Tag Archives: Opinionated Man

Did #WordPress #Blogger #OpinionatedMan Hit The Lotto?

Did his one in a billion gambit hit the lotto?



Inquiring minds want to know!

Probably not, we doubt OM is that lucky.

In fact, we’re pretty sure he’s not that lucky.

We’re sorry for the death of Harsh Reality, but as they say in Hollywood, the show must go on!



In my case my interactions with Opinionated Man revealed a troll who when I tried to resolve an issue with another blogger and supposed friend, trolled the very attempt to resolve the issue.



We are happy he has continued on with blogging with his new “tag line”

A Good Blog is Hard to Find


and would remind him that he came to us, not the other way around.

We look forward to future interactions with Opinionated Man, should he desire to once again be friends.

And a reminder, don’t attack the person that accepts you and takes the time to explain why it is he is doing what he is doing.

That’s just bad form, and often doesn’t turn out well.




#EmpireKred Staff #NanceLarson I Was Done Blogging About Empire Avenue (Now #EmpireKred)…. #EaV #Socialmedia

But it’s readily apparent that your abusive ways at Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred continue) continue.

I was done blogging about Empire Avenue…

capture3 - Copy


Date 2/20/2015,  Source Archived:

But being watched by Opinionated Man, who self medicates and beats his wife in his sleep, a person with a history of cyberbullying me, necessitated that I continue to blog about this historically abusive gaming company.

I took my own blog down, but this abusive companies leadership, led by DigitalKeith who cannot seemingly process any information that doesn’t agree with his preexisting notions compelled continued blogging about EmpireKred.

That this abusive company refuses to reign in their abusive leaders and is happy to rely on threats, doxing and vicious trolling is reason enough to stay away from EmpireKred.





What advice?  I write blogs.  I don’t give legal advice.  This man is sooo out of this world it’s insane.

And then there’s Nance Larson who lies about her and their positions of authority at Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) as Leaders, Team Leaders and now staff.

They even announce their own intent to bully their own customers.

The CA DoJ opened an inquiry into Twitter’s handling of this matter and the San Francisco DA’s office interceded twice.

Source:  DigitalKeith Old Tweets.






You really shouldn’t listen to people that project their own hate onto others, I think.



It was a hard lesson for Opinionated Man to learn that he can’t control what people say about him on the internet.  IF IT’S THE TRUTH.



He seems to miss that part in his blogging when he lies, threatens, cyberbullies and trolls.


Watch who you make friends with, it rubs off on you and leaves you smelling pretty bad.




Opinionated Man Threats



Caught in the anti-spam dragnet.

I think it’s obvious to informed observers when people buy retweets, likes, faves, shares.

Just some goofballs think they are fooling everyone.

They never learn.

Stay off the blog you abusive, cyberbullying  troll named Keith Gill, AKA Digitalkeith.





#Twitter Censorship, and Human Rights #EaV #socialmedia

Celebrity Nancy Abt had access to an “escalation department” at Twitter when she and her “support group” were busy trying to have me suspended from Twitter.


What is sad, is that their efforts worked until I filed a complaint with the CA DoJ (x-ref) 615640 and the San Francisco DA’s office twice openedd filed.

Who is Nancy Abt’s support group?


Support Group

Nancy Abt 2 Scan



What is an “escalation department”?  I don’t know exactly.

All I know is Twitter ignored my reports from September through early December 2014 while this abusive liar had access to it and I was frequently suspended for telling the truth about Empire Avenue and their leaders abuse of customers.

Source:  Signed Declaration of Nancy Abt dated 12/12/2014.

Who is Nancy Abt’s “Support Group”?

The Empire Avenue (now Empire Kred) “Goon Squad”.

Keith Gill Day FancieNanc


Chris Sandys is the nut who thinks blogging about a business, in this case Empire Avenue, having a “Goon Squad” and attacking its own customers is somehow malicious and falsely accused me of being an “agent” when I refused his demands to keep the abuse that had gone on for years “off the record.”




Chris Sandys bragged on Twitter about his good relationship with Twitter.

It’s not surprising that as a leader of Empire Avenue, Chris Sandys would have a good relationship with Twitter.

What is surprising is that Twitter would seemingly allow this “Goon” to exploit that relationship to keep news of Empire Avenue’s abuse of customers “off the record.”



Chris Sandys No More Camping Trips Chris Sandys Off the record

Chris Sandys Meat Puppet


Astonishingly Gareth Davies, a well known cyberbully with a long history of attacks on people on twitter, also a leader at Empire Avenue, tweeted his intent to bully me to Nancy Abt and Chris Sandys.


