Category Archives: LGBT

An Email From Brianna Wu Accusing Me Of An “Outrageous, Baseless Lie.”

Apparently Brainna Wu went digging through archives and found a 2 year old blog I’d taken out of publiction where I said she’s a “former GOP fundraiser” and is wrong for Progressives.

Brianna, a former GOP staff member for Trent Lott (R -MS) and intern for Michael Steele apparently worked for 5 years for the GOP according to her own tweets.

She was also “as Republican as you can be” until age 25 according to her own tweets.

I don’t think that’s “briefly” according to the standard dictionary definition.

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Since I am happy to correct any unintional mistakes I emailed back a pretty extensive set of questions.

1..  What party did she fundraise for?

2. How long did she work for Trent Lott (R – MS)

Is “fundraising” a part of a political campaign?  She said she’s worked at every level of a campaign.

Is 5 years a “brief” period?

Brianna Wu emailed back saying,

Okay, that’s fair to base it off that Tweet. I was trying to sum up a summer where I attended a lot of fundraisers in the evening as part of my job and saw a lot of really weird shit. It was an imprecise statement on Twitter, back in 2014 when there was only 140 characters.

But, I’m telling you directly, I never worked as a fundraiser.


Brianna’s job duties included some activities linked to fundraising.

That’s certainly reasonable and expected in Washington D.C. where networking is a critical job function.

She was not a “Fundraiser” which some may take to mean “rain maker” or “bundler” or something illicit.

I apologize for any negative implications that may have been inferred by others based upon the title of the blog.

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Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Big data.

Flow charts of who talks to who, who was seen by whom and little is said about what was said at those meetings.  Or public events.  Or if the nature of the “discussion” was an attempt to understand another or just pure propaganda.

Imagine for a moment that the algorithms and API’s that provide the data “big data” scienists use to evaluate networks is itself biased.

Does that sound impossible?

A woman that silenced LGBT with her bots meets with tech companies to influence their policies.

That’s right.

That same woman begged for “feminism” in the code.

Do you think a woman who became a renowned public speaker had any influence at Google and Youtube over how their algorithm was coded?

Brianna Wu has spent years asking Google to put “trusted sources” into the code.

If we are considering “trustworthiness” isn’t it important that Randi Lee Harper, who worked with Brianna Wu, silenced LGBT with her bots on Twitter?

Who is zooming who here?

Who elected Brianna Wu and Randi Lee Harper Chiefs of Social Ostracization™?

I want a revote.

Tim Pool, who did excellent reporting on the water shortage (crisis) in East Porterville,CA …

…and who is a self employed journalist (multi racial) and non high school graduate finds himself lumped in with some actually awful people.

How do you deal with data scientists that not only rely on biased algorithms and API data but falsify facts?

How to measure the harm to a self employed journalist who the Left appears to be trying to silence?  Tim Pool relies on Youtube monetization for his living.

Congress needs to heavily regulate these monoliths.  And investigate them for Antitrust violations.  CDA 230 needs to be repealed and social media held accountable for the falsehoods their ‘data” enables and their platforms spread by accounts they allow to exist.

In short, social media companies need to have the same risks and responsibilities everyone else int he United States. They have abused their privilege of immunity and have abused others Civil Rights in doing so.

Si Se Puede!

Continue reading Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Social Advocate Who Silenced #LGBT Wants Jack Dorsey to Suspend Senator Marco Rubio (R -FL) $twtr

Randi Lee Harper, thinks little of free speech, or @civilrights, or of LGBT and their rights…

…thinks Senator Marco Rubio should be suspended by twitter for suggesting his followers call a Miami (his constituency) business to register their displeasure that the restaurant owner who supports the dictator of Venezuela.

Randi Lee Harper has her own mob of harassers.

Randi also has directed that mob to attack people like Mark Kern and tweets intimidating threats of directing that mob at businesses if content is not taken down.

How does/did Randi control her “mob of harassers?”

She tweets to them.

@2dammuslim explained how he and his mob work(ed) in a series of tweets that were archived prior to his suspension.

Randi funds her “work” through her Patreon account.

Randi hacked a “Protected” twitter account and tweeted what she found to her mob of harassers.

She also begged Oauth tokens from her followers, which seems to violate the reason for the existence of Oauth in the first place.

Randi apparently wrote code that allows “token swapping” so anyone can swap tokens and fool the host of the content(such a a social media website) into thinking they are an authorized individual operated in good faith.

Randi has over 1,000 Oauth tokens.

She uses these Oauth tokens to monitor Twitter consumers.

Randi, who found a way for her bot to “make money” was able to silence LGBT advocates on Twitter who were tweeting to a hashtag she didn’t approve of.

Did Randi Lee Harper register an application and comply with Twitter ToS and Twitter Developer ToS when she was making those API calls with borrowed Oauth tokens?

LGBT had to approach her and beg to not be blocked.

Why was Randi Lee Harper, who is not a Twitter employee, able to decide what a LGBT advocate & DC based attorney could retweet and still be connected to her social network?

Her response to was to remove the LGBT from her blocklist, but if they tweeted AGAIN to the same hastag they would be blocked.

This had the effect of separating vulnerable LGBT from their social support networks and was an intentional, but avoidable, harmful act against a protected category of Twitter customers.

Randi finds herself in a “privileged” position.

Randi gets to decide what hashtag LGBT can tweet to and still be in their own social network on twitter.

How does Randi get to work WITH Twitter Safety, have a non disclosure agreement and tweet things like instructions on how to create an ISIS bot network?

Only Jack knows.

Strangely enough Randi Lee Harper worked closely with Brianna Wu prior to the election of Donald Trump.

We emailed Brianna Wu for a comment about Randi’s silencing LGBT and she responded in a disdainful manner and then emailed that she had some info about Randi Lee Harper but wanted that information to remain private.

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Brianna Wu responded with information that we already knew about Randi that anyone could have surmised from Randi’s own tweets.

We can’t publish her response however her lack of concern for the LGBT Randi silenced (we showed her the tweets) is telling in and of itself.

Brianna Wu never responded to the question about harm to LGBT advocates.


Brianna Wu is a former GOP Staffer for Trent Lott (R -MS).

Randi Lee Harper alleges Wu had a somewhat close assocaition with Nazi Andrew “Weev” Aurenheim so is highly critical of Wu as a person.


Wu doesn’t follow her own tweeted rhetoric, having blocked the DNC’s @radiokeri.

Will Jack suspend a sitting US Senator?

Lord only knows because Twitter has proven to be absolutely unpredicatable on their moderation decisions.

How else to explain Randi Lee Harper’s own, extremely abusive, history on Twitter?

Jack, and Twitter Safety tolerate(d) some abuse, and not other abuse, is the only rational explanation.

Can people who work with Twitter Safety simply hack, silence and abuse LGBT and Twitter Support will not act to suspend/moderate them?

What is going on at Twitter?

They say they monitor behaviors and are trying to be proactive but Randi Lee Harper has been on twitter, openly conducting herself in the manner for years.   Continue reading Social Advocate Who Silenced #LGBT Wants Jack Dorsey to Suspend Senator Marco Rubio (R -FL) $twtr