Monthly Archives: August 2016

$TWTR @Safety Consultant @Randileeharper Propagates ISIS, @Jack is “Consciously Failing” To Fight Terror

The United Kingdom Home Affairs Committee published a report arguing that social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are “consciously failing” to combat the use of their sites to promote terrorism and killings,

In Twitter’s case this is undoubtedly true as Randi Lee Harper, allegedly an internet abuse expert, propagated ISIS on twitter.

Ms Harper has contacts with Twitter Safety (thought to be @Delbius) and openly boasts of being able to make queries of twitter and has openly violated consumers privacy in the past.


In a shocking display, Ms. Harper tweeted (tweets still live) an information dump of ISIS propaganda.


@Jack has tweeted with @Randileeharper, indicating that he takes her advice on “safety” seriously.


Jack responded to Randi Lee Harper after journalist Kara Swisher (running for San Francisco Mayor) tweeted Randi Lee Harper’s Medium article to @Jack for review.

Vocative has reported that ISIS has been growing at least as fast as Twitter has been suspending accounts, no doubt in large part to Randi Lee Harper’s propagating ISIS materials and Jack’s conscious disregard of safety for all of Twitter’s customers.

In fact, Twitter’s customers actually fight ISIS on twitter, with @Jack and @support frequently suspending accounts actively trying to aid the US & UK in the fight against terrorism.

I often wonder why it is that @Jack has such callous disregard for the safety of his consumers, even as Islamists openly declare Presidential candidate Donald Trump their enemy and solicit hitmen.


As for Randi Lee Harper, her motivation is clear.  To “burn down” Twitter.

And she has, however @Jack seems complicit in the burning of national security and twitter investors.

Not to mention consumers whose safety is compromised by alleged expert Randi Lee Harper.


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Why Does @Jack @Vijaya Allow Targeted Abuse Mobs To Flourish on $TWTR? #socialmedia #custserv

One thing that should be clear is that @jack does not have a commitment to his customers safety, privacy or ability to communicate freely on twitter.

Brianna Wu, (@spacekatgal) runs a 50,000 strong targeted abuse mob that she knowingly uses to attack twitter consumers.


Imagine the temerity of these people.  Discussing whether Eddie Izzard, a celebrity and public person, should be barred from commenting on transgender issues.

Clearly these people do not respect freespeech, commentary, satire and news, yet @jack allows them to habitually attack his consumers.

The #beyhive of @beyonce functions in much the same way.   Launching attacks  coordinated off their own forums and attacking Twitter consumers in droves.

Simply google “beyhive” to see.  The news media is very kind and documents their actions.



The Ringer documented the Beyhive in an article entitled, “Inside The Beyhive” on June 3, 2016.



However @jack allows the beyhive to function as well.

What SEEMS to bother Jack is not that abuse on twitter exists and is rampant but an “uptick” in abuse.

The Verge wrote about journalist Milo Yiannopoulis on July 19, 2016,

Over the past 48 hours in particular, we’ve seen an uptick in the number of accounts violating these policies and have taken enforcement actions against these accounts, ranging from warnings that also require the deletion of Tweets violating our policies to permanent suspension.”


Notice the artful phrasing of “uptick.”  That is because Jack and Twitter tacitly condone attacks by SOME empowered abusers on twitter.

Twitter should do the right thing and ban the actual abusers.

Abusers such as @Randileeharper, @Spacekatgal, @glinner & @2dammuslim.

Abusers that target journalists in coordinated attacks and boast about it openly on Twitter.


Strangely enough, @2dammuslim has taken to deleting tweets.

Though the archives of the 3 below tweet s exist.  The original twitter URL is presented.


The archive of Glinner’s tagging in @2dammuslim to attack journalist @ninjaeconomics contains Mr. Muslim’s response.




Here Randi Lee Harper tags in @popehat and @2dammuslim because Mr. Kern (@grummz) is himself a lawyer.


And @Jack should actually stop the abusive of professional journalists such as Kristen V Brown and Kassy Dillon.


Bit of advice for Vijaya Gadde.  No, it’s not just you.  But you do fuck yourselves, consumers, investors, advertisers and businesses with your openly hostile to consumers policies.


I personally never read any tweets by Mr. Yiannopoulis urging his followers to attack anyone.

I read them all the time from people like Brianna Wu (@spacekatgal), Martin Linehan (@glinner), Randi Lee Harper (@randileeharper) and Boner Poopman AKA Mr. Muslim (@2dammuslim.)

Oh yes, the targeted abuse mobs includes close coordination with media such as Jesse Singal, editor for NY Mag.


Actually Jesse Singal actively participates in the cyberbullying.

Community, Police And Positive Justice. Captain @CaptainRose of @SandySprings_PD. @FultonSheriff

To my way of thinking Law Enforcement has somewhat lost the meaning of the law for the pure enforcement.

“The problem with the law is that it has been argued in insurance offices.”  ~  Lenny Bruce

I was lucky enough to come across the stories told by now Captain Steve Rose of Sandy Springs Police Department.

The Captain spent his early years in the area of metro Atlanta known as Buckhead working private security at what must have been one of the funnest party areas in the South, if not the United States.

During that time he worked for Fulton County Police Department.

From reading his stories, which are wildly entertaining you learn that he frequently didn’t arrest people who nowadays might be routinely run in as they had suffered enough from their own stupidity & resulting battle wounds.

And that, is what I call justice.

If the bar fighter is standing before you with the busted nose and a bar tab, does running him in help?  Probably not.  He’s lost enough right there.

That’s not to say the Captain didnt arrest anyone, certainly he did.  And he advanced through a wonderful career in law enforcement.

But he had a human touch, and wasn’t out to do injustice.  He delivered fairness.

And we need more of that now.

I had the joy of visiting Atlanta in 1991 and 1992 and visited many of the same places the Captain writes about, including the American Pie.

And I know that if God forbid we’d of been dragged into a fight, we’d of looked for a police officer to cut us a break.

And I think the Captain would have.

I was working executive security for the Fulton County chairman’s office and spent all of the Olympics on the road going to events, then dinner, then cigars, then late-night private clubs. It was an exhausting two weeks but I rubbed elbows with movie stars, athletes, and a cigar with Jack Nicholson. All of that centered around Buckhead.

Thank you, Captain.

There’s a book in this.

For Further Reading:



Gab Takes Advantage of Lack of @Safety For Women With $TWTR #SocialMedia Alternative. @jack

Having blogged about abuse on Twitter I am saddened to report that a startup is seizing the opportunity to launch in the face of Twitter’s continuing abuse and censorship problem.

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter has shockingly tweeted that conversations are to hard right now and there are hidden rules.

This is bizarre as Twitter itself is a social media & online communications company.

Of what use is a social media platform that one can’t communicate on?

Virtually none.



With professional journalists like Kassy Dillon suspended for using the same words Hollywood celebrities use, receiving threat  and Kristen V Brown receiving death threats it remains a wonder any woman feels safe on Twitter.


The alternative, Gab, is to start Beta testing on Monday.

Details will be available on Regated.


We continue to wish Jack Dorsey and Twitter the best and hope they can salvage what’s left of Twitter’s business and reputation.