Tag Archives: bloggers

Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?

Kyle Kashuv, a Jewish 17 year old senior at Stoneman Douglas, was threatened by a man named Christopher Suprun, a twitter verified account, with a “horsewhipping.”

He also mentions a “SKing.”  We are not certain who that it however the most prominent person on twitter with those initials is Shaun King, a writer for Glenn Greenwald’s “The Intercept.”

Kyle has tweeted with Chelsea Clinton and has met with many people who aren’t Conservative in an effort to promote bipartisan politics and good faith, non violent behavior in America.

The tweet of Christopher Suprun was reported to Twitter and we await a response.

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Threatening a “horsewhipping” is precisely how racist plantation owners in the antebellum south threatened their slaves and kept order with slaves who learned to read and had their own ideas on slavery and being horsewhipped.

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Twitter has acknowledged receipt of the report.

report - Copy

Kyle was involved in an interesting discussion with William Legate when Mr. Suprun intervened to threaten him.

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Twitter has a massive problem with antisemitism on the platform as covered by other Main Stream Media sites.





Twitter also has a very well documented (and longstanding) problem with violence and threats of violence on their platform despite ostensible rules prohibiting advocacy of violence.

It is hard to believe that “horsewhipping” a Jewish kid doesn’t glorify and incite violence against other Jews as “horsewhipping” has a long history and is symbolic of the racist South however Twitter lacks transparency and their decisions are often, at best, bizarre.

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Kyle Kashuv is simply NOT a Nazi. Threats to abuse others under clearly false pretenses should not be tolerated by Twitter.

If Jack Dorsey feels threats of “horsewhipping” is OK we’d all like to know who he thinks it’s ok to have horsewhipped.

Mr. Supran is also a verified account. If verified accoutns have rights and privileges other twitter customers (the hoi polloi) lack, Jack should make that policy clear to us all as well.

Continue reading Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?

America’s Two Tier Justice System: Good Cops (Zisi) & Bad Cops (Comey)

During the runup to the 2016 election I had the pleasure to meet and speak with (I hate “interact with”) Christopher Zisi on Twitter.

Mr. Zisi is a retired FBI agent. NOT just any old FBI agent, but a 25 year veteran of white collar crime, overseas duty and a trainer at Quantico.

In 2006 the Washington Post featured Mr. Zisi in an article entitled, “Over 18 Weeks, an Arduous Path to the Badge”

After leaving the room to let Taylor stew, Michael returned, removed his jacket and rolled his chair closer to Taylor. Using information gleaned from the interview, he now had to go for the confession.

“At this point, they need to move in,” said the instructor, Supervisory Special Agent Christopher J. Zisi. “Invade their comfort zone. Let them smell the chili you had for lunch. They can’t think straight.”

Mr. Zisi talks a little bit about his time in the FBI on his social media but is circumspect about his time which is expected of a man committed to his duty & mission and not seeking the limelight for what he does.

America needs more people like Christopher Zisi in the FBI and anywhere, quite frankly.

Mr. Comey has been subpoenaed by the House to testify.

Mr. Zisi tweets on @cjzisi.

Mr. Zisi is a 25 year veteran of the FBI. He has a law degree from Tulane and handled  & white collar crime in the North East.  He has worked overseas.  He is a former FBI supervisor and trained recruits at Quantico.

These are his tweets in his own words about Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Zisi has also been tweeting about the antitrust division of DOJ needing to investigate social media companies and other matters.


Click to access CS%20Zisi,%20C.pdf





Don’t Spend Another Dollar On Mobile Strike

Mobile Strike is a darwinian base builder and combat game promoted by Arnold Schwarzenegger and developed by Machine Zone subsidiary, Epic War, LLC.

The game is overrun by pack loaders and griefers and we cannot recommend any purchases made in application until the developer takes steps to curb the rampant abuse.

One state in particular, state 635 HOCA, is run by an alliance thqat itself exploits the game and other legitimate consumers with a known pack loader selling in game to players in their alliance.

His full customer list is unknown, however the Alliance leader and current Head of State plainly is aware that the “pack loading” is occuring and ignores it.

The game is basically a cash grab.  Rather than deal with the fraud and abuse the developer opens new “states” with players drawn into new areas and segregated away from the older states.

As states develop and grow the pack loaders and griefers proliferate and gradually the states are driven to low population and then the developer opens news states.

