Tag Archives: @me_gareth

Why Does #EmpireKred, A #Socialmedia Company, Have Anti-social Leaders?

According to one well placed source at EmpireKred ( A leader),

These animals are driving average user away surely

With perhaps,

I think 150-200 unique users a day max

Of course another 200-300 run buys on avenue.io but that could hardly be described as “active”

Why does a gaming company, whose leaders activities on twitter triggered a CA DoJ investigation into Twitter (and the SF DA’s office twice opened files) not take responsiblity for the obvious assault on their own customers, which violates their own Terms of Service, at least, and resulting loss of business to themselves?




No, EmpireKred doesn’t direct social media posts by other players, but they can and should enforce their Terms of Service to protect customers attacked by these vicious “goon squad” types, Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies, Nance Larson and Keith Gill.

From EmpireKred’s Terms of Service:




As a current customer of Kred’s, which owns EmpireKred, I am subject to continued harassment and abuse by DigitalKeith, who seems to think he can bully me out of consumer affairs blogging.

Keith Gill is a direct affront to freedom of speech and American values.  I’m surprised he’s welcome at EmpireKred.



Obviously when a company sells a product that allows customers to run the company, that is simply not a “player”.

They become what Empire Avenue sold, Leaders who help run the company.

EmpireKred can deny any association with the prior company, however what the customers bought prior to EmpireKred taking over is clear.

Personally I think it’s Lynn O’Connell on the “support” desk in any case.

Or whoever it is is just a mindless parrot shoveling the same drivel that’s been said since they sold “Leaders” then tried to state the leadership isn’t what they sold in the EAV Leaders community (Richard Townsend, Brand Manager Admin, approximately 5/2014 in a thread opened by Chris Voss.)

Why anyone would want to be a customer of a company with a “goon squad” that disregards their own Terms of Service and allows some customers (and after 4/2014, Leaders) to viciously attack other customers with threats, doxing, harassment and intimidation is quite beyond me.

Chris Sandys *@usafa_93) is exemplary of the “goon squad.”

Given to false accusations (seemingly hysterical) in order to try to keep the abuse of customers “off the record”, it’s clear he damages EmpireKred’s potential future business.

Mr. Sandys has been warned by Twitter for non violent threats and seems to be not concerned at all about tremendous physical abuse by Ray Rice, of his spouse.

Why didn’t Empire Avenue simply stop the abuse of customers by Gareth Davies and others?

  Chris Sandys Off the record

Chris Sandys No More Camping TripsChris Sandys Meat Puppet


I think Chris Sandys has been hitting the sauce a bit hard, or sniffing to much funny powder, perhaps?

The woefully ill prepared Mr. Sandys has now taken to attempting to debate law with an extraordinarily well qualified lawyer on Twitter.

The lawyer won’t engage, as he knows what a Troll is, and teaches others how to avoid them.

Popcorn, anyone?  It’s uneventful theatre, however.



Twitter however isn’t a social media neophyte, like Chris Sandys, and realizes the impact on their bottom line and changed their policy after Dick Costolo, then CEO realized they sucked at preventing abuse.

Why is a neophyte Leader allowed to attack customers?


Twitter General Council Vijaya Gadde penned a Washing Post Op-Ed:

Twitter executive: Here’s how we’re trying to stop abuse while preserving free speech

“Twitter CEO: ‘We suck at dealing with abuse” 


Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) has been suspended by Twitter for tweeting a customer of Empire Avenue’s private information and violent threats.  Additionally he was warned for violent threats.

Gareth Davies has a long history of antisocial attacks on other customers of Empire Avenue’s, that were not stopped by Empire Avenue admins.

In fact, he boasts about being on a “rampage” and being hard to stop in the Empire Avenue forums.



Keith Gill (@digitalkeith) was moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying, and had his twitter account locked.

Nance Larson (@nancelarson), currently identified as “Staff” on the EmpireKred website participated in the doxing of a customer.

It’s clear there is a “goon squad” at EmpireKred, as first reported by Chris Voss, noted social media expert,

Empire Avenue Fail 5 post overview: Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.

