Tag Archives: Empire Avenue

The Misogynysts Guide To Hate On @Twitter. #feminism #cybersecurity

Depersonalization is the core of hate.

There can be little doubt that depersonalizing others is key to rationalizing the abuse of individuals.

And yet an easy way to attack women on twitter is to simply deny their very personhood.




This has been happening to Lili, aka @laughrodite4u for over a year and Twitter never stops it.  Never considers it’s impact.

And so one can simply lie to harass women, and Twitter won’t stop it despite rules against targeted harassment of women and spam.

Archive of hateful tweet.

Want Rid of Someone On @Twitter? Just Tweet About It.

According to Twitter @support, open discussion of whom you want rid of does not violate Twitter Policy.




Nance Larson is on staff at gaming company Empire Kred.

Empire Kred (formerly Empire Avenue) has a well documented history of having a “goon squad” that attacked their own customers for years.

Nance Larson has acknowledged the goon squad existence, indicated that it only existed in 2011, and that she’s not a part of any goon squad.

Fooled me.








Nance Larson, former Team Leader of Empire Avenue (now Empire Kred Staff) and other leaders of EmpireKred have been attempting to keep this massive record of abuse of their own customers “off the record” since 5/2014.

They have magnificently failed.

Consumer Advocacy


However, according to @twitter @support talk of getting rid of people does not violate their @safety @policy.




This contrasts directly with Linked.in support who took the time to review events and come to the correct conclusion and result.



Personally I think abusers are a bad look for @linkedin brand.

Your mileage may vary.




No love


$TWTR MAU Problems? Entirely Self Induced #IJFU #cybersecurity

It’s clear to me that Twitter’s problems are their own creation.

An institutionalized culture of not listening to valid feedback, arrogance and lack of business ethics and common sense.

When I started blogging about the abuse at Empire Avenue, what I quickly noticed was the relative impunity with which leaders from Empire Avenue threatened and doxed me on Twitter.

Chris Sandys, a leader at Empire Avenue, wanted the abuse of Empire Avenue customers “off the record”, rather than deal with the abuse.

Empire Avenue Team Leader Nance Larson and Leaders Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies were able to target me for doxing and massive harassment for blogging about abusive practices on Empire Avenue.

Keith Gill, aka DigitalKeith joined in after I noted his false advertising being run through Empire Avenue social media promotional missions.

And they were able to openly export that abuse right on twitter.  And it continues unabated.

After a couple months of emails to support inquiring as to why with no real response I filed complaints with the San Francisco District Attorney’s office Consumers Protection Unit and The California Department of Justice (x-ref 615640).

During that time other much higher profile accounts such as @Femfreq and an Electronic arts gaming executive also talked about the massive abuse they were sustaining, death threats etc.

I was not alone in the abuse piled on me.

Twitter simply allowed customers to threaten other customers to the point that the mass market was made aware that Twitter didn’t care about their customers.

Twitter tried to address this with Dick Costolo taking responsibility and Twitter General Council Vijaya Gadde writing a Washington Post Op-Ed about the abuse.

I hoped changes would be made, but certain leaders of Empire Kred continued to be able to be openly abusive with little response from Twitter.

One such abuser is Keith Gill, AKA DigitalKeith.

You see, Jim Cramer has tired of the libel Twitter allows.  The serial lies, abuse and harassment customers can sustain.

However you can tell and SHOW Twitter how people are serially lying about you and Twitter does not care.

They simply allow people like Keith Gill to continue their abuse on and on and on and on.


This despite having rules defining such lying as spam.



Some people don’t leave Twitter.  Some stay to let others know what Twitter is.

Twitter is a company that allows massive abuse of it’s own customers by it’s own customers and censors journalism and truth.

Twitter has polticized abuse.   And the free market knows it.



Basically Twitter General Council Vijaya Gadde’s reaction to me when I asked her for help with cyberbullies and cyberstalkers sums up Twitter.

She blocked me.

Twitter simply does not care.

They even suspend victims of rape.

And Empire Avenue?  Despite being bought out by Kred, and rebranded EmpireKred, the truth about how they act is tumbling out, as well.

Goon squads, trolls and mobs run rampant on Twitter, ruining social media.



Kevin Green On @empirekred, “goals appear to be to white wash black hat engagement…”

Former Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) Brand Manager Administrator Kevin Green, currently a leader at Empire Kred has this to say in the Empire Kred Leaders forum

12650292_10153544940893710_491891982_n - Copy


This is well known to observant social media practitioners and the subject of extensive abuse by Nance Larson, Keith Gill, Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies and now Valerie Clark in order to try to keep said abuse “off the record.”