The developer doesn’t go back and balance combat or deal with the corruption in the old states, that is left to the players.

However the combat is unbalanced by people who purchase from hackers, ie “pack loaders” who sell deeply discounted hacked in game upgrades.

Machine Zone is based on Palo Alto, CA, so we are unsure how long this corruption will last if it comes to the attention of regulators, but for now we recommend no one play nor make purchases in Mobile Strike.

The in game corruption, combined with rampant abuse of players with inadequate safety and privacy safeguards makes this game unsafe at any speed.

We contacted Mobilke Strike via email and received this response:

(Game of War is by same developer and same engine as Mobile Strike.  The game has the same issues and this player who  made this pack loader video plays both games.)


Governor Schwarzenegger’s Game “Mobile Strike” Is A Griefer’s Paradise. Caveat Emptor.

Mobile Strike is a smart phone game available on Apple and Google and promoted by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The game, a basic base builder wargame with limited combat options damages itself with an out of control gold purchasing (in Application) economy and powerful guild alliances that seem to be maximum level that simply grief lower level guilds.

While you seemingly can partake in individual combat without coming to the notice of the larger guilds, once you join a small group of players players from these MASSIVE guilds teleport to scout (untracable teleports) and attack you.

If you try to put up a fight, more and more player teleport in, and simply swamp you.  They can position right on top of you with ready reinforcements and willingness to attack guilds with players (a self imposed rule by one game is level 14 or above is ok to attack) with massively powered guild members attacking targets they are 8, 10 or more levels higher than.

How large are these guilds?

Apparently of 300 players or more in a super Guild Alliance that rules the individual “state” (with state to state warfare possible) through massive expenditures of time (simply clicking what you buy actually takes time) and money (the game quickly pushes $99.00 purchases to level up.)

The ads flash on the main screen and are promoted every time you log in or the smart phone wakes up from sleep mode.

This is one such example.

The game starts off relatively slow, and with a $4.99 and a $19.99 purchase seems fun as you gain small but material advantages over local bases and can win combat missions.

But the game is swamped with $99.00 package offers, billion and trillion point sales (when you are being give in game 300 point “gifts” by the system) and continuous advertising to purchase those packages to get “legendary” equipment and necessary to compete upgrades.

The game sells 5,000 day “speed up” packages (otherwise you wait 5,000 days for one simple upgrade in a game with thousands up upgrade possibilities) so you can see how purchasing packages is necessary to even play the game at a sufficient level to even advance.

What does a mega guild alliance look like?

One such alliance is in state 635.  (The game uses s (state), y, z locations) The alliance of B#R, B#R2 & A99* rules the state.

Located just southwest of what is the “state capital” the guild alliance “hive” is massive.

The location of the guild “hive” is S: 635 X:  252  Y:  470

Their leader, Big Bears, is located just south of the state control point easily reached by app by pressing the state capital button.


After about 2 weeks in game, and a $4.99 and $19.99 purchase I am seeing waits in the 30 days that necessitate use of a “speed up” item to complete construction otherwise that upgrade takes up 1 of the 2 slots I have available for those types of upgrades (research) for those number of days.

If not, don’t expect to take part in much beyond local small solo combat and building your own base at slower and slower rates until you realize the game only wants your cash, and not for you to have fun.

How to solve the griefer problem?  Teleport griefers that are a certain percentage of power above their targets out of the state.

First offense:  The guilds griefer gets a warning.
Second offense:  Griefer gets teleported out of state with no return.
Third offense:  Griefer and Guilds officers are teleported out of state with no return.
Fourth offense:  Guild alliance teleported to random states, broken up, with no return and no ability to reform.

Pick appropriate targets and have fun.  Don’t grief noobs because you can.

I realize that selling gold in game became necessary because farmers in MMO’s figured out how to farm and sell gold out of game for their own profit.

However this game has gone completely the opposite way with it, and it destroys the playability at fun at sufficient level when noobs would want to join guilds to have small competitive wars with other like sized and powered guilds.

It’s fun for a bit, but purchases are necessary.  If you like base builders and have oodles of cash, give it a try.

This game is a griefers paradise.

Caveat Emptor.

Journalists of the Year, 2016. The Inestimable @Kristenvbrown and Intrepid @Timcast

This is my first ever JOTY with 2 winners.   (Actually first ever JOTY, but hey.)