A company is responsible for overseeing its reps and volunteers that are endorsed and sanctioned by the company, in making sure they are in line with a Company code of conduct. Let me ask you something, if you were to go into Walmart or Nordstoms, make a complaint with Customer Service would you expect or allow yourself to continually be attacked and bullied by their Company volunteer staff? Then over a month it continues and gets worse the more you complain? I’m warning everyone with no question to avoid Empire Avenue. If your Brand comes under the ire of one of their rogue Chat Mods, Empire Avenue can’t protect the bashing of your Brand and doesn’t seem to care in my opinion. I’m telling people to run from this company, keep your money or ask for a refund. This is a perfect example of a social media fail everyone should be blogging about and making lesson plans on!


Bullies Changed Policy

Are You A Woman, In #SocialMedia And Want To Potentially Be Abused Online? Try #EmpireKred

Want to place your social media business at risk?  Give EmpireKred a try.

If you are a woman, in socialmedia, and want to be abused by leaders of a company you’re a customer of give EmpireKred a try.

Gareth Davies, Chris Sandys and Keith Gill, leaders at EmpireKred, have an extensive history of abusing women online.

Women have told me they have left Empire Avenue (since purchased by EmpireKred) or greatly reduced their use of Empire Avenue due to attacks by Gareth Davies.

Chris Sandys has a history of attacking female customers, referring to one as an “idiot” and heaping abuse upon her on Facebook.

Amazingly Chris Sandys feels the victim of Ray Rice was at fault for being viciously struck in the face by her professional football playing husband.





Chris Sandys Beatdown


Keith Gill apparently feels a woman who has never threatened anyone and who is a daughter of Hollywood and whose niece was recently married in the Nixon library is somehow “creepy.”  (I suspect Keith Gill is actually a mangina.)




According to reports Mr. Davies and Mr. Gill are expert hackers (they claim expertise) and can DM you on EmpireKred despite having them blocked.

Gareth Davies can attack you on facebook chat (now messenger) whether you are friended with him or not.  He simply “pops up” in chat and launches vicious attacks.

EmpireKred is unresponsive to complaints, and denies responsibility for their Leaders actions, despite clear ToS provisions that would seemingly prevent such behavior.

Want to place your social media business at risk?  Give EmpireKred a try.


These are the men of EmpireKred.



Related Content:

What Can Set #EmpireKred Leader Gareth Davies On A “Rampage”? #socialmedia


Empire Avenue Purchase the “Poison Pill” of “New #Kred’s #SocialMedia Strategy

Should people go to prison for cyberbullying?  People such as Keith Gill who has been moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying?



That’s up to the authorities.

I knew Keith Gill, AKA DigitalKeith, leader of EmpireKred was slow on the uptake after I couldn’t make it clear to him that Twitter wasn’t the key to Klout scores, despite his trolling on my blog and abusive missions he created on Empire Avenue.

I thought that clearly conveying known information would help Keith Gill, but he was clearly defensive of his article on Sales 4 Life and refused to accept true and correct information even after @kloutsupport confirmed that I was indeed correct.

Keith Gill’s difficulty is confirmed when Keith Gill can’t get a simple analogy and blames it on his Aspergers.

Now we know DigitalKeith needs special consideration, people.

He has Aspergers.


How is Empire Avenue potentially the “poison pill” for PeopleBrowsr, AKA Kred?

Through inheritance of Empire Avenue’s abusive leaders and refusal to deal with the inherited reputation that Chris Sandys, Keith Gill, Gareth Davies and Nance Larson helped build, that of having a “goon squad.”

Chris Sandys has been moderated by Twitter for non violent threats.

Gareth Davies was moderated by Twitter for violent threats, tweeting private information (doxing) and warned yet again for violent threats.

Keith Gill had his twitter account locked and was moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying.

Nance Larson participated in doxing of a customer of Empire Avenue’s in conjunction with the above “goon squad” acts.


The “Sharing” Economy And The Law ~ Rules And Regulations For A Digital Age #socialmedia #socialsales #eav

When social media platforms refuse to act, consumers need (and in California have) potential remedies to predatory acts by companies and their “goons” available.

However, the understanding of what is an “Anticompetitive Act” needs to change in relation to the quick changing digital economy.

When companies refuse to reign in their “leaders” and insist that these people are all “players” of which they have no control, despite their own Terms of Services which spells out limits on behavior that can be linked or conducted, again, Regulators need to act.

This action is necessary only because of the predatory and some thing anti-competitive acts of certain actors in the digital economy.

For instance, is this an “Anticompetitive Act” by Gareth Davies as he spent in game currency to cause people to block and unfollow another “player” and customer of Empire Avenue?


