.

Childhood friends grew up to work in Corrections, law enforcement, big agriculture, for Governor Pete Wilson in his office and wrote the software the FEC uses to trace federal elections, Netfile, and work for the District Attorney’s office (son of a Judge).

My parents are/were friends with their parents. We largely attended the same elementary schools (before I attended the magnet starting in 6th grade) and high school.

When Donald Trump talks about MS13 and violent (Hispanic) gangs, he’s leaving out The Stoners, the Fresno gang, that opposed the F14’s (who later became Bulldogs gang in fresno.)

(My friends, to my knowledge, have/had no association with white gangs in the area. Basically they were skaters who fought other kids then grew up and moved on.)

How do I know this?  I lived in the area.  I saw the graffitti.  I had a friend beaten up by F14’s and had to leave Kings Canyon Junior High. I knew of other kids that liked to fight them.

I know a lot of these kids, though perhaps forgot names.  The first comment is by an ’86 Roosevelt grad who was my squad leader in Boy Scouts. He loves(d) to cook and took his own spices to Camp Chawanakee.

We all basically lived in southeast Fresno, “Sunnyside” and have spread out and moved on.

I personally never had any issues and was part of our own “alternative” group in High School.  The Chess Club.  (Honestly we made it to get girls.  It worked)

One childhood friend, who attended Holland Project T.A.L.E.N.T. and Roosevelt with me (same class) has been arrested for non violently protested for Dreamers in his Congressman’s office in New Jersey.

Another friends mom, his dad was my little league all star coach, escaped communists in North Korea as a kid and came to the Central Valley. She’s retired from the IRS, and her family apparently was honored by the South Korean goverment sometime in the 1990’s.  I believe she (his mom) went back to South Korea for this ceremony.

I’m not going to provide all names, however if you search “Classmates” website and find Roosevelt High School yearbooks from ’83-’84 to ’86-’87 you can piece this all together yourselves.  (Broadway star Audra McDonald attended same schools (from her 7th grade year, 1 year behind me.)

So how did Breitbart/Bannon/Milo “smuggle” (violent!) white nationalism into the GOP?

Milo Yiannopoulis networked with College Republicans on twitter.

Amongst them were UC Irvine’s Arianna Rowlands and Kassy Dillon, of Mount Holyoke College (& later) Western Massachusetts GOP.

Kassy Dillon with Milo Yiannopoulis

Kassy Dillon founded Conservative website, Lone Conservative with Micah Messer, who is from Alabama.

Infamous twitter troll, @caerulus_rex, Brian Brathovd is now Richard B. Spencer’s bodyguard.  When Milo appeared in Alabama, Brian Brathovd took a video of Milo and himself saying “Hi” to Kassy Dillon.


Brian Brathovd is now on Gab and notes he is a contributor to Nazi site, Daily Stormer, which is run by self declared Nazi, Andrew “Weev” Aurenheim.

Breitbart (And milo?) employees  Mike Ma and Allum Bokhari were present at that talk.  I believe they can at various times be seen in the audience on the Breitbart youtube video of that appearance.


Milo is on the RECORD saying that “white nationalism” is NOT the answer however the coalition he and Breitbart built clearly included such people.


Michael McClister, aka @themidmerican, then comms director for Lone Conservative, lied about me doxing him on twitter (I’ve never doxed anyone at all, ever) and threatened to come to Fresno to beat the shit out of me basically. He’s a CA expatriot and disabled Army veteran. Such threats are somewhat concerning.

John Rust, a convicted pedophile (arrested for violent threats against Howard University students) wrote for Heat Street, Refined Right & Lone Conservative.

Mr. Rust was one of the early “volunteers” (actually GOP activists) at Lone Conservative and left to start Refined Right due to a dispute over a story between Arianna Rowlands and Kassy Dillon.


Lane Davis, political editor for notorious alt right site The Ralph Retort, run by “muckracking” proprietor & convicted felon,  Ethan Ralph, is a former Milo intern who killed his father for calling him a “nazi.”

It seems obvious that there was no screening done as to who Milo/Breitbart shoud employ at their site.

Mike Ma of Breitbart was suspended for bullying Arianna Rowlands.

Mike Ma was in a twitter DM group, “Tila Tequila Fan Club” with various others. They used this DM group to target individuals for cyber harassment campaigns.   The twitter DM group is why I firmly believe Milo was rightfully suspended by Twitter.