And I had to pick 2.  Both cover interests near and dear to my heart.

Kristen, who is a great  journalist, covers abuse on twitter, covered Milo fairly (which is basically unheard of and yes he is a provocateur and troll, no he’s not a Nazi) and the strange and wondrous world of science, ethical concerns and all.

I would like to explain my background a bit.

Although living in Fresno, I have had the great luck to be able to spend a LOT of time in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.  As a tech journalist, much of what Kristen covers originates in and around the Bay Area.

The schools I attended (well funded magnet schools) took frequent field trips to the central coast and San Francisco/Bay Area.

We also frequented the Bay Area in Cub Scout and Boy Scouts trips.

My Dad is a retired Claims Manager.  As a kid he would take marketing trips disguised as family vacations to the Bay Area where a great many insurance companies are headquartered.  (If you want to talk about gentrification since 1970’s, that preference is a great place to start.)

My sister, loved Esprit and shopping, and I loved comic books.  The comic book shops seemed to be in places in San Francisco where not many tourists went.  Besides the usual touristy places you’d expect, I have seen and experienced much of San Francisco.

Other than places I’ve actually lived and grandparents homes I’ve spent more time in the Bay Area than anywhere else.  The Central Coast (Cambria/Pismo is a close second to SF.)

When Ms. Brown writes this,



I know this to be true from my own experiences.


When Ms. Brown talks about seismic vulnerabilities I know exactly what she’s talking about due to my own profession, and having been dragged out (I kinda didn’t have that much fun) on claims with my Dad since I was very young.

I worked fires (dummy end of the measuring stick), car accidents (dodging cars while diagramming accident scenes is always fun) and worked the Coalinga earthquake.  Yep, I at 10 or 11 (?) worked earthquake claims.

My dad enjoyed working claims better than being in management.  He didn’t keep a full case load, but he worked overflow and a few accounts he enjoyed.

He kept the juicy account, working the Curry account when The Curry Company had the concessions contract in Yosemite.

As a kid in Fresno, I attended diverse schools.  I doubt they were perfectly diverse, but they were diverse.  I have no idea what “perfectly diverse” is beyond a standard activists state frequently on twitter.

The High School I attended was bussed INTO to desegregate.  That is, WHITE KIDS were bussed in from Hoover.  Their 9th grade class was bussed into Roosevelt High School in south east Fresno .  The 9th graders within my district went to Sequoia.

I did not KNOW that the day in 8th grade at Holland Project TALENT (Audra McDonald is one year behind me, we shared the same drama teacher, if little else by way of talent)  when the district people came in and said we could go to any school in the district we wanted to.

Faced with such wondrous choices I thought I’d better go where my parents expected and choose Roosevelt.  It was a surprise in 9th grade when I thought I’d see my friends from the home district and they were nowhere to be found.

As a sophomore, Roosevelt opened the School of the Performing Arts, and the kids from Hoover were no longer bussed down.  I assume that desegregation from Hoover no longer necessary because a lot of kids district wide were bussed in to Roosevelt, and many were white.

Lots of my friends are pictured here.  I went to Easterby with Shaun Lopez and Matt Denny, and Shaun played little league with me and tennis.  He was number 1 varsity and I, 2.

(Yes we made a fake chess club that met in the Science building where we played logic games and screwed around mostly.  We had awesome bathing beauties.  The scam worked)

I also would like to encourage Kristen to do more video.  Video is The Future™ and Kristen claims to be “From The Future” or some such on Gizmodo.


Tim Pool, @timcast did an astonishing piece on the water shortage of East Porterville and the CA drought in general.


My Great Grandfather immigrated to Tulare County in the Dust Bowl.  I have tons of family in Tulare County and the Central Valley.

(My great grandfather left my teenaged grandmother in Missouri with relatives, she got married and went to Idaho.)



(Yes I have a diverse family)

My ex wifes family is in Porterville.

My ex father in law is a former enlisted Marine who was stationed in Taiwan.

Returning to the US he owned a 7 -11 in San Jose, but sold that operation and moved back to Porterville (home) to be a Psyche Tech at Porterville Developmental Center.   He rose to Program Manager then acting Director of Porterville Developmental Center.  My ex mother in law is deceased, however she worked as a Psyche Tech as well.

