Tag Archives: Social Sales

$TWTR Continues to Fail at #Custserv and Public Relations #socialmedia #socialsales

Over the weekend Twitter removed the @verified account from Jose Canseco.

As is typical, no explantion was given for the removal.


However after a quick review of Jose’s timeline, I’m fairly certain why.



Never tweet to anyone that their appearance makes you throw up.

We tweeted to Kim Kardashian to inquire, but do not expect a response.



What is now known however is that certain people have access to “escalation” channels and can inquire, and/or work to have other people suspended or punished in retributive fashion.


It is clear Twitter plays favorites.

This favoritism is very strange as Randi Lee Harper is able to silence LGBT on Twitter and violate consumers privacy.

Twitter continues to exhibit a punitive handling of these issues in certain cases.

Why not reach out to Jose and discuss the reasoning?

Why not provide some level of customer service, especially as their reputation is not so great in social media now?

Why not give Jose an opportunity to correct the problem and have a learning opportunity that can help Jose and make clear to other consumers what is and what is not allowed?

It makes no sense that Twitter leaves not just Jose, but all consumers mystified.

Especially as the double standard of their moderation remains evident.

Some people are pretty freely abused on Twitter.


Tweeting the wife of the dude who Twitter is banking on?  Not smart.


But this was known when Twitter verified him…

We Recommend Not Performing #CustServ, #Advertising or Critical #Business ON $TWTR

It appears that @Jack and @Twittermoments enjoy writing biased headlines that attack large corporate accounts #custserv efforts.

I have no idea if @AmericanAir has ever advertised with Twitter, but I recommend, they, and anyone else not do so.

With advertisers already planning to spend less with Twitter, today @twittermoments curators came out with this gem of a  headline.





I am unsure how the Twitter headline writer knows for certain that it is a  “minor dispute” as there is no statement from American Air as to what occured.

There is the lady giving her side, and the professional @AmericanAir staff responding back.




However only one tweet was placed into the “moments” curated story.



As you can see Imani Cezzane did not see or did not respond to the first two tweets.

Yet Twitter could have found the same 2 tweets and placed them into the @twittermoments.

They chose not to.

I have no information as to the exact nature of what happened because there is no statement from American Air.

There is a social media cust serv trying to help, and having their efforts ignored by their customer and twitter.



The Evil, Hate Filled $TWTR Empire of @Jack and @Randileeharper. #socialmedia #cybersecurity

Randi Lee Harper is the most abusive person I have ever encountered online that simply has been able to remain abusive and unmoderated by Twitter.

I cannot believe @Randileeharper is allowed to have a @twitter account, much less engage in the bullying, harassment and intimidation of twitter customers she flagrantly engages in.

What do journalist Cathy Young, Adult actress Mercedes Carrera, actor Adam Baldwin, Journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, and Game Developer Mark Kern have in common?

Let me rephrase that.  What does a Russian Born Immigrant, a PoC Sex Worker, some white dude, a Gay Jew Greek immigrant, and a Taiwanese immigrant have in common?

Let me rephrase that yet again.

What do people that rely on their free speech for their livelihood have in common?

They are all speaking up for the second amendment.

We are now adding our voice to this struggle.

No one in their right mind is an absolutist about Free Speech.

Having been taught that free speech in the legal sense is free speech minus threats such as don’t yell fire in a crowded movie theatre, don’t make physical threats, this would be clear to anyone of rational mind.

And then we have privileged and empowered Randi Lee Harper.  She is apparently the Darth Vader to Jack and his dark empire.

Randi spends a lot of her time telling people to die in a fire, to light themselves on fire, and other variations thereof.

She also tells people there is no such thing as free speech in social media.


She is not a lawyer, and she is wrong.


Randi Lee Harper thinks a professional journalist asking her questions on Twitter is “dogpiling.”


I’m just going to link tweets for you, of Randi’s.

I contend @Jack is not listening at all.


And that his statement herein is a lie.


And that this behavior by Twitter is not beneficial for Twitter’s investors.



Remember everyone Randi is talking to is a customer of Twitter, which is open for business.

Anyone she is tweeting might be in any psychological state, a business partner of twitter’s, etc.

This is how Randi Lee Harper is allowed to treat people on Twitter.

She is a ball of empowered hate and bigotry.

All tweets are archived here.


Pretty much anyone using social media to talk is accused of sending mobs after Randi if they talk about what Randi does to them.


Actually reading content is where it’s at to know what someone is about.


44% of consumers online are gamers.  Why is this woman free to abuse 44% of potential twitter customers?



Self immolation as an act of suicide.  Advocating one self immolate is advocation of violence.

It remains clear to me that despite all of @jack’s words, he hates consumers.

No rational company would allow Randi Lee Harris to attack their own customers in a never ending torrent of hate, vitriol and advocation of violence if they had ANY regard for their “users” as people.