After I removed Nancy Abt from my content for trolling a man and his child (she had earlier attacked someone else on Facebook as well) she set about to teach me some sort of lesson.

Nancy Abt Claims Victorias Secret Original As Her Own Design


Nancy first falsely claimed a Victoria’s Secret as her own.

Twitter honored my DCMA takedown request, but the following conversation as Nancy Abt bullied another is highly informative.

FancieNanc DMCA Takedown


Keith Gill finally asked to be untagged from the conversation string.



Actually it seems that Nancy Abt and her “support group” needed a lesson in how Freedom and society work.

These people are simply the most abusive people (of their own customers even!) I have ever run into in my life.

Keith Gill is frequently mentioned in tweets that are threatening towards myself.




Contact With keith Gill

Nancy Abt literally tried to have me ordered not to blog about a gaming company that I am a customer of, and have been abused by.

That request was denied.

It didn’t stop Nancy Abt from falsely claiming a restraining order on Twitter.

Keith Gill then apparently reported me to twitter, which suspended me.

Keith Gills report



Keith Gill is of course a well known cyberbully, troll, spammer, bot user and false advertiser who doesn’t want to be spoken about online.



The San Francisco DA’s office immediately reopened their file, and I was subsequently unsuspended.

653014 Letter DOJ REdacted 12302914 letter DOJ redacted Ethel Newlin 1122015 Ethel Newlin 11062014




I am still waiting for Twitter to prove this, as Gareth Davies, Nance Larson and Keith Gill continue the targeted harassment that started in May, 2014 and continues.

I’m a customer of Empire Avenue, subjected to abuse by their out of control “goon squad” AKA Nancy Abt’s “support group.”

According to Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) Admin Robby Ball some people at Empire Avenue are empowered to abuse.

Robby Ball AdminEmpowered



Gareth Davies cannot even be blocked on Twitter.  I have no idea why he’s tolerated on Twitter at all when he renders a key safety provision moot and uses it to abuse people.

Gareth Davies has been suspended by Twitter for tweeting my (a customer of Empire Avenue’s while Gareth Davies is a leader) private information and violent threats.

He was additionally warned for violent threats.

Chris Sandys was warned for non violent theats.

Keith Gill has been moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying and had his twitter account locked.

Nancy Abt was warned for non violent threats.

Yet these people were able to stifle my freedom of expression for over 4 months until the CA DoJ and SF DA’s office interceded.

So yes, censorship on Twitter is a very, very real thing, with some extremely abusive people have access to a department that others aren’t offered access to.

Chris Sandys Non Violent Threats Warning

Nancy Abt Non Violent Threats

Twitter Suspension Gareth Davies Tweeting Private Information Twitter Warning Gareth davies Violent Threats Twittter Suspension Gareth Davies Violent Threats




So much for consumer advocacy



I’m your customer Nance.  All Empire Avenue had to do was ask me for my identity.  They never did.

You just doxed me on Twitter, Nance.  Participating in the abuse.

Consumers need to know that such abusive people are at EmpireKred and that Twitter does not stop the abuse.





Feinstein Email

“How Cyber Mobs and Trolls Have Ruined the Internet”

Newsweek has an interesting article entitled,

How Cyber Mobs and Trolls Have Ruined the Internet—and Destroyed Lives

And concidentally Chris Voss of The Chris Voss Show has written about a “Goon Squad” at Empire Avenue.

Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.


According to Newsweek,

Mayer’s experience is a classic example of cyber harassment and cyber stalking. Although definitions of these terms vary, cyber harassment is often understood to involve the intentional infliction of substantial emotional distress accomplished by online speech that is persistent enough to amount to a “course of conduct” rather than an isolated incident.

Cyber stalking usually has a more narrow meaning: an online “course of conduct” that either causes a person to fear for his or her safety or would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety. I will address the two forms of abuse interchangeably because they are accomplished by similar means and achieve similar ends. I will highlight important differences between them where such differences arise.

Cyber harassment involves threats of violence, privacy invasions, reputation-harming lies, calls for strangers to physically harm victims, and technological attacks.

And this is exactly how Nancy Abt aka Fancienanc and the “Goon Squad” of Empire Avenue have functioned.

It’s astonishing that Empire Avenue does this to their own customers, however.

And the abuse by Keith Gill has continued despite Kred buying Empire Avenue and changing the name to EmpireKred.

Have you been attacked on the internet by Nancy Abt or the “Goon Squad?”

If so, the CA DoJ and San Francisco DA’s office can help.



Now what EmpireKred is and does is widely known.

