Tag Archives: news

The Political Epiphany Of Brianna Wu

Brianna had an epiphany after seeing the rush to war in Iraq from an insider’s position and she changed her politics to reflect who she was becoming.

That’s understandable.

It would be the same as working IN a meat packing plant and deciding to be vegan.

A very human reaction.


George Bush seems to have the same conscience.

There is NO sign that Trump has a conscience at all.

Resist Trump.

Pick your best Democrat in primaries that reflect what you believe most closely.

Vote Republican now at your own peril.

An Email From Brianna Wu Accusing Me Of An “Outrageous, Baseless Lie.”

Apparently Brainna Wu went digging through archives and found a 2 year old blog I’d taken out of publiction where I said she’s a “former GOP fundraiser” and is wrong for Progressives.

Brianna, a former GOP staff member for Trent Lott (R -MS) and intern for Michael Steele apparently worked for 5 years for the GOP according to her own tweets.


She was also “as Republican as you can be” until age 25 according to her own tweets.

I don’t think that’s “briefly” according to the standard dictionary definition.

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Since I am happy to correct any unintional mistakes I emailed back a pretty extensive set of questions.

1..  What party did she fundraise for?


2. How long did she work for Trent Lott (R – MS)




Is “fundraising” a part of a political campaign?  She said she’s worked at every level of a campaign.



Is 5 years a “brief” period?


Brianna Wu emailed back saying,

Okay, that’s fair to base it off that Tweet. I was trying to sum up a summer where I attended a lot of fundraisers in the evening as part of my job and saw a lot of really weird shit. It was an imprecise statement on Twitter, back in 2014 when there was only 140 characters.

But, I’m telling you directly, I never worked as a fundraiser.


Brianna’s job duties included some activities linked to fundraising.

That’s certainly reasonable and expected in Washington D.C. where networking is a critical job function.

She was not a “Fundraiser” which some may take to mean “rain maker” or “bundler” or something illicit.

I apologize for any negative implications that may have been inferred by others based upon the title of the blog.

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Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Big data.

Flow charts of who talks to who, who was seen by whom and little is said about what was said at those meetings.  Or public events.  Or if the nature of the “discussion” was an attempt to understand another or just pure propaganda.


Imagine for a moment that the algorithms and API’s that provide the data “big data” scienists use to evaluate networks is itself biased.

Does that sound impossible?

A woman that silenced LGBT with her bots meets with tech companies to influence their policies.

That’s right.





That same woman begged for “feminism” in the code.

Do you think a woman who became a renowned public speaker had any influence at Google and Youtube over how their algorithm was coded?

Brianna Wu has spent years asking Google to put “trusted sources” into the code.

If we are considering “trustworthiness” isn’t it important that Randi Lee Harper, who worked with Brianna Wu, silenced LGBT with her bots on Twitter?

Who is zooming who here?

Who elected Brianna Wu and Randi Lee Harper Chiefs of Social Ostracization™?

I want a revote.

Tim Pool, who did excellent reporting on the water shortage (crisis) in East Porterville,CA …

…and who is a self employed journalist (multi racial) and non high school graduate finds himself lumped in with some actually awful people.






How do you deal with data scientists that not only rely on biased algorithms and API data but falsify facts?

How to measure the harm to a self employed journalist who the Left appears to be trying to silence?  Tim Pool relies on Youtube monetization for his living.

Congress needs to heavily regulate these monoliths.  And investigate them for Antitrust violations.  CDA 230 needs to be repealed and social media held accountable for the falsehoods their ‘data” enables and their platforms spread by accounts they allow to exist.

In short, social media companies need to have the same risks and responsibilities everyone else int he United States. They have abused their privilege of immunity and have abused others Civil Rights in doing so.


Si Se Puede!

Continue reading Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Journalists of the Year, 2016. The Inestimable @Kristenvbrown and Intrepid @Timcast

This is my first ever JOTY with 2 winners.   (Actually first ever JOTY, but hey.)

And I had to pick 2.  Both cover interests near and dear to my heart.

Kristen, who is a great  journalist, covers abuse on twitter, covered Milo fairly (which is basically unheard of and yes he is a provocateur and troll, no he’s not a Nazi) and the strange and wondrous world of science, ethical concerns and all.

I would like to explain my background a bit.

Although living in Fresno, I have had the great luck to be able to spend a LOT of time in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.  As a tech journalist, much of what Kristen covers originates in and around the Bay Area.

The schools I attended (well funded magnet schools) took frequent field trips to the central coast and San Francisco/Bay Area.

We also frequented the Bay Area in Cub Scout and Boy Scouts trips.

My Dad is a retired Claims Manager.  As a kid he would take marketing trips disguised as family vacations to the Bay Area where a great many insurance companies are headquartered.  (If you want to talk about gentrification since 1970’s, that preference is a great place to start.)