Gareth Davies has an extensive history of doxing customers of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) and issuing violent threats, with warnings and suspension on Twitter.

Keith Gill was moderated by instagram for cyberbullying and had his twitter account locked for abuse.

Chris Sandys was warned by Twitter for non violent threats.

Nance Larson, a former team leader, and currently staff at EmpireKred participated in the doxing of customers and acknowledged a “goon squad” that was attacking customers.

12625978_10153542446693710_79365951_n - Copy


Low end digital markets like Keith Gill, AKA @digitalkeith  proliferate on Empire Kred and are free to abuse other customers to their hearts content.

Customers of EmpireKred report continuing cyberbullying despite the change of ownership to to Kred, and rebranding.

Leader of Empire Avenue Wanted Abuse “Off the Record.”

Imagine being a customer of an online gaming company that rather than deal with cyberbullying and abuse of their own customers, wanted that abuse “off the record.”

Chris Sandys Off the record


That’s how Empire Avenue operated.

And in fact still operates despite Kred purchasing Empire Avenue and renaming the gaming company Empire Kred.

Customer continue to report being cyberbullied and witnessing cyberbullying at Empire Kred.

And people like Keith Gill, aka Digitalkeith, also in leadership at EmpireKred continue to try to keep the reporting of the cyberbullying “off the record.”

Keith Gill, AKA @DigitalKeith had his account locked by Twitter for abuse on twitter.

Gareth Davies, AKA @me_gareth was suspended by twitter for violent threats and doxing.

Chris Sandys, AKA @usafa_93 was warned for non violent threats.

All of the suspensions were related to their ongoing attempts to keep abuse at Empire Avenue “off the record.”

It’s sad, but these people are deeply, deeply committed to both abusing their own customers, and trying to keep that abuse off the record.

Their ability to continue with the open abuse on Twitter, has led to a CA DoJ inquiry into Twitter’s handling of the matter (CA DOJ x-ref 615640) and the SF DA’s office twice opening files.

Consumer Advocacy

Is #EmpireKred Leader Under Criminal Investigation by the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office?

Last Friday I received an email from a Lt. Carlos B. Sanchez of the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, Criminal Division, with an attached PDF File asking that I cease posting about a “Keith Gills” vis a vis the San Francisco District Attorney’s office due to the confidentiality of criminal investigations.



DA Letter My address unredacted





Of course I had no idea of any potential pending criminal investigation, and had been blogging that the San Francisco DA’s office Consumers Protection Unit had assisted me with an issue with twitter and that their unit had opened files, including once on 1/12/2015 subsequent to what apparently was a false report by Keith Gill, AKA Digitalkeith.

MR. Gill’s behavior, along with the other “goon squad” was so extreme that not only did the San Francisco DA’s office assist, but the CA DoJ opened an inquiry into Twitter’s handling of the matter on 12/30/2014.

12302914 letter DOJ redacted



I emailed Lt. Sanchez back, and recieved a notification that he was out of the office, and was instructed in the reply to contact a Lt. Van Jackson if in need of assistance.

I did so, and confirmed the legitimacy of the correspondence, including that that Mr. Gill seems to be under investigation for consumers fraud by the San Francisco DA’s office, and that the consumers unit had previously handled the matter.  As his knowledge matched what I know, it seems likely this is indeed Keith Gill of Arizona, employee of Avisolve, CEO of PunkPit and Telecom and Data Guru.

Yesterday the postmarked letter from the DA’s office arrived, thus I am firmly convinced of the legitimacy of the correspondence.

Keith Gills Postage


Keith Gill Letter DA



Given the fact that I was just forced by twitter to delete a tweet detailing the assistance I received from the DA’s office to “unlock” my twitter account, I hope the DA’s office investigates thoroughly.

I have asked Ethel Newlin of the Consumers Protection Unit to reopen an inquiry into Twitter on my behalf to find out why I was forced to delete this tweet.

Sf DA office directed filing


Given that this tweet is literally true, that Ethel Newlin of the San Francisco DA’s office directed filing a FTC complaint, which I had already filed, and the FTC accepted the complaint and placed the information in their database, I have no idea how the literal truth could violate Twitter’s policy.

Ethel newlin Directed FIling FTC complaint





This seems very strange given Twitter’s insistence this year that they stand for protecting free speech.

In this case they seem to be protecting a false advertiser.  Why?

What does Twitter have against informed consumers and consumer protections?

Why would they require deletion of an honest tweet?

Avoid @empirekred if you value your cybersecurity, safety and privacy.