What Is Empire Avenue


Chris Sandys Non Violent Threats Warning

Twitter Gareth Davies DMCA Takedown Twitter Suspension Gareth Davies Tweeting Private Information Twitter Warning Gareth davies Violent Threats Twittter Suspension Gareth Davies Violent Threats

(Keith Gill’s account locked.)

Keith Gill Account Locked 1042015

Related Content:

#Twitter Allows Abuse of Customers Through Automated Means

#Twitter And Censorship (It Plainly Exists)


Telling The Truth About Cyberbullies Is Necessary. #cybersecurity #Socialmedia

#Twitter Ad Rates, Profitability and Consumer Confidence In Twitter’s MarketPlace

#EmpireKred Names Abusive Brand Manager/Admin As New “Player Champion”

Why Did #EmpireKred #leadership Falsely Accuse Customers To Try To Keep Abuse “Off the Record.”

#Celebrity and #Socialmedia Dragonlady Warned By #Twitter For Non Violent Threats


The Abuse of Customers By Empire Avenue Reached Absurd Heights #socialmedia #socialsales #custserv

If You Wish To Potentially Be Abused By A Company You Give #Business To Give #EmpireKred A Try.

Would You Trust This Educator With Your Child’s Safety? #Education #Cybersecurity #UVA

How To Deal With Trolls That Comment On Your #WordPress Blog.

Why Did The #WineWankers Consort With Noted #WordPress #Cyberbully, #OpinionatedMan? #Wine

Have you been bullied on WordPress (or elsewhere) by Opinionated Man (@smokendust)?

If so, a contact form is provided below.

Opinionated Man has a history of targeting bloggers, and bragging about it.



Astonishingly, Opinionated Man thought he could bully a blogger out of writing about The Wine Wankers and their disputed wine list.

The list itself, drew media attention and controversy.



Yet Opinionated Man thought he could stop a WordPress blogger, by bullying him, from writing about that contested list.



Far from trying to stop the bullying, Conrad of The Wine Wankers actively participated in the bullying, commenting on the blogs written by Opinionated Man.



Be aware if you follow the Wine Wankers that they are not opposed to cyberbullies harassing and threatening people if they don’t like your critique of their list or whatever you may have written.







@Trollhunterbob was suspended by Twitter for abusive behavior.

Trollhunterbob suspended


Amazingly enough WordPress’ response, rather than moderate abusive people such as Opinionated Man, is that you blog about it.

Opinionated Man has finally changed his tune.

Have you been bullied by Opinionated Man on WordPress?

Send in an email with links and documentation.

I’m happy to blog about it.

Telling The Truth About Cyberbullies Is Necessary. #cybersecurity #Socialmedia

When you call law enforcement about cyberbullies one thing they might tell you is that, “the internet is not a friendly place.”

And it’s often not a friendly place due to companies being given immunity under the Communications Decency Act of ’96.

So, when I was being cyberbullied by Jason Cushman, AKA Opinionated Man on WordPress and Twitter, I reported him to both parties.

Twitter told me the threats resided on third party servers, ie WordPress servers, and WordPress support and forum admins told me I was free to blog about it, but not to mention it in the forums.



Of course, bringing it to the forums shines a bright spotlight on it in the general community, and WordPress doesn’t want that.




They’d also prefer apparently to have a vicious predator free to bully their customers.

How does Opinionated Man (did…) bully?

Contact With keith Gill

By threats, bullying and coercion on Twitter and WordPress.





This was a matter other social media and journalists were interested.

Where is Amelia Ceja?  Well, she was with Wine editor, Lili Coffin.

Why Opinionated Man took it upon himself to try to bully me out of writing about The Wine Wankers and their contested list, I will never know.

Other than he’s a self medicating man that beats his wife in his sleep.

He clearly has issues, and WordPress ignores him when they allow him to act predatorially against other customers.

Capture (1)


He TRIED to control what I could blog about.

And has a history of attacking other bloggers.



And he through constant vigilance and accurate reporting has now been convinced that he is powerless to stop truth being blogged or tweeted or otherwise disseminated.

Sorry Jason, but you did it to yourself.

Silence about cyberbullies who proliferate only allows them to continue their cyberbullying.

Dear Jason, my doubles tennis partners mom and grandma escaped from Korea during the war.  My friends grandpa was executed by communists for being an educator.

You learned nothing about truth, honesty, decency and being American by being adopted and brought here to be safe.

Perhaps you should consider returning, so you don’t attack people who actually tell you the truth as you consciously decide to engage in cyberbullying?

Your problems are of your own making, I assure you.

You act crazy…  And apparently expect others to put up with your crazy.