Meanwhile Randi classifies talking as causing a mob.  She’s anti social.  The antithesis of social media, and is destroying $TWTR.

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Kevin Green On @empirekred, “goals appear to be to white wash black hat engagement…”

Former Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) Brand Manager Administrator Kevin Green, currently a leader at Empire Kred has this to say in the Empire Kred Leaders forum

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This is well known to observant social media practitioners and the subject of extensive abuse by Nance Larson, Keith Gill, Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies and now Valerie Clark in order to try to keep said abuse “off the record.”

Gareth Davies has an extensive history of doxing customers of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) and issuing violent threats, with warnings and suspension on Twitter.

Keith Gill was moderated by instagram for cyberbullying and had his twitter account locked for abuse.

Chris Sandys was warned by Twitter for non violent threats.

Nance Larson, a former team leader, and currently staff at EmpireKred participated in the doxing of customers and acknowledged a “goon squad” that was attacking customers.

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Low end digital markets like Keith Gill, AKA @digitalkeith  proliferate on Empire Kred and are free to abuse other customers to their hearts content.

Customers of EmpireKred report continuing cyberbullying despite the change of ownership to to Kred, and rebranding.

There’s A Reason Why #Twitter’s #Market Fundamentals Are Poor. #investors #cybersecurity

When times get tough, some companies return to basic tried and true fundamentals.

Some companies try for moonshots, according to The Motley Fool.

However the Motley Fool also notes “uninspiring fundamentals” as key to Twitter’s continuing slide in the marketplace.

I don’t think this will have a major impact on Twitter stock; investors are more concerned with the company’s uninspiring fundamentals. But any change that might help to boost user confidence, not to mention the service’s reputation, is welcome.


Many users ARE investors or potential investors and are put off by the abuse that Twitter allows.

I agree with the Motley Fool that poor user growth and poor engagement is a concern for Twitter.

After all, engagement levels on Instagram are through the roof and continue to grow.

However there’s a fundamental reason for why there’s poor growth and poor engagement at Twitter.


Word has gotten around that Twitter allows cyberbullying and it’s easily conducted through automated means with tweets purchased off sites like addmefast.com.

Or, fake followers can be purchased off sites that amass them and follow people in a bizarre reputation attack.

Worse yet, Twitter moderation allows the abuse, while censoring the truth about these abusive brands.

Instead of a “moonshot” Twitter should return to good old Midwestern customer service values, moderate fairly and to ethical standards, and not protect abusive brands like #digitalkeith from the truth about their own abuse.

Far from feeling safe, Twitter feels like a safe haven for cyberbullies to many of their customers.

Until Twitter means what they say about fighting abuse, instead of fighting a PR war, consumers have no reason to trust Twitter.

And all the advertisers in the world can just try to sell to each other on Twitter, while people enjoy Instagram and the safe environment they provide.

Otherwise Twitter’s users will simply continue to be bullied right off of Twitter.






How to Achieve #SEO Results Without Doing SEO on #LinkedIn.

Is your Linked.In profile a SEO laden beast that causes people’s eyes to glaze over before they read  your bio?

Does your Linked.In profile drive traffic to garbage pages leaving consumers and potential new business contacts feeling misinformed at best, and deceived at worst?

Do you do more harm than good to yourself creating a SEO laden beast of a bio?

Worry no more!

I shall reveal the secret to SEO and internet traffic that is factual, organic and brings you traffic!

Write good stuff that people want to read that’s truthful, helpful and solves the persons problem.

That will leave them wanting more.

For instance my article is doing quite well and finding the target audience I wish to inform.

According to Linked.In pulse:

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As you can see,  traffic is incoming from google search, my profile and linked.in pulse itself.

And in 6 days, I’ve had 929 unique clicks through my custom shortened link, to boot.

So the best practices recommendation is to write a short, concise bio that informs without overwhelming.

And the traffic will flow in the right direction.




Avoid @empirekred if you value your cybersecurity, safety and privacy.

Yesterday I received an email from a Carlos Sanchez, Lieutenant of Investigations, Criminal Division of the San Francisco District Attorney’s office, asking that I respect the confidentiality of criminal investigations as regards an individual connected with EmpireKred.

With Nance Larson confirming the prior existence of a “goon squad” yet trying to deny it’s existence in 2014, times are crazy at EmpireKred (owned by Kred), formerly Empire Avenue.

We continue to recommend avoiding EmpireKred.

Obviously no one suspected a formal “goon squad” at Empire Avenue,  the term  was used by Chris Voss to describe actions by players and customers of Empire Avenue that were highly abusive and not stopped, just like occurred in 2014 and continuing by Nance Larson, Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies, et al.

Next week I intend to contact the San Francisco District Attorney’s office and confirm the contents of the letter.

I had no idea of any pending criminal investigation against anyone I have written about in connection with the “goon squad” of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred), however this seems to be confirmation as to the seriousness the San Francisco DA’s office attaches to the matter.