Yesterday I received an email from a Carlos Sanchez, Lieutenant of Investigations, Criminal Division of the San Francisco District Attorney’s office, asking that I respect the confidentiality of criminal investigations as regards an individual connected with EmpireKred.

With Nance Larson confirming the prior existence of a “goon squad” yet trying to deny it’s existence in 2014, times are crazy at EmpireKred (owned by Kred), formerly Empire Avenue.

We continue to recommend avoiding EmpireKred.

Obviously no one suspected a formal “goon squad” at Empire Avenue,  the term  was used by Chris Voss to describe actions by players and customers of Empire Avenue that were highly abusive and not stopped, just like occurred in 2014 and continuing by Nance Larson, Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies, et al.

Next week I intend to contact the San Francisco District Attorney’s office and confirm the contents of the letter.

I had no idea of any pending criminal investigation against anyone I have written about in connection with the “goon squad” of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred), however this seems to be confirmation as to the seriousness the San Francisco DA’s office attaches to the matter.

I am also unaware of the full scope of the investigation.

DA Letter



Lieutenant Sanchez has confirmed that his office (the consumer mediation department) opened files, and assisted with my issue with twitter.

That issue arose from utterly reprehensible and abusive conduct by the Empire Avenue “goon squad”.

A file was opened in November of 2014, and again in January 2015 subsequent to Keith Gill’s very strange report to Twitter that caused an unjust suspension.

The CA DoJ also opened a file (x-ref 615640) and the matters were generally resolved to my satisfaction with Twitter unsuspending myself and announcing changes to their “abuse policy”.

Changes with Ethel Newlin of the SF DA’s office credited blogging by this blogger with helping change by documenting the incredible abuse by these people of their own customers on Twitter.

Steven Krohn corroborated the changes to Twitter’s “abuse policy”,  also of EmpireKred, in a phone call to Ethel Newlin on 2/5/2015, one day after Dick Costolo’s internal discussion on Twitter’s internal forums which was published on The Verge on 2/2/2015.

Conversation is archived on Facebook:




Obviously Gareth Davies doesn’t believe his reprehensible and highly abusive conduct can cause any repercussions.

They may be far more serious than he knew.

I have no idea why any company would abuse it’s customers so extensively that they cause policy changes and investigation by regulatory agencies, whether at a civil level, or criminal.

I only know that the “goon squad” of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) has done so.

And Chris Sandys wanted that abuse kept “off the record.”

These animals  clearly do not value their customers or consumers.  They are best avoided until Kred cleans house.



As my concern is and has been protecting consumers from these animals I shall continue to blog about EmpireKred and their “goon squad.”

This will be my last reference to the SF DA’s office in connection with the matter.

If anyone asks what’s going on, I shall simply refer them to this post.


Who On Earth Is #EmpireKred Staff #NanceLarson Speaking To (Besides Herself) On #Twitter?

Most adults address those they are talking to.

Not “Freak” Nance, EmpireKred Staff and “goon squad” of doxing her own customers fame.

Who is “Freak” Nance addressing here?


As far as I can determine, virtually no one reads her tweets or interacts with her on Twitter.

According to social media expert Gareth Davies she’s an expert at spam.



Klear corraborates this, noting a high volume of tweets, but little interaction.

Very few people even seem to wish to communicate with her.




According to unnamed sources from EmpireKred, Nance Larson is,

Nance Larson Freak - Copy

Nance Witch

Heil NanceIs Nance Crazy - Copy Nance Flipping Out - Copy Nance Zero People Skills - Copy


How often does Nance Larson flip out on people in the EmpireKred forums?

Why is Nance Larson an admin of a forum or have any position of authority?

Her record of abuse of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) customers is clear.

Avoid EmpireKred while Nance Larson is there in any capacity, from customer to volunteer.

You just have no idea when the “goon squad” will show up to abuse you.



What If Everything Was Like #Klout? Former Klout Score Evangelist Changes Mind About #Klout?

“Social Sales” rock star, leader of EmpireKred (now owned by Kred),  and former Klout score gaming evangelist Keith Gill, AKA #DigitalKeith, knows this.

Keith Gill, AKA Digital Keith is a corporate marketing manager for @avisolve.

Klout is a tool for measuring your social media presence and influence.

Like Kred, it’s just a tool, it’s not an end to itself or the end all be all of measuring your social media presence.


Apparently Nance Larson, former team leader at Empire Avenue, and now staff at EmpireKred (owned by Kred), feels their competitor Kout,  “is no fun.”



You never know who you are interacting with that has tremendous influence in social media or beyond.

But what if all social media interactions were like Klout tweets or Kred tweets where people give and get thanks for telling others how much influence they have?