If anyone tells me you are bullying them I will blog about it to spotlight who and what you are.

And you will wither under the spotlight, again.

Remember that.



Mr. Chapman’s activities on Twitter were part of the San Francisco DA’s office and CA DoJ opening inquiries into Twitter.

CA DoJ 12302014

Ethel Newlin 1122015 Ethel Newlin 11062014


The SF DA’s office declined to mediate with WordPress regarding Opinionated Man’s bullying on this site.




#Twitter Ad Rates, Profitability and Consumer Confidence In Twitter’s MarketPlace

Twitter ad rates have historically gone down.

Their revenues from those ads have gone up, however Twitter has continued to struggle with profitablity as new user growth has stagnated.

Why is that?

Most likely because of the horrible reputation Twitter gained for allowing abuse on their service.

Twitter CEO: ‘We suck at dealing with abuse’


Abuse like threats, bullying and intimidation.





Rather than run a nice virtual mall, where you stroll at leisure Twitter runs  a seedy back alley swap meet where goons issue threats fairly routinely and @safety and @support ignore them to an extremely large degree.

However there’s another abuse that Twitter doesn’t enforce the policies on often.  And that’s automation abuse and fake account interactions.

Not surprisingly those two types of abuse go hand in hand where Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) is concerned.

Some of the worst bottom of the barrel marketers I know of are leaders at EmpireKred (formerly Empire Avenue).

They buy followers, spam you with automated tweets (up to 40 in a row in the same timeline, clogging it)m buy tweets on fiverr, buy retweets, and generally break the rules Twitter has in place.

Most consumers in the United States aren’t noobs.  They can see this, and they move away from the abuse.  And block or mute the offending accounts.

But what to do when the offending accounts from Empire Avenue cannot even be blocked due to (probably?) their own hacking expertise?

Until Twitter addresses this, consumer confidence in Twitter’s marketplace will remain low.

They should do what Instagram did.

Purge the fake accounts.

And actually suspend and deal with the most abusive users on Twitter.  The bottom of the barrel marketers.

That’s if they want to grow, be profitable, and be a reputable and safe place for both business and consumers to flourish.

Consumers want to shop at brand that have great customer service and protect their customers.

According to Dan Purvis of CommsAxis.com

If Internet marketers want to be taken seriously in the eyes of others then they need to stop caring about metrics that make them look good. Instead they should focus on things that make their clients look good.


They don’t want to do business with businesses that have earned a reputation for having a “Goon Squad”, for instance.

Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.



Charts from Alexa are between 10/2014 (first) through 10/2015 (second.)

Alexa 10192014







Clean up Twitter and consumer confidence returns.

Edit:  Twitter was (and still is) the only social media platform I am familiar with that allows such overt abuse.  The other platforms immediately took care of reported issues.

Twitter dragged their feet for months, to the point that the CA DoJ and SF DA’s office intervened with files opened on my behalf.

Meanwhile cyberpredator Gareth Davies, (formerly @me_gareth, now @I__Gareth) boasts that he cannot be blocked on Twitter.

Gareth was moderated for tweeting private information and violent threats.  He was additionally warned for violent threats.

When will Twitter take cybersecurity seriously and not allow vicious predators on Twitter?

Related Content:

Why Did #EmpireKred #leadership Falsely Accuse Customers To Try To Keep Abuse “Off the Record.”

Would You Trust This Educator With Your Child’s Safety? #Education #Cybersecurity #UVA

#EmpireKred Best Avoided Until Their Abusive #Leaders Are Removied

Empire Avenue: A PostMortem (#SocialMedia And #CustServ Fail For The Ages

Leader at @EmpireKred & Internet Predator Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) Cannot Be Blocked on @Twitter

What Can Set #EmpireKred Leader Gareth Davies On A “Rampage”? #socialmedia

How To Deal With Trolls That Comment On Your #WordPress Blog.

Bloggers know that pretty much every blog published, no matter how benign can bring in the trolls.

It even happens on my blog.

Here, well known spammer and buyer of twitter followers Keith Gill, AKA DigitalKeith takes time to check comment on my blog about World of Warships.



I have no idea what this fool is talking about, but he drops a link to his troll twitter account in my comments.

The question is why is DigitalKeith not only a troll, but a liar?


  1.  I’m not anonymous.
  2. DigitalKeith was moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying.


Obviously you are supposed to report cyberbullying.

But Keith doesn’t like being reported I guess.

WordPress allows comments and doesn’t ban trolls except in very, very limited cases.

WordPress has a very strong commitment to Free Speech.

Their official policy is that you are free to blog about what is occuring.