My ex wife is a Psyche Tech, her new husband is a Psyche Tech and my daughter works at Porterville Developmental Center as a student assistant as she studies to become a teacher.

The High School Madison, my daughter, attended is in East Porterville.  Granite High School.  She’s a leader and activist in her own way.


Tim Poole also covered the devastation in the Midwest.


When I see Jack Dorsey accept CEO of the Year from the Thurgood Marshall Fund  I can only laugh, or cry.

Jack Dorsey is the King of fake news and abuse.

He has also damaged race relations in politics immeasurably through polarization pushed on twitter’s platform with his tacit endorsement (and quite frankly open endorsement with open promotion of #blacklivesmatter.)





Jack Dorsey has also led the assault on Free Speech, giving wildly abusive “activists” like Randi Lee Harper and Brianna Wu backchannel access to Twitter Safety.




Bob Chipman, AKA @The_moviebob is simply the same overt hatred my Great Grandpa felt when he settled in Tulare County and walked miles each day to Tagus Ranch to work.


Bob Chipman hangs out with Anita Sarkeesian, who is on Twitter’s alleged Twitter Trust & Safety Council.

I have no idea what this council does, or how it functions when you can solicit hitmen on twitter.


I reported the tweet and received the following response.




My mom’s dad, my Grandpa also was a Dust Bowl immigrant, however was nearly worked to death by a farmer in Salinas.

He went to Idaho.  He worked New Deal construction for Morrison Knudsen.  The same company that built the Golden Gate Bridge, I believe.

My dads parents were also in Idaho, and my parents met at Idaho State University.  When my dad graduated he volunteered for the US Navy, went to OCS and was sent to the Vietnam War where he served on the USS Reeves in the Sea of Japan as a LT(jg).

My parents were lucky enough to live off base in Japan for years and tour a bit of Asia.

In all my life I have never felt such overt hatred as that leveled at me on Twitter daily by so called tolerant people.

Despite identifying the racism and xenophobia in the far right in July 2015, and writing about it I am judged, and attacked for the color of my skin daily.  Jack Dorsey simply does not care.  I am abused any number of ways, but as far as I can tell because of the color of my skin I am open for the abuse.

I am simply a “hard headed” “Trumpster”.  (this is light, though activists ignore facts like Obama profiting off the Presidency to abuse).

Twitter is fact free.


Anyone that says something contrary to the approved opinion of Randi Lee Harper, Brianna Wu or the activists Jack Dorsey is set upon by a mob that they lead.

(1 of I don’t know how many.  The whole thread isn’t presented here.)



I however am not helpless, nor intimidated by empowered abusers with the ear of Twitter .

I know Jack Dorsey did as much to elect Donald Trump as any person alive.  I will leave that to historians to figure out how.  I have said enough on the matter that anyone can figure it out.

I consider Jack Dorsey’s award by the Thurgood Marshall Fund a farce.

Jack Dorsey endangers members of my family & has contributed to making race relations as bad as at any time in my lifetime.  I can only relate it to 1968 & the Days of Rage where the most supported people in CA are rioting at a great college because they now feel violence is acceptable.



We will continue our mission of digital disruption and truth telling here on this channel.


I however have Awards to hand out.

To the wonderfully educated and capable Kristen V Brown I award a Central Valley Coffee Cup.  Valley Pride!


Tim, I name honorary Dirt Farmer.  Rub some dirt on it, Tim.

I’d nominate Tim for Hall of Fame in Porterville, but unlike my ex wife, he’s not from Porterville.  Sorry, Tim.

My coach, Ken Hurst, would have been proud to make Tim run up the mountain at Lake Isabella for training.

Women’s 1988-’89 Tennis Team — This team had only four players — Story Hurst, Chrissy Kulbeth, Michelle McGuire and Michelle Caskey — yet it won the Central Valley Conference championship in 1988 and then again 1989 with the addition of only two players, Vicki Esquivel and Christy Heint.
Ken Hurst — Hurst was the men and women’s varsity head coach at PC from 1982 through 1999. After 10 years of coaching at PC, his teams had won two thirds of all their matches. Even in Hurst’s last years of coaching at PC, the tennis programs thrived in every match with intense competitors to slay the big dragons.

Thank you for being you, and all that you do.  I appreciate your journalism and professionalism.




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View at Medium.com

View at Medium.com

View at Medium.com

View at Medium.com



$TWTR @Jack Has A Very Large Problem With Safety, Advertisers and Advertising.