Even on personal matters not related to their professional conduct online?






Would this level of social interaction improve your presence?  Improve your dating life?

Or would you consider such interaction and discussion an invasion of your privacy, and such people who do so as socially deviant?





How Sick, Twisted And Deviant Is This #EmpireKred Leader?

Chris Sandys (@usafa_93), leader of EmpireKred,  is one of the worst liars and trolls I have ever encountered in my life.

I recommend avoiding EmpireKred while he’s on their social media platform in any capacity, whether as leader or customer.

You simply never know when he will show up and launch a tremendous diatribe of abuse and EmpireKred simply will not stop the abuse by their leaders.

I had a friend, a fashion model and TV host (also an Empire Avenue customer) who had her twitter account hacked and a personal DM published.

She considered it a tremendous invasion of her privacy and abuse of her account.

Subsequently, as I reported the issue to Twitter I told them in an email that abuse of popular accounts was driving away people from Twitter.

Dick Costolo, then CEO, admitted as much in an internal memo published on The Verge 

“It’s no secret and the rest of the world talks about it every day. We lose core user after core user by not addressing simple trolling issues that they face every day.”


As Twitter was proving non responsive to tremendous abuse piled upon myself by the “goon squad” (Chris Sandys, Keith Gill, Gareth Davies, Nance Larson) of them Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred), I filed complaints with the San Francisco DA’s office and CA DoJ.

The CA DoJ opened their inquiry into Twitter on 12/30/2015, and the San Francisco DA’s office opened files in November 2014, and again on 1/12/2015 after Keith Gill’s abused Twitter’s report function.

Chris Sandys and troll twitter celebrity Nancy Abt were happily trolling my attempt to help my friend on Twitter.



The issue was my friend being hacked and an invasion of her personal privacy.

The DM was NOT about what Chris Sandys stated, he’s a liar.

The hacker was subsequently suspended after admitting on twitter in a tweet that he had hacked the account.

Chris Sandys chose to lie about what was going on, referring to my friend as “goth girl” and the name of my satirical blog, Andy Kaufman’s Kavalkade Krew, as some sort of “crew.”

The only “crew” is a figment of Chris Sandys sick and twisted imagination.

Chris Sandys seems to me to be a paranoid delusional, inventing falsehoods, making false allegations and generally being one of the worst trolls ever encountered on twitter.

All in a vain and failed attempt to keep abuse of Empire Avenue’s own customers “off the record.”

Subsequently he was warned by twitter for making non violent threats.

However due to his efforts to keep the abuse of Empire Avenue customers “off the record”, and my blogging on that issue, (amongst others) Twitter changed their abuse policy, according to Ethel Newlin of the San Francisco DA’s office.

This was corraborated by Steven Krohn, also of EmpireKred, in a phone call to Ethel Newlin on 2/5/2015, one day after Dick Costolo’s internal discussion on Twitter’s internal forums which was published on The Verge on 2/2/2015.

Conversation is archived on Facebook:





The abusive “goon squad” of Empire Avenue, now EmpireKred helped change Twitter’s “abuse” policy through their open abuse on twitter of myself and others.

Abuse that included Empire Avenue customers and others (twitter’s customer irregardless) and stretched back years.

Their abuse of Twitter’s customers was so bad (and twitter’s mishandling of that abuse so egregious) that the San Francisco DA’s was looking into criminal charges against Twitter for their mishandling of the situation, according to Ethel Newlin of the San Francisco DA’s office.

Due to the interstate (and international) locations of these trolls, Ethel Newlin recommended filing with IC3 and the FTC.

Gareth Davies is apparently in England, Keith Gill in Arizona, Nance Larson in Florida and Chris Sandys in Connecticut.

That is if they really are who they say they are.





The San Francisco DA’s office handled the entity that was in their jurisdiction, Twitter, to my satisfaction.

I simply documented the “goon squads” actions.

Gareth Davies, leader at EmpireKred, was suspended by Twitter for tweeting the private information of a customer of Empire Avenue, and violent threasts toward that same customer.  He has an extensive history of abusing other customers of Empire Avenue’s.

Chris Sandys, leader at EmpireKred, was warned by Twitter for non violent threats.

Keith Gill, AKA Digitalkeith, was moderated by instagram for cyberbullying, and had his twitter account locked (replaced indefinite suspension).

Nance Larson failed to stop all these acts, and participated in the doxing of a customer, and recently corraborated the existence of the “goon squad” at then Empire Avenue.



California is definitely NOT a corporatocracy, despite whatever Keith Gill and his fellow goons might say.