Did it damage the business of the other Empire Avenue player? I’m unsure.

However I think most people think spending resources to cause people to unfollow another is anti social at least and potentially harmful to business.

With the “sharing” economy being the future according to Entrepreneur magazine, and costs and risk transferred to the end consumer, that being the typical social media platform user, entrepreneurs and larger businesses need to watch out for predators such as Gareth Davies OR they will lose the trust of consumers who will go onto the next platform that will keep them safe.

This is the problem Twitter currently has, as their moderation was substantially out of step with other larger social media platforms, and consequently Dick Costolo (then CEO) resigned subsequent to a very public “apology” tour (We suck at dealing with abuse”) centered on the abuse they had allowed on their platform, and VIjaya Gadde wrote a WA-PO op ed detailing how their policies were changing and they would be fighting abuse in future while protecting free speech.

If a San Francisco based corporation won’t deal with their abusive leaders, for consumers the next step is the San Francisco DA’s Office and the California DoJ amongst other potential remedies.

And regulators may adapt to the new digital economy and reconsider what is, and is not, an anticompetitive act.

Gareth Davies, a leader at EmpireKred has been suspended by Twitter for violent threats and tweeting the private information of a customer of then Empire Avenue’s.  Empire Avenue refused to act to stop the abuse.

Chris Sandys (@usafa_93), also a “leader” at Empire Avenue wanted that history of abuse “off the record” and has a history of false allegations.

Chris Sandys Off the record Chris Sandys No More Camping Trips Chris Sandys Meat Puppet



Gareth Davies


Related Content:


Do You Trust Your Business To A Co Whose Leaders Have Paid People to Block and Unfollow People?

Gareth Davies (@me_gareth), currently a leader of EmpireKred has paid people to block and unfollow people with Empire Avenue’s (now EmpireKred) virtual in game currency and social media “missions” system.

With measurable results and ROI being important to your advertising budget can you trust a company with such abusive leaders on board?





According to Chris Voss of the Chris Voss Show, a noted social media expert,



An Update to An Earlier Post About Bewaring Emails from #EmpireKred. (E)FAIRYDUST #techieminx #michdelledh

In my post entitled, “Beware An Email Invitation to Join #EmpireKred” a Tweet from @michelleDh was included.

She also uses a twitter account, @techieminx,  and is Fairy Dust Media (leader account) on Empirekred.

Capture - Copy Capture2 - Copy



Gareth Davies does work for @michelledh maintaining her website.



Personally I think any woman that hangs around with a person that doxes people and issues violent threats might be insane.



Twitter Suspension Gareth Davies Tweeting Private Information Twitter Warning Gareth davies Violent Threats Twittter Suspension Gareth Davies  Violent Threats


Would you trust your social media and business to a social media company like Fairy Dust Media with such friends and associates?

Capture - Copy

#Cyberbully Thinks Alerting Consumers To His #Cyberbullying is “Creepy?” #eav #cybersecurity

Gareth Davies, (@me_gareth) Leader of EmpireKred apparently feels alerting consumers to his vicious activities while a leader of Empire Avenue, now EmpireKred on Twitter is “creepy.”


Gareth Davies has been suspended by Twitter for tweeting a customers private information and for violent threats.

Additionally he was warned for violent threats by Twitter as well.

Twitter Suspension Gareth Davies Tweeting Private Information Twitter Warning Gareth davies Violent Threats Twittter Suspension Gareth Davies Violent Threats


EmpireKred support’s  callous disregard for the safety of their customers (and Twitter’s) is noted in their response when informed that Gareth Davies activities caused a CA DoJ inquiry into Twitter’s handling of this matter.

Avoid EmpireKred while safety and privacy is not a concern to EmpireKred support.


653014 Letter DOJ REdacted 12302914 letter DOJ redacted


What’s very strange is that he welcomed the reporting.

Gareth Davies Invited Reporting



Are You a #Business? Beware An Email Invitation to Join #EmpireKred. #EaV #Socialmedia

Internet cyberbully and EmpireKred leader Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) feels one unsolicitied email is spam, and uses that as a pretext to attack the facebook pages of businesses.

Not only can EmpireKred not help you sell a pizza, according to Lynn O’Connell (@omdirect) Player Champion of EmpireKred, but their own leaders can hurt your business dramatically.

