Tag Archives: Commentary

Logic (Lack Of) Checking @HillaryClinton: Violence And Peace #politics

Hillary Clinton seems ill prepared and lacking in knowledge of human motivation, violence and how to achieve peace.

Clearly, as long as there are people who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of greed, politics, race etc there will never be a true and lasting peace.

That people have the inherent right of self defense is a matter of matter of US and international law.

Not to mention ethics and morality.

However, Hillary Clinton would use government coercion to stop people expressing their first amendment rights for fear of a violent response.

This, rather than act to protect and defend the citizens and constitution of the United States from a violent response to people utilizing their first amendment rights.



“As long as there are those who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of religion, the name of God, the world will never know a true and lasting peace.”


With a few simple word changes you get:

“As long as there are those who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of business, the name of capitalism, the world will never know a true and lasting peace.”

“As long as there are those who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of bananas, the name of King Kong, the world will never know a true and lasting peace.”

“As long as there are those who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of Empire Avenue , the name ofDups Wijayawardhana , the world will never know a true and lasting peace.”


As long as people will use threats of violence, bullying and intimidation to try to obtain their desired ends, there will be no peace.

In this I see no difference between international terrorists and homegrown bullies such as Keith Gill, Chris Sandys, Nance Larson and Gareth Davies of the EmpireKred “goon squad.”

The willingness to use threats, intimidation and bullying should not be tolerated in civilized society.

Keith Gill has been moderated by instagram for cyberbullying, Chris Sandys by twitter for non violent threats and Gareth Davies for tweeting private information and violent threats.

Nance Larson participated in the doxing of a customer, and as a Team Leader at Empire  Avenue failed to stop the above actions.

Our national politicians should act to protect the citizens of the United States.

Just as the CA DoJ and SF DA’s office acted to protect the first amendment rights of citizens being assaulted by the “goon squad.”


Hillary Clinton (Lack OF) Logic Check OR @HillaryClinton; Full of Bullshit. #commentary #politics

Let’s compare Hillary Clinton’s statement to known history with a quick logic check.


“Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary.


When your enemy fights in the name of their ideology (Islam) that’s the cause of their aggression (in their own words!).  So while the religion itself is not our enemy, SOME of the adherants are.

First sentence is factually correct.

However, let’s play with the second sentence.

Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”


Germans are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with Nazism.

Chinese are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with Communism.

Cambodians are peacful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with the Khmer Rouge…

Vikings are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with invading Ireland..

See how this works?
Hillary Clinton is a bullshit artist, purely and simply.




Is #GarethDavies Even His Real Name? #EaV #socialmedia #cybersecurity

According to Michael Q. Todd, leader of EmpireKred, Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) also a leader of EmpireKred, is a troll and Gareth Davies may not even be his real name.

MQT 5 MQT 7  MQT 9


Gareth Davies has a long history of attacking other Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) customers.

His vendetta against Michael Q. Todd has been carried out on Twitter and in the Empire Avenue forums for over 3 years.

Gareth Attacks Michael Q Todd - Copy


Gareth Davies has been suspended by Twitter (to my knowledge) for doxing (tweeting private information) and violent threats.

He was additionally warned for violent threats.

To my experience Gareth Davies is a troll who lies, bullies and does whatever it might take to try to get his bullying way.

It’s astonishing that EmpireKred still allows this man to be a customer of, much less a leader of EmpireKred.

It’s best to avoid EmpireKred until this abusive leader is removed or controlled.

Source:  http://www.empire.kred/gareth

Gareth New Profile


#EmpireKred Staff Commentary (About, not By!) #Humor

EmpireKred Staff Nance Larson has an astonishing capacity to say and do silly things.

When not attacking her customers in a 3 year vendetta she writes jokes on Twitter.


That makes Nance +1 that understand Nance.


Someone fed the old biddy!


Darn those intrepid gonzo guys writing stuff that Nance doesn’t like!


Warning consumers about a business staff that attacks it’s own customers is “harassment”… in Nance Larson’s empty head maybe!


Man, I’d hate to see “Gareth” go to jail.. Don’t do it, Nance!  Don’t do it!