The Group included youtuber Beardson Beardly, who threatened Kassy Dillon.  He was suspended by Twitter for these threats.  I have no idea if Arianna also reported bullying by Ma and Bearson, I just know Twitter responded to MY ticket and suspended Beardson Beardly.

Kassy Dillon’s “intern” interviewered Conservative musician, Sergio Michel. Rather than transcribe the interview as requested, the lowly intern chose to troll Mr. Michel on twitter.

This caused Mr. Michel to recognize them for what they are, and leave the alt right.

Women who are some leadership ine alt right put up with sexism and misogny, including violent threats, to remain in positions of authority within the GOP and/or alt right.


I could give a hoot about any patriotic American. In fact, coming from a family that came here long ago and has served in probably every war (Great Grandpa was in France in WW1 in artillery, a great uncle died in Pacific in WW2, an uncle served in Korea, my dad VOLUNTEERED for US Navy (after deferments were up) and served as a LT Jg in Sea of Japan, vietnam) I encourage it.

However I despise people that bring violence to politics.  And that’s who Milo and Breitbart allowed to become mainstream in GOP.  I also oppose Antifa.

Joe Bernstein’s dad worked for Department of Justice as a Nazi Hunter.

I submit Joe is very much in his Father’s image and his Father would be very proud of him for his reporting on the white nationalists who invaded the GOP.

(A prominent NY Republican, former personal attorney for AIG Chairman Hank Greenberg, frequently tweeted with Milo.  I’m not naming him because he likes to hire attorneys to try to silence the truth.  I’m sure Joe knows who he is.

I’m familiar with AIG as they were the biggest client of a former employer, the world’s largest indepent adjusting firm.  I believe this familiarity is why the attorney tweeted with me on twitter.

I was concerned about the prevalence of abuse on twitter at the time, and saw Milo being abused by people who used the exact same tactics they claimed he (and others) were using.   By watching Milo’s feed, I found this GOP connected attorney.

Those empowered advocates (on the left) have been written about elsewhere and I’ve made my concerns known to Senator Feinstein, amongst others.  Senator Feinstein assures me they are working in the Senate to get to the bottom of what’s going on at Twitter.  I believe this is true due to the continued requests for information from Senator Feinstein to twitter and the attendant hearings before the Senate.  I consider Twitter’s testimony that they don’t censor to be a bald faced laughable lie.  I believe the far left is as openly violent as the far right in the US at present.)


$TWTR @Jack Has A Very Large Problem With Safety, Advertisers and Advertising.

It’s perfectly acceptable to solicit HITMEN on twitter.

So when Jack Dorsey says Twitter starts with Safety, I know this to be an outright lie.

I know this because I have reported this tweet soliciting a hitman to Twitter support.  The attached response was received.


It’s INSANE to me that soliciting a hitman does not violate twitter’s policy.  I documented submitting the tweet to Twitter support here.

Just for fun I will report it again.



Twitter already delivers some of the lowest rates of visits to external sites among the leading social media platforms.

Facebook leads at 62% outbound traffic to just 6% for twitter.

Now Twitter wants to hold a market captive, while lowering the visibility of the tweets.

No one knows if anyone reads anything they tweet, even when their followers have chosen to follow them and see tweets.

Twitter hides a significant amount of data that Facebook releases.

I have NO idea how twitter advertisers can reasonably calculate a ROI on twitter unless very large corporate advertisers are given access to data that smaller advertisers are not given through “Twitter Ads” within the twitter ap itself.

Jack Dorsey is designing a bubble that stops conversation, and for potential advertisers this is NOT a good thing.

Now Jack Dorsey has instituted Safety rules which:

Collapsing potentially abusive or low-quality Tweets:
Our team has also been working on identifying and collapsing potentially abusive and low-quality replies so the most relevant conversations are brought forward. These Tweet replies will still be accessible to those who seek them out. You can expect to see this change rolling out in the coming weeks.


However it should be noted that empowered “activists” with access to Twitter Safety label political enemies as “low quality.”

And the very same activists note that Twitter has been hiding death threats from them.

Randi, who designed a bot to hide hashtags, runs amuck on twitter and silences LGBT advocates.

However, as Randi Lee Harper notes, the “low quality” designation is subjective.

Randi Lee Harper, founder of Online Abuse Prevention Org propagated ISIS on twitter.

How is a safety consultant that propagates ISIS A SAFETY CONSULTANT?

How is Jack Dorsey doing anything that actually makes people safer yet lets them communicate with their target audiences and friends?