My sister, loved Esprit and shopping, and I loved comic books.  The comic book shops seemed to be in places in San Francisco where not many tourists went.  Besides the usual touristy places you’d expect, I have seen and experienced much of San Francisco.

Other than places I’ve actually lived and grandparents homes I’ve spent more time in the Bay Area than anywhere else.  The Central Coast (Cambria/Pismo is a close second to SF.)

When Ms. Brown writes this,



I know this to be true from my own experiences.


When Ms. Brown talks about seismic vulnerabilities I know exactly what she’s talking about due to my own profession, and having been dragged out (I kinda didn’t have that much fun) on claims with my Dad since I was very young.

I worked fires (dummy end of the measuring stick), car accidents (dodging cars while diagramming accident scenes is always fun) and worked the Coalinga earthquake.  Yep, I at 10 or 11 (?) worked earthquake claims.

My dad enjoyed working claims better than being in management.  He didn’t keep a full case load, but he worked overflow and a few accounts he enjoyed.

He kept the juicy account, working the Curry account when The Curry Company had the concessions contract in Yosemite.

As a kid in Fresno, I attended diverse schools.  I doubt they were perfectly diverse, but they were diverse.  I have no idea what “perfectly diverse” is beyond a standard activists state frequently on twitter.

The High School I attended was bussed INTO to desegregate.  That is, WHITE KIDS were bussed in from Hoover.  Their 9th grade class was bussed into Roosevelt High School in south east Fresno .  The 9th graders within my district went to Sequoia.

I did not KNOW that the day in 8th grade at Holland Project TALENT (Audra McDonald is one year behind me, we shared the same drama teacher, if little else by way of talent)  when the district people came in and said we could go to any school in the district we wanted to.

Faced with such wondrous choices I thought I’d better go where my parents expected and choose Roosevelt.  It was a surprise in 9th grade when I thought I’d see my friends from the home district and they were nowhere to be found.

As a sophomore, Roosevelt opened the School of the Performing Arts, and the kids from Hoover were no longer bussed down.  I assume that desegregation from Hoover no longer necessary because a lot of kids district wide were bussed in to Roosevelt, and many were white.

Lots of my friends are pictured here.  I went to Easterby with Shaun Lopez and Matt Denny, and Shaun played little league with me and tennis.  He was number 1 varsity and I, 2.

(Yes we made a fake chess club that met in the Science building where we played logic games and screwed around mostly.  We had awesome bathing beauties.  The scam worked)

I also would like to encourage Kristen to do more video.  Video is The Future™ and Kristen claims to be “From The Future” or some such on Gizmodo.


Tim Pool, @timcast did an astonishing piece on the water shortage of East Porterville and the CA drought in general.


My Great Grandfather immigrated to Tulare County in the Dust Bowl.  I have tons of family in Tulare County and the Central Valley.

(My great grandfather left my teenaged grandmother in Missouri with relatives, she got married and went to Idaho.)



(Yes I have a diverse family)

My ex wifes family is in Porterville.

My ex father in law is a former enlisted Marine who was stationed in Taiwan.

Returning to the US he owned a 7 -11 in San Jose, but sold that operation and moved back to Porterville (home) to be a Psyche Tech at Porterville Developmental Center.   He rose to Program Manager then acting Director of Porterville Developmental Center.  My ex mother in law is deceased, however she worked as a Psyche Tech as well.

My ex wife is a Psyche Tech, her new husband is a Psyche Tech and my daughter works at Porterville Developmental Center as a student assistant as she studies to become a teacher.

The High School Madison, my daughter, attended is in East Porterville.  Granite High School.  She’s a leader and activist in her own way.


Tim Poole also covered the devastation in the Midwest.


When I see Jack Dorsey accept CEO of the Year from the Thurgood Marshall Fund  I can only laugh, or cry.

Jack Dorsey is the King of fake news and abuse.

He has also damaged race relations in politics immeasurably through polarization pushed on twitter’s platform with his tacit endorsement (and quite frankly open endorsement with open promotion of #blacklivesmatter.)





Jack Dorsey has also led the assault on Free Speech, giving wildly abusive “activists” like Randi Lee Harper and Brianna Wu backchannel access to Twitter Safety.




Bob Chipman, AKA @The_moviebob is simply the same overt hatred my Great Grandpa felt when he settled in Tulare County and walked miles each day to Tagus Ranch to work.


Bob Chipman hangs out with Anita Sarkeesian, who is on Twitter’s alleged Twitter Trust & Safety Council.

I have no idea what this council does, or how it functions when you can solicit hitmen on twitter.


I reported the tweet and received the following response.




My mom’s dad, my Grandpa also was a Dust Bowl immigrant, however was nearly worked to death by a farmer in Salinas.