So I am.  Here’s your blog, Keith.

Keep trolling, keep getting a blog about your trolling!

Viva la Free Speech!




You can of course blacklist them by IP.

Of course dedicated trolls like Opinionated Man maintain multiple IP’s so you might find yourself blacklisting a large selection of IP’s from him if he chooses to troll.

As Opinionated Man learned, I blog about trolls, liars and bullies that I encounter on social media.




I think OM has learned his lesson now.  It took a while for it to sink in for him.

He and Keith Gill fit that description.

Opinionated Man is @smokendust on Twitter.






You Can Take The Boy Out of Jersey…. #cyberbullying #safety

One has to wonder what “social sales rock star” Keith Gill (AKA DigitalKeith) means by “Escalates”?




Keith Gill is a leader at Empire Avenue, (now “EmpireKred”) has a strange connection.

WordPress blogger Opinionated Man is a known spammer, troll and bully with a history of bullying WordPress bloggers.



Talk of killing and “big mouths”, and Keith Gill is mentioned in these tweets…





What’s astounding is that the person being threatened, myself, is a customer of Empire Avenue’s being subjected to this tremendous abuse on Twitter.

Such abuse caused a CA DoJ investigation into Twitter and the SF DA’s office twice opened files due to the abuse, of which Mr. Gill is a part.

Empire Avenue’s concern for the only safety and cybersecurity (lack thereof) of their own customers is probably  best illustrated by these tweets.


Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) cannot be blocked, which renders a key safety provision of Twitter’s moot.

And yet Empire Avenue Brand Manager/Admin Steven L. Johnson has no comment or concern about the ongoing harassment and abuse of Empire Avenue customers by Gareth Davies.

Gareth has an extrensive record of doxing and attacking other customers of Empire Avenue’s having been suspended for tweeting a customers private information and violent threats.

Additionally he has been warned for violent threats.

For Example:


Gareth’s abuse of Empire Avenue customers on Twitter an extremely large part of the aforementioned investigations by the CA DoJ and SF DA’s office.

According to Chris Voss of the Chris Voss Show, nationally recognized social media expert,

Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.

A company is responsible for overseeing its reps and volunteers that are endorsed and sanctioned by the company, in making sure they are in line with a Company code of conduct. Let me ask you something, if you were to go into Walmart or Nordstoms, make a complaint with Customer Service would you expect or allow yourself to continually be attacked and bullied by their Company volunteer staff? Then over a month it continues and gets worse the more you complain? I’m warning everyone with no question to avoid Empire Avenue. If your Brand comes under the ire of one of their rogue Chat Mods, Empire Avenue can’t protect the bashing of your Brand and doesn’t seem to care in my opinion. I’m telling people to run from this company, keep your money or ask for a refund. This is a perfect example of a social media fail everyone should be blogging about and making lesson plans on!


Does the Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) Goon squad need and have a goonier squad?

Goon Squad Goon Squad

Twitter, Trolls and Abuse of “Core Users”

According to former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, Twitter sucks at dealing with abuse and trolls.

We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we’ve sucked at it for years. It’s no secret and the rest of the world talks about it every day. We lose core user after core user by not addressing simple trolling issues that they face every day.


Part of the question is what does Twitter consider a “core user”?

Is a verified twitter account a “core user?”


Does one tweet from Josh Scott Jones mean Keith Gill can heap abuse upon him?


Keith Gill, AKA @DigitalKeith is a leader at EmpireKred.

(Ms.  Northey is a customer of EmpireKred’s as well.)

Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) is also a leader at EmpireKred and cannot be blocked.  This renders a key @safety feature of twitter’s null and void.


According to Chris Voss of the Chris Voss Show, nationally recognized social media expert,

Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.


Abuse by these 2 (and a few others from Empire Avenue) lead to an CA DoJ inquiry into Twitter (PIU x-ref 615640) and the SF DA’s office twice intervened.

Gareth Davies has been suspended by twitter for tweeting a customers private information (doxing) and violent threats.  He was warned again for violent threats.

Keith Gill has been moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying and had his twitter account locked (exact cause unknown, though this “locking” seems to have replaced indefinite suspension).

Keith Gill (@digitalkeith) claims “cybersecurity” as expertise on his Klout profile…



Additionally Chris Sandys (@usafa_93) also a leader at Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) has been warned for non violent threats by twitter.




This is @wanderinpoet, reporting as always!





12302914 letter DOJ redacted Capture3 Capture



WanderinPoet Reporting Cyberbullying 5312014


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#Leadership at #EmpireKred, #SocialSales “Rock Star” and King of Spam?