Ahhh, do it.  Why not?


I’m surprised she has any!


That begs the question of just why there are special rules in place according to Michael Q. Todd that allow Nance Larson to attack anyone?

Richard Townsend rewarites rules for eav elders




Duty, Honor, Country. The USAFA And Instilling #Leadership Values #socialmedia

Chris Sandys of EmpireKred (Formerly Empire Avenue) leadership is right.  I’m not down on the lingo at the USAFA.



Why would Chris Sandys take to twitter to abuse a customer of Empire Avenue when he’s a leader in that company?

Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) relies upon Twitter’s marketplace for the success of their own business.

At the time, the primary use of “missions” on Empire Avenue was to Twitter.

Traffic to the other social media sites, such as facebook, through Empire Avenue missions was reduced, and people were complaining of less traffic to their social media through Empire Avenue.

Of course, a company which has earned a reputation for having a “goon squad”  is gonna meet the reality of the marketplace sooner or later.

According to Chris Voss of The Chris Voss Show, nationally recognized social media expert,

Empire Avenue Fail 5 post overview: Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.



Sooner when you threaten your own customers on Twitter.  Chris Sandys was suspended by Twitter for non violent threats.

I do, however, know what an abusive, lying asshole is.

Chris Sandys No More Camping Trips Chris Sandys Off the record

Chris Sandys False Accusation


This accusation is false.  Chris Sandys made it up whole cloth.


Chris Sandys False Accusation


Chris Sandys Non Violent Threats Warning



Chris Sandys meat


This is a very strange idea of customer service.  Report cyberbullying by Gareth Davies, and be bullied by Chris Sandys and others of the “goon squad” documented by Chris Voss.


Chris Sandys Leadership


PS:  I would like to humbly acknowledge Klout’s recognition of my expertise in the USAFA.

My expertise seems to be more related to the class of ’93 which includes an amazingly abusive asshole, however.

One person who came under sustained abuse on Twitter by Mr. Sandys had this to say about the experience:

Chris Sandys drunk - Copy






Abuse by Empire Avenue leaders of their own customers on Twitter triggered a CA DoJ inquiry into Twitter’s practices and the San Francisco DA’s office twice opened files.

One person subjected to sustained abuse at the hands of Mr. Sandys thought he was drunk when tweeting.


Not some abusive failure in leadership.

Invisible Surprise Buttsecks






So much for consumer advocacy


Read about it on Klout?

Yet More Empire Avenue (Now EmpireKred) #Satire #socialmedia #humor

Empire Avenue, (now EmpireKred) is a company with a historically bad record of customer service.

I would say hysterically bad, but Gareth Davies and others have a history of being moderated by Twitter for threatening their own customers, along with doxing them.

According to Chris Voss of The Chris Voss Show, a nationally recognized  social media expert,

Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.


All depicted are at least leaders at Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred).  Nance Larson is (was?) a Team Leader.

All except Nance Larson have been moderated by twitter (and in Keith Gill’s case, instagram) for differing levels of abusive behavior against their own customer.

I have no idea why a business would attack its own customers.

It doesn’t seem a surefire way to success, to me.

EmpireKred is best avoided until they clean up their abusive leadership.





Nance Larson Support Line

Capture2 Culture Club Reunion Tour


If it’s ok for Gareth to do to other Empire Avenue customers…


Gareth Davies Accuses Michael Q Todd of Ripping People Off 7212013





I still have no idea why Empire Avenue elected to let Keith Gill run false advertising through their social media promotion “missions” system.

Keith Gill Thanks


Keith Gill Leadership Badge

Nance Larson Empire Avenue

Gareth Davies Leadership At Empire Avenue


Time For The Winds of Change! Free @snowden

In my lifetime we have gone from calling on the Soviet Union to tear down walls to wanting to build them.

In a little longer than my lifetime we have gone from having a President that abhorred secrecy to a government and President that seeks to prosecute its own citizens for revealing that the government that exists to protect us is spying on us in unconstitutional manner.

In seeking to protect ourselves, we have become what we abhorred.

Even as that same government openly flaunts that cybersecurity and national security flaws by maintaining private servers and the current Secretary of State testifies before Congress that he fully expects that foreign governments are reading his correspondence.