He went to Idaho.  He worked New Deal construction for Morrison Knudsen.  The same company that built the Golden Gate Bridge, I believe.

My dads parents were also in Idaho, and my parents met at Idaho State University.  When my dad graduated he volunteered for the US Navy, went to OCS and was sent to the Vietnam War where he served on the USS Reeves in the Sea of Japan as a LT(jg).

My parents were lucky enough to live off base in Japan for years and tour a bit of Asia.

In all my life I have never felt such overt hatred as that leveled at me on Twitter daily by so called tolerant people.

Despite identifying the racism and xenophobia in the far right in July 2015, and writing about it I am judged, and attacked for the color of my skin daily.  Jack Dorsey simply does not care.  I am abused any number of ways, but as far as I can tell because of the color of my skin I am open for the abuse.

I am simply a “hard headed” “Trumpster”.  (this is light, though activists ignore facts like Obama profiting off the Presidency to abuse).

Twitter is fact free.


Anyone that says something contrary to the approved opinion of Randi Lee Harper, Brianna Wu or the activists Jack Dorsey is set upon by a mob that they lead.

(1 of I don’t know how many.  The whole thread isn’t presented here.)



I however am not helpless, nor intimidated by empowered abusers with the ear of Twitter .

I know Jack Dorsey did as much to elect Donald Trump as any person alive.  I will leave that to historians to figure out how.  I have said enough on the matter that anyone can figure it out.

I consider Jack Dorsey’s award by the Thurgood Marshall Fund a farce.

Jack Dorsey endangers members of my family & has contributed to making race relations as bad as at any time in my lifetime.  I can only relate it to 1968 & the Days of Rage where the most supported people in CA are rioting at a great college because they now feel violence is acceptable.



We will continue our mission of digital disruption and truth telling here on this channel.


I however have Awards to hand out.

To the wonderfully educated and capable Kristen V Brown I award a Central Valley Coffee Cup.  Valley Pride!


Tim, I name honorary Dirt Farmer.  Rub some dirt on it, Tim.

I’d nominate Tim for Hall of Fame in Porterville, but unlike my ex wife, he’s not from Porterville.  Sorry, Tim.

My coach, Ken Hurst, would have been proud to make Tim run up the mountain at Lake Isabella for training.

Women’s 1988-’89 Tennis Team — This team had only four players — Story Hurst, Chrissy Kulbeth, Michelle McGuire and Michelle Caskey — yet it won the Central Valley Conference championship in 1988 and then again 1989 with the addition of only two players, Vicki Esquivel and Christy Heint.
Ken Hurst — Hurst was the men and women’s varsity head coach at PC from 1982 through 1999. After 10 years of coaching at PC, his teams had won two thirds of all their matches. Even in Hurst’s last years of coaching at PC, the tennis programs thrived in every match with intense competitors to slay the big dragons.

Thank you for being you, and all that you do.  I appreciate your journalism and professionalism.




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$TWTR: @twitter is number one in Fake #News On @Apple As @getongab Grabs Market Share

Twitter markets itself as a news application on the apple store.  Perhaps Apple and Tim Cooke need a fake news and propaganda category?



According to Sensor Tower, Twitter is number one in the news category and 24th overall on the apple store.




According to Vivian Schiller  Vivian Schiller former head of news and journalism partnerships at Twitter and also the former CEO of NPR,

SCHILLER: Let me just say I think it would be a mistake for social media companies to try to, on their own, determine or deign what is a fake news story and what isn’t and shut it off, or what’s a good news organization or a bad news organization. That’s a very, very slippery slope.

Yet, regarding the suspension of “alt right” twitter accounts,

The problem is there is very little transparency and consistency when it comes to what accounts Twitter is suspending and which they are not. As long as there is an even playing field for all and the rules are clearly understood, that would be a good thing. We are not there yet. There’s more to do.

Twitter is hamstrung by privacy laws and regulations that prevent them from showing (in most cases, absent compelling public interest on the specific topic, ie news) exactly why users are suspended.

It would go a long way towards clarifying matters if twitter would, in coordination with the suspended parties release the tweets that earned the suspensions of Milo Yiannopoulis, Mike Ma, Ricky Vaughn, Pax Dickinson, Richard Spencer, Chuck Johnson, John Rivers (and others)   and lead a public discussion about what behavior is acceptable and so the public can determine if Twitter got it right.

With market competitor Gab.ai growing at a massive rate, Twitter’s confusing the issue is CEO Andrew Torba’s gain.

Andrew Torba states,

Daily Reminder: all are welcome here

Gab is for everyone.

We are the defenders of free speech.

We are The People

The alt right and others find a free speech platform that doesn’t suspend accounts and has muting tools in place.

Obviously twitter, as a publicly traded company is being buffeted by the controversy generated by Vijaya Gadde when she blatantly publicized and politicized the abuse scandal at twitter in her WAPO editorial of April 16, 2015.