To help advertisers make decisions about where to spend their valuable advertising dollars we propose the following:

  1.  Twitter reveal the nature of their low quality algoritm.
  2. Twitter provide reasonable, adjusted estimates of click through rates after application of their algorithm.
  3.  Twitter make it known to potential advertisers before purchase if THEY are considered low quality by Twitter.
  4. Twitter give advertisers the option to tweet advertising without application of Twitter’s algorithm to their tweets & to replies to their tweets.
  5.  Twitter eliminate the millions of known fake accounts now known to exist.

We note that CA state law prohibits retribution by companies of authors of online reviews.

We consider twitter’s algorithm, if tweets to companies people are customers of are suppressed, to violate the spirit and intent of that law, if not the letter of the law.

What use is being able to tweet a company you are a  customer of if Jack Dorsey *winki *wink suppresses your speech with an unexplained algorithm.

OF COURSE BUSINESS CONSIDERS BAD REVIEWS “LOW QUALITY.”  That’s why we need a LAW in the first place.

Essentially Twitter has failed to adequately handle abuse, and now is suppressing conversations of many people in far to wide a net.

Jack Dorsey thinks his opinion of what is good content is superior to consumers who can choose to mute, block or not follow at all.

And Jack Dorsey glaringly fails to address actual terrorists operating on twitter in large numbers.  Terrorists his OWN SAFETY CONSULTANT has propagated.

Nick Flor is a Professor at University of New Mexico.  A professor of Cognitive Science. Hardly one to be considered “low quality.”

Jack Dorsey is destroying the ability to communicate on twitter.    This seems a bad thing for a communications company on the internet.

Twitter is a black hole of traffic.  Once you are on it, you have no idea if people THAT WANT TO READ YOUR TWEETS can read your tweets.


Related Content:


Twitter For Good.

The ability to use Twitter to speak Truth to Power™ should not be understated.

Having watched the development of the F-35 and the difficulties with that program I asked General Chuck Yeager for his opinion on the jet.

President elect Trump shortly thereafter tweeted about the cost overruns.

Recommendations for Twitter, Twitter DC and government to facilitate the ability to speak with our elected representatives & government as follows.

  1.  White House Administration and Senate/House Committees list Office Holders, Members and relevant Staff twitter accounts on the committee websites.
  2.  Twitter compile and make a database available of relevant office holders and staff twitter accounts across government.




$TWTR: @twitter is number one in Fake #News On @Apple As @getongab Grabs Market Share

Twitter markets itself as a news application on the apple store.  Perhaps Apple and Tim Cooke need a fake news and propaganda category?



According to Sensor Tower, Twitter is number one in the news category and 24th overall on the apple store.




According to Vivian Schiller  Vivian Schiller former head of news and journalism partnerships at Twitter and also the former CEO of NPR,

SCHILLER: Let me just say I think it would be a mistake for social media companies to try to, on their own, determine or deign what is a fake news story and what isn’t and shut it off, or what’s a good news organization or a bad news organization. That’s a very, very slippery slope.

Yet, regarding the suspension of “alt right” twitter accounts,

The problem is there is very little transparency and consistency when it comes to what accounts Twitter is suspending and which they are not. As long as there is an even playing field for all and the rules are clearly understood, that would be a good thing. We are not there yet. There’s more to do.

Twitter is hamstrung by privacy laws and regulations that prevent them from showing (in most cases, absent compelling public interest on the specific topic, ie news) exactly why users are suspended.

It would go a long way towards clarifying matters if twitter would, in coordination with the suspended parties release the tweets that earned the suspensions of Milo Yiannopoulis, Mike Ma, Ricky Vaughn, Pax Dickinson, Richard Spencer, Chuck Johnson, John Rivers (and others)   and lead a public discussion about what behavior is acceptable and so the public can determine if Twitter got it right.

With market competitor growing at a massive rate, Twitter’s confusing the issue is CEO Andrew Torba’s gain.

Andrew Torba states,

Daily Reminder: all are welcome here

Gab is for everyone.

We are the defenders of free speech.

We are The People

The alt right and others find a free speech platform that doesn’t suspend accounts and has muting tools in place.

Obviously twitter, as a publicly traded company is being buffeted by the controversy generated by Vijaya Gadde when she blatantly publicized and politicized the abuse scandal at twitter in her WAPO editorial of April 16, 2015.

A major problem for Twitter is that they do not enforce their own rules consistently.

As Fusion Journalist Kristen V Brown noted in her own reporting after receiving death threats, 

But others, like those from the tweeters that suggested I needed to “go” and that it was “op time,” seemed like clear violations: they encouraged others to target me, repeatedly tweeted at and about me and made references to violence.


