America’s Two Tier Justice System: Good Cops (Zisi) & Bad Cops (Comey)

During the runup to the 2016 election I had the pleasure to meet and speak with (I hate “interact with”) Christopher Zisi on Twitter.

Mr. Zisi is a retired FBI agent. NOT just any old FBI agent, but a 25 year veteran of white collar crime, overseas duty and a trainer at Quantico.

In 2006 the Washington Post featured Mr. Zisi in an article entitled, “Over 18 Weeks, an Arduous Path to the Badge”

After leaving the room to let Taylor stew, Michael returned, removed his jacket and rolled his chair closer to Taylor. Using information gleaned from the interview, he now had to go for the confession.

“At this point, they need to move in,” said the instructor, Supervisory Special Agent Christopher J. Zisi. “Invade their comfort zone. Let them smell the chili you had for lunch. They can’t think straight.”

Mr. Zisi talks a little bit about his time in the FBI on his social media but is circumspect about his time which is expected of a man committed to his duty & mission and not seeking the limelight for what he does.

America needs more people like Christopher Zisi in the FBI and anywhere, quite frankly.

Mr. Comey has been subpoenaed by the House to testify.

Mr. Zisi tweets on @cjzisi.

Mr. Zisi is a 25 year veteran of the FBI. He has a law degree from Tulane and handled  & white collar crime in the North East.  He has worked overseas.  He is a former FBI supervisor and trained recruits at Quantico.

These are his tweets in his own words about Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Zisi has also been tweeting about the antitrust division of DOJ needing to investigate social media companies and other matters.


Click to access CS%20Zisi,%20C.pdf



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