It’s perfectly acceptable to solicit HITMEN on twitter.


So when Jack Dorsey says Twitter starts with Safety, I know this to be an outright lie.

I know this because I have reported this tweet soliciting a hitman to Twitter support.  The attached response was received.


It’s INSANE to me that soliciting a hitman does not violate twitter’s policy.  I documented submitting the tweet to Twitter support here.

Just for fun I will report it again.



Twitter already delivers some of the lowest rates of visits to external sites among the leading social media platforms.

Facebook leads at 62% outbound traffic to just 6% for twitter.

Now Twitter wants to hold a market captive, while lowering the visibility of the tweets.

No one knows if anyone reads anything they tweet, even when their followers have chosen to follow them and see tweets.

Twitter hides a significant amount of data that Facebook releases.

I have NO idea how twitter advertisers can reasonably calculate a ROI on twitter unless very large corporate advertisers are given access to data that smaller advertisers are not given through “Twitter Ads” within the twitter ap itself.

Jack Dorsey is designing a bubble that stops conversation, and for potential advertisers this is NOT a good thing.

Now Jack Dorsey has instituted Safety rules which:

Collapsing potentially abusive or low-quality Tweets:
Our team has also been working on identifying and collapsing potentially abusive and low-quality replies so the most relevant conversations are brought forward. These Tweet replies will still be accessible to those who seek them out. You can expect to see this change rolling out in the coming weeks.



However it should be noted that empowered “activists” with access to Twitter Safety label political enemies as “low quality.”

And the very same activists note that Twitter has been hiding death threats from them.

Randi, who designed a bot to hide hashtags, runs amuck on twitter and silences LGBT advocates.




However, as Randi Lee Harper notes, the “low quality” designation is subjective.

Randi Lee Harper, founder of Online Abuse Prevention Org propagated ISIS on twitter.

How is a safety consultant that propagates ISIS A SAFETY CONSULTANT?

How is Jack Dorsey doing anything that actually makes people safer yet lets them communicate with their target audiences and friends?

To help advertisers make decisions about where to spend their valuable advertising dollars we propose the following:

  1.  Twitter reveal the nature of their low quality algoritm.
  2. Twitter provide reasonable, adjusted estimates of click through rates after application of their algorithm.
  3.  Twitter make it known to potential advertisers before purchase if THEY are considered low quality by Twitter.
  4. Twitter give advertisers the option to tweet advertising without application of Twitter’s algorithm to their tweets & to replies to their tweets.
  5.  Twitter eliminate the millions of known fake accounts now known to exist.

We note that CA state law prohibits retribution by companies of authors of online reviews.

We consider twitter’s algorithm, if tweets to companies people are customers of are suppressed, to violate the spirit and intent of that law, if not the letter of the law.

What use is being able to tweet a company you are a  customer of if Jack Dorsey *winki *wink suppresses your speech with an unexplained algorithm.

OF COURSE BUSINESS CONSIDERS BAD REVIEWS “LOW QUALITY.”  That’s why we need a LAW in the first place.

Essentially Twitter has failed to adequately handle abuse, and now is suppressing conversations of many people in far to wide a net.

Jack Dorsey thinks his opinion of what is good content is superior to consumers who can choose to mute, block or not follow at all.

And Jack Dorsey glaringly fails to address actual terrorists operating on twitter in large numbers.  Terrorists his OWN SAFETY CONSULTANT has propagated.

Nick Flor is a Professor at University of New Mexico.  A professor of Cognitive Science. Hardly one to be considered “low quality.”

Jack Dorsey is destroying the ability to communicate on twitter.    This seems a bad thing for a communications company on the internet.

Twitter is a black hole of traffic.  Once you are on it, you have no idea if people THAT WANT TO READ YOUR TWEETS can read your tweets.


Related Content:



In Defense of The Arts… And Sciences

The Arts & Sciences are profoundly important to a decent education however arts and science have been decimated in public schools.

Indeed, the US is no longer the number one place to receive an education according to one study, having slipped to 16 in the share of degree attainment of young adults according to the Washington Post.

President Trump plans to cut the budget for arts, planning to adopt the Heritage Foundation’s “skinny budget” according to report by Fortune Magazine.

This would be a travesty at a time when educational attainment and science and math scores are slipping.