Capture - Copy

1 email leads to attack


Gareth has attacked a business page of a new contact on Linked.In for sending him an email.

Gareth Davies has been suspended by Twitter for doxing (tweeting private information) a customer of Empire Avenue’s (now EmpireKred) and violent threats.

Twitter Suspension Gareth Davies Tweeting Private Information Twitter Warning Gareth davies Violent Threats Twittter Suspension Gareth Davies Violent Threats


Additionally Gareth Davies was warned by Twitter for violent threats.

Why would anyone in their right minds invite their friends to EmpireKred when such a vicious predatorial animal is present as a leader of EmpireKred?

Value your friends safety and cybersecurity, it’s clear EmpireKred does not.  They classify this behavior as “social media interactions” even though they are clearly prohibited by EmpireKred’s own Terms of Service.

Save your friends!  Don’t invite them to EmpireKred.

Source:  https://empireavenue.zendesk.com/requests/9000




You simply never know what will set off a timebomb like Gareth Davies.

And EmpireKred callously disregards his history of “rampage.”

It’s clear they don’t value the cybersecurity and privacy of internet denizens despite their own Terms of Service provisions.





The Noid


Nance Larson, identified as “staff” by the Empirekred website and is an Admin in the “Welcome Wagon” forum (and Leader) participated in the doxing of a then Empire Avenue customer.

Nance HitlerStalin


According to Nance Larson,


Nance needs to figure out who she is, and that other people now know.

“You never know just how you look through other people’s eyes.”

Unless they blog about it.



Sadly Nance Larson does not define US, State or local laws on the state of satire or parody.

Nance Larson is also a major, major plagiarist.

At the time of this post she was attacking other players (customers) of Empire Avenue in the (eav) elders forum.

She later unilaterally deprived a paying customer of his benefits because he shared a social media blog she didn’t approve of.

It’s clear power went to Nance Larson’s head, and the depiction of her as a nazi or communist (apparently if you don’t think and act to Nance Larson’s approval she will punish you) is entirely appropriate.

She went mad with power, I believe.

Nance Larson Wants it her way - Copy


How others see what being a customer of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) is like.

Alan Blaze NewsBlaze Publisher - Copy


Keith Gill, AKA Digitalkeith has been moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying.

Want to expose your friends to these people?  Email them an invitation.

Is #GarethDavies Even His Real Name? #EaV #socialmedia #cybersecurity

According to Michael Q. Todd, leader of EmpireKred, Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) also a leader of EmpireKred, is a troll and Gareth Davies may not even be his real name.

MQT 5 MQT 7  MQT 9


Gareth Davies has a long history of attacking other Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) customers.

His vendetta against Michael Q. Todd has been carried out on Twitter and in the Empire Avenue forums for over 3 years.

Gareth Attacks Michael Q Todd - Copy


Gareth Davies has been suspended by Twitter (to my knowledge) for doxing (tweeting private information) and violent threats.

He was additionally warned for violent threats.

To my experience Gareth Davies is a troll who lies, bullies and does whatever it might take to try to get his bullying way.

It’s astonishing that EmpireKred still allows this man to be a customer of, much less a leader of EmpireKred.

It’s best to avoid EmpireKred until this abusive leader is removed or controlled.

Source:  http://www.empire.kred/gareth

Gareth New Profile


Gareth Davies, #EmpireKred Leader and “Scum of the Land”? #eav #socialmedia

According to Donald Patnaude, manually retweeing internet marketer Justin Matthew, Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) is “Scum of the Land.”

Mr. Matthew posts on Facebook,

Well Gareth Davies passion in life to try to destroy others more successful them him in any capacity. Now I am usually not one to care but when you make it your life to go after people in social media that are quite frankly more talented then you and post slander about them. I have to draw the line.


After looking into Gareth’s posts I see this is basically what he does. He made numerous lies about Michael Q Todd and many others THEN he will actually run missions on the post. NO WORSE SCUM in my book. Well Gareth you messed with he wrong BULL I will spend whatever it takes best lawyers I know to make sure you get what you deserve.

Having dealt with Gareth Davies for over a year now, I can indeed confirm he is a horiffic liar, and troll.

Additionally he has been suspended by Twitter for violent threats and doxing a customer of Empire Avenue’s.

Somehow this predatory beast remains a leader at EmpireKred despite all this harassment of many Empire Avenue customers for years.