I am also unaware of the full scope of the investigation.

DA Letter



Lieutenant Sanchez has confirmed that his office (the consumer mediation department) opened files, and assisted with my issue with twitter.

That issue arose from utterly reprehensible and abusive conduct by the Empire Avenue “goon squad”.

A file was opened in November of 2014, and again in January 2015 subsequent to Keith Gill’s very strange report to Twitter that caused an unjust suspension.

The CA DoJ also opened a file (x-ref 615640) and the matters were generally resolved to my satisfaction with Twitter unsuspending myself and announcing changes to their “abuse policy”.

Changes with Ethel Newlin of the SF DA’s office credited blogging by this blogger with helping change by documenting the incredible abuse by these people of their own customers on Twitter.

Steven Krohn corroborated the changes to Twitter’s “abuse policy”,  also of EmpireKred, in a phone call to Ethel Newlin on 2/5/2015, one day after Dick Costolo’s internal discussion on Twitter’s internal forums which was published on The Verge on 2/2/2015.

Conversation is archived on Facebook:




Obviously Gareth Davies doesn’t believe his reprehensible and highly abusive conduct can cause any repercussions.

They may be far more serious than he knew.

I have no idea why any company would abuse it’s customers so extensively that they cause policy changes and investigation by regulatory agencies, whether at a civil level, or criminal.

I only know that the “goon squad” of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) has done so.

And Chris Sandys wanted that abuse kept “off the record.”

These animals  clearly do not value their customers or consumers.  They are best avoided until Kred cleans house.



As my concern is and has been protecting consumers from these animals I shall continue to blog about EmpireKred and their “goon squad.”

This will be my last reference to the SF DA’s office in connection with the matter.

If anyone asks what’s going on, I shall simply refer them to this post.


#SocialMedia Marketer Steven Krohn’s Ship Has Come In #cybersecurity

I had the good fortune to be contacted by the Facebook Social Network office and advised that I had won their lottery.

Being a kind and generous soul, and knowledgable about Mr. Krohn’s difficulty I attempted to transfer my winnings directly to Mr. Krohn.

Unfortunately I was judged unready for the winnings, and they have put Steves lotto winnings on hold.

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In other news, someone please tell Camden Martin that his facebook account seems to have been hacked.

Standard rules apply here.

If something seems to good to be true, like you win a Lotto you never entered, it’s not true.

Don’t hand out personal information to strange people on the internet.

Beta Testing @CrowdifyTech ~ Some Issues With Communication With the Development Team

Crowdify.Tech is a new intry into the social media “sharing” niche.

I have been advised by the entrepreneur developing the project that the status updates (on your profile) and “tasks” (equivent to requests for social shares) need to be “tech” related.

Whey I inquired how strict that rule was i was informed by the entrepreneur that they neither planned on providing customer service nor would be offering any explanations.



So it seems strictly tech related is the rule as a humorous blog about a mutual friend selling his business seems not to have been worth discussing.

To my thinking this defeats the purpose of beta testing, as exchange of information between testers and the site should be welcome, but I guess that’s their policy at present.

I was reporting that the “tasks” allow you to type more than 140 characters with no warning.  Once you hit update you are presented with a finished and oddly truncated, “task”.

As there is no beta testing forum, nor way to make these bugs and other issues known to the developers directly on the website I made what I was discovering known to the entrepreneur through Facebook chat, as he had indicated on this blog he welcomed such input.



It’s easily corrected, but a character limit warning when you are creating the task would be nice.

There are some issues with the programming associated with the Crowdify.Tech website itself at present.

Neither Facebook nor facebook pages can be hooked up at present.

The “Support” link does not work, nor are any of the other links live.



Crowdify will combine unique features into one package, a marketplace for tech, meeting place for in person meetings, and a free bitcoin wallet according to their Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.




Who On Earth Is #EmpireKred Staff #NanceLarson Speaking To (Besides Herself) On #Twitter?

Most adults address those they are talking to.

Not “Freak” Nance, EmpireKred Staff and “goon squad” of doxing her own customers fame.

Who is “Freak” Nance addressing here?


As far as I can determine, virtually no one reads her tweets or interacts with her on Twitter.

According to social media expert Gareth Davies she’s an expert at spam.



Klear corraborates this, noting a high volume of tweets, but little interaction.

Very few people even seem to wish to communicate with her.




According to unnamed sources from EmpireKred, Nance Larson is,

Nance Larson Freak - Copy

Nance Witch

Heil NanceIs Nance Crazy - Copy Nance Flipping Out - Copy Nance Zero People Skills - Copy


How often does Nance Larson flip out on people in the EmpireKred forums?

Why is Nance Larson an admin of a forum or have any position of authority?

Her record of abuse of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) customers is clear.

Avoid EmpireKred while Nance Larson is there in any capacity, from customer to volunteer.

You just have no idea when the “goon squad” will show up to abuse you.