Music and the arts teach critical thinking and are intrinsically linked to math and science due to the critical thinking skills that music & arts teaches and requires.

The education Fresno Unified School District provided to my friends and I was topnotch,  2 magnet schools, Holland Project TALENT (now Bullard) and Roosevelt High School.

In both schools arts and science were integrated.

Roosevelt is home of the School of Performing Arts of which my classmates, Audra McDonald and Sharon Leal are perhaps the best known.

I can only tell you that our school did very well in Academic Decathalon, finishing second in CA my Senior year (my friends from junior high and high school were core of team, coached by legendary Dave Sischo) and of course anyone probably knows Audra has won the most Tony’s ever.

To gut funding for the Arts & Sciences damages the funding for Roosevelt High School Performing Arts programs.  Roosevelt is an inner city school (yup) which was actually bussed INTO my freshman year for desegregation.

I have been lucky to have talked to 2 Medal of Honor winners in my lifetime.  Greg “Pappy” Boyington (who lived in Sunnyside behind a friends house) and General Chuck Yeager.

I only know General Yeager through twitter, however the joy I experience in talking to General Yeager is matched by the music in a symphony.

No music.  No NASA.  No Magic Carpet Rides.  Simple as that.

I would remiss to point out that NASA is as unconstitutional as the National Endowment of the Arts, if we are going to get technical.

Quite frankly I think federal funding through Dept of Education should be used to balance out inequities between funding levels in school districts and to ensure that arts and sciences are taught at a high level as a priority.

That, and make sure kids aren’t hungry so they can learn.









Twitter For Good.

The ability to use Twitter to speak Truth to Power™ should not be understated.

Having watched the development of the F-35 and the difficulties with that program I asked General Chuck Yeager for his opinion on the jet.


President elect Trump shortly thereafter tweeted about the cost overruns.




Recommendations for Twitter, Twitter DC and government to facilitate the ability to speak with our elected representatives & government as follows.

  1.  White House Administration and Senate/House Committees list Office Holders, Members and relevant Staff twitter accounts on the committee websites.
  2.  Twitter compile and make a database available of relevant office holders and staff twitter accounts across government.




Does “Fifth Estate” @Shervin Despise Native Americans? #nodapl @nodapl

Ask not what @shervin can do for you!  Ask what you can do for @Shervin.

Kind of a bit different than the immortal words of President Kennedy, but I found Billionaire Boys Club @Shervin isn’t exactly an open and outgoing fellow on twitter.


Shervin said he wanted to know Tribal leaders.


And after helping him @shervin blocked me for a tweet.


Is he racist?  Hates Native Americans?  Thinks they should be consigned to life on barren reservations?



And he blocked me.






I guess I was wrong about his interest in connecting with Native American Indians.




I invite you all to visit Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation in northwestern Nevada on google earth.

You decide if a new app or infrastructure development would help.



I thought, perhaps mistakenly, @shervin funded infrastructure.  Perhaps not.



You can’t even politely invite these techies out of their self imposed bubble.


The Epic Schlemiel (Self Mocking, Humorous Clown) of $TWTR, @Nymag’s @jessesingal.

WordPress blogger Menachem Feuer has a wonderful blog on Jewish humor, The Home of Schlemiel Theory.

It is my contention that Jesse Singal, fake news (self admitted!) writer for New York Mag is a Schlemiel.

What else could he be?

He admits to having taken part in the production of fake news.  Yet he was an editor at prestigious New York Magazine.




As a classical liberal opposed to censorship I think it’s Jack Dorsey that is dumb, but Jesse is ok with “Dumb Twitter.”


He is ok with a revolution, as long as he profits.  This seems somewhat anti revolutionary doesn’t it?

He’s basically Castro’s Lieutenant hoping he doesn’t get shot by firing squad.



Jesse, ostensibly a science writer, thought people NOT communicating was a great way to make change.




Basically Jesse Singal was instrumental in electing Donald Trump.  I bet he can’t figure out how though.



Is Jesse a self mocking Schlemiel?

He’s so awful many people I know voted Trump just because they read his timeline where he admitted to writing fake news.


He doesn’t speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound…

He’s surrounded by Jesse Singal, a journalist for a presitigious publication in New York calling him “dumb”.


The only question is if Jesse Singal is self aware, or if he unintentionally a satire of a liberal?