And yet threats and fake content are still omnipresent on twitter.

For instance you can solicit hitmen:

Declare our now elected President as a “common enemy” of CIA?

You can pretend Donald Trump has been sworn in and is President already.



A founder of Twitter, and Twitter Board Member (and twitter’s largest individual shareholder) Ev Williams called out Facebook for their “fake news” problem in a Medium post (Ev is CEO/Founder) that has made news.

I found it interesting that when I went to read Zuckerberg’s post about misinformation, there were two ads on the side that are super fake.


One wonders why Evan Williams is not more outspoken about the fake news and abuse that proliferates on twitter?

Twitter does have rules preventing abuse and fake news on the books, they just don’t enforce them.  And what they do enforce, seems to be one sides in the political spectrum.

It is at the point that Twitter’s core business is suffering as reflected in the stock price which is below IPO.

At the very least, Jack Dorsey and the Board of Directors owe it to shareholders to clarify what is going on, and what steps are being taken to cure the public perception of Twitter as a safe haven for abusers & fake #news.

Related Content:


$TWTR @jack allows @nymag’s @JesseSingal To Be Fake #news And Conspire To Abuse #Consumers.

Unless you can account for the massive use of social media that Barack Obama started and Donald Trump perfected you can’t account for how fake news by media such as Jesse Singal affected the 2016 Potus election.

Jason Abbruzzese of Mashable writes,

In some ways, it’s right out of the playbook of Barack Obama. Obama’s administration excelled at getting out its message in non-traditional ways while also being noted as one the most secretive administrations ever. For example: The Obama White House routinely leapfrogged the political media, giving interviews to YouTube stars (who aren’t, like Trump’s media surrogates, traditional presidential interviewers).

American politics is both cyclical, swinging from left to right and back again, and somewhat like magnets.

Magnets can attract or, if you reverse polarity, repel.

When you have peace and goodwill, the two parties work closer together, when they are at odds, like they have been since 9/11, you get polarization.

And this has led to the extreme polarization we see today.

With literal socialists on the left driving hateful Democrats rhetoric, and real live nazis on the right with their fingers close to the reins of power and driving the news cycle. the nation is as polarized worse than it has been during the heights of the Vietnam war.

So how did Jesse Singal manage to impact the election to such a huge degree?

By aligning with a SJW mob, and doing their fake #news for them.

Conspiring with them openly as they dogpiled and abused their way through gamergate, and right into the general election as pro gamergate people became pro Trump.

Jesse, so sure of himself, offered to conspire with a twitter account, @2dammuslim, that literally cyber bullied a Syrian war refugee right off twitter.

Mr. @2dammuslim is in the business of “persuasion.”


Jesse Singal seems to think he has “protection”.

Mr. @2dammuslim would not be shocked if he was banned by Twitter, however @jack and @support do not treat all their customers equally.

The same conduct that earns people on the right suspensions is ok if done by people with politics Jack approves of.

Mr. @2dammuslim knows his conduct harms twitter customers accounts.  Especially if they are big accounts.


Jesse however doesn’t value your civil rights, he’s ok with a Revolution (and the targeted abuse)  as long as he’s a net beneficiary.


Additionally @2dammuslim has been assigned by @glinner to attack journalists.


In short Jesse Singal got a revolution, and now he’s afraid of what he lit the match to start.

What’s more, Jesse Singal knows he’s fake news and contributed to Trump’s election.

I suppose Jesse is to be commended for his honesty.  It’s not like he tried to hide his efforts.

Honestly Jack Dorsey and Twitter sicken me.

When eminently professional feminist journalists like Kristen V Brown of Fusion receive death threats that Twitter won’t handle responsibly and people like @2dammuslim and Jesse Singal are free to abuse whomever they wish you have to wonder how Twitter remains in business.

Randi Lee Harper, a notorious abuser on Twitter has met with Twitter Safety.


Twitter General Council Vijaya Gadde had this to say about abuse on twitter in her Washington Post Op-Ed entitled, Here’s how we’re trying to stop abuse while preserving free speech.”

This is, to put it mildly, not good enough. Freedom of expression means little as our underlying philosophy if we continue to allow voices to be silenced because they are afraid to speak up. We need to do a better job combating abuse without chilling or silencing speech.

One has to wonder how Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde and the rest of Twitter’s leadership feel they can protect free speech and fight abuse while empowering abusers.



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