The threat from outside the country is very real.  And we know this, but when we turn inward to expel outward threats, we become what we claim to despise.

It’s time for the Winds of Change.

It’s time to be an America without fear, that most of us grew up being taught and believing we are.

There is no reason to fear Edward Snowden.  He has warned us about our out of control government.

There is reason to fear a government that would seek to punish Snowden for that revelation in secret courts with secret proceedings where Snowden cannot raise a proper defense of public interest.

This is abusive govermnent 101.  And we have a government that is a tyranny due to failure to give a fair and open trial.

Tell Congress to change the law, and tell @Potus to pardon Edward Snowden and end this unjust persecution.


Innocent Until Proven Guilty By A Jury Of Your Peers. @BlackAndBlondeM

Interactions yesterday with a Washington DC based political media hack who offered to do work for Donald Trump, @BlackandBlondM, reminded me of some basic precepts of the American system of justice.


In this country you are presumed innocent.

That is a basic jury instruction in most jurisdictions and we are taught that guilt must be established beyond a reasonable doubt in a jury before our peers.

If there is any doubt, the person is to be found not guilty.


I don’t call people criminals before they receive a trial.

This account is intimidating women, and acting in a most egregious manner in intimidating people who might be voters on Twitter.

I inquired of the account as to any necessary disclosures without response.






I have also enquired of Twitter as to their policy.


Governor Martin O’Malley, Democratic Presidential Contender and National Embarassment.

Governor Martin O’Malley walked back a comment made in public that “All lives matter.”

This is astonishing.

That Governor Martin O’Malley doesn’t realize that police should not be killing ANYONE extrajudicially is entirely problematic and emblematic of our political class that does not lead from a position of courage and belief as President Kennedy did, but a political class that simply exists to perpetuate it’s own power by otaining office by any means necessary.

He’s a complete embarassment, and I hope people realize that whether black or white, no one should be choked out, shot, or killed when not presenting a grave and imminent threat of death to a police officer who only then should be entitled to using deadly force in self defense.

He’s purely a hack.  Thank goodness he has no chance to win.

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Immigration and “Sanctuary Cities”

I suppose that the concept of “Sanctuary Cities” must be confusing to some people that don’t live in the United States.

How could a city in the United States simply refuse to enforce Federal immigration law?

The answer to that is our government isn’t set up as a top down, strong central goverment authority.

We have a confusing tangle of laws that are Federal, State and Local laws with checks and balances in place to ensure that all stake holders rights are protected and the constitutionality of the law confirmed if challenged.

The Federal Government has sued Arizona to stop Arizona from enforcing Federal immigration law. I believe it’s disingeuous to not allow local and state authorities to enforce the law, then require they follow procedures the state and local governments otherwise find unconstitutional.

Thus, we have San Francisco passing an ordinance that requires that the Federal government, IE ICE, follow due process when seeking transfer of a prisoner in San Francisco’s custody into Federal immigration custody.

Essentially San Francisco requires a court order before they will hold a prisoner to Federal immigration authories.

This is actually in my opinion the constitutional way to proceed. I assure you that you would hate it if you completed your sentence, then some other jurisdiction, be it ICE or otherwise simply asked that you be held longer even when you have completed your sentence.

Although ICE says that these “holds” are short term, we all know that they can turn into indefinite holds when court proceedings lag, or issues arise as to where to actually deport someone. Many Cuban refugees are in that state now, indefinitely held, without sentence or a place to send them to.

This to me is an entirely horrible situation that could have been avoided had ICE simply followed due process, sought an order, and taken custody of the illegal immigrant.

In the absence of such an order, I believe indefinite holds to be unconstitutional, whether the person is a citizen, or not.

I also believe that if people want laws enforced that sufficient resources should be put towards enforcing that law. ICE requesting local jurisidictions to hold immigrants is simply a cost shifting method to save on legal and court costs, and shifts some burden to the locals to pay to jail the people.

It’s a messed up situation all around, but I believe conservative lawmakers who won’t pay for laws they want enforced have some responsibility here.