A major problem for Twitter is that they do not enforce their own rules consistently.


As Fusion Journalist Kristen V Brown noted in her own reporting after receiving death threats, 

But others, like those from the tweeters that suggested I needed to “go” and that it was “op time,” seemed like clear violations: they encouraged others to target me, repeatedly tweeted at and about me and made references to violence.


And yet threats and fake content are still omnipresent on twitter.

For instance you can solicit hitmen:


Declare our now elected President as a “common enemy” of CIA?


You can pretend Donald Trump has been sworn in and is President already.




A founder of Twitter, and Twitter Board Member (and twitter’s largest individual shareholder) Ev Williams called out Facebook for their “fake news” problem in a Medium post (Ev is CEO/Founder) that has made news.

I found it interesting that when I went to read Zuckerberg’s post about misinformation, there were two ads on the side that are super fake.


One wonders why Evan Williams is not more outspoken about the fake news and abuse that proliferates on twitter?

Twitter does have rules preventing abuse and fake news on the books, they just don’t enforce them.  And what they do enforce, seems to be one sides in the political spectrum.

It is at the point that Twitter’s core business is suffering as reflected in the stock price which is below IPO.

At the very least, Jack Dorsey and the Board of Directors owe it to shareholders to clarify what is going on, and what steps are being taken to cure the public perception of Twitter as a safe haven for abusers & fake #news.

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$TWTR @jack allows @nymag’s @JesseSingal To Be Fake #news And Conspire To Abuse #Consumers.

Unless you can account for the massive use of social media that Barack Obama started and Donald Trump perfected you can’t account for how fake news by media such as Jesse Singal affected the 2016 Potus election.

Jason Abbruzzese of Mashable writes,

In some ways, it’s right out of the playbook of Barack Obama. Obama’s administration excelled at getting out its message in non-traditional ways while also being noted as one the most secretive administrations ever. For example: The Obama White House routinely leapfrogged the political media, giving interviews to YouTube stars (who aren’t, like Trump’s media surrogates, traditional presidential interviewers).

American politics is both cyclical, swinging from left to right and back again, and somewhat like magnets.

Magnets can attract or, if you reverse polarity, repel.

When you have peace and goodwill, the two parties work closer together, when they are at odds, like they have been since 9/11, you get polarization.

And this has led to the extreme polarization we see today.

With literal socialists on the left driving hateful Democrats rhetoric, and real live nazis on the right with their fingers close to the reins of power and driving the news cycle. the nation is as polarized worse than it has been during the heights of the Vietnam war.

So how did Jesse Singal manage to impact the election to such a huge degree?

By aligning with a SJW mob, and doing their fake #news for them.

Conspiring with them openly as they dogpiled and abused their way through gamergate, and right into the general election as pro gamergate people became pro Trump.


Jesse, so sure of himself, offered to conspire with a twitter account, @2dammuslim, that literally cyber bullied a Syrian war refugee right off twitter.

Mr. @2dammuslim is in the business of “persuasion.”



Jesse Singal seems to think he has “protection”.


Mr. @2dammuslim would not be shocked if he was banned by Twitter, however @jack and @support do not treat all their customers equally.


The same conduct that earns people on the right suspensions is ok if done by people with politics Jack approves of.


Mr. @2dammuslim knows his conduct harms twitter customers accounts.  Especially if they are big accounts.



Jesse however doesn’t value your civil rights, he’s ok with a Revolution (and the targeted abuse)  as long as he’s a net beneficiary.



Additionally @2dammuslim has been assigned by @glinner to attack journalists.


In short Jesse Singal got a revolution, and now he’s afraid of what he lit the match to start.


What’s more, Jesse Singal knows he’s fake news and contributed to Trump’s election.

I suppose Jesse is to be commended for his honesty.  It’s not like he tried to hide his efforts.



Honestly Jack Dorsey and Twitter sicken me.

When eminently professional feminist journalists like Kristen V Brown of Fusion receive death threats that Twitter won’t handle responsibly and people like @2dammuslim and Jesse Singal are free to abuse whomever they wish you have to wonder how Twitter remains in business.


Randi Lee Harper, a notorious abuser on Twitter has met with Twitter Safety.


Twitter General Council Vijaya Gadde had this to say about abuse on twitter in her Washington Post Op-Ed entitled, Here’s how we’re trying to stop abuse while preserving free speech.”

This is, to put it mildly, not good enough. Freedom of expression means little as our underlying philosophy if we continue to allow voices to be silenced because they are afraid to speak up. We need to do a better job combating abuse without chilling or silencing speech.

One has to wonder how Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde and the rest of Twitter’s leadership feel they can protect free speech and fight abuse while empowering abusers.








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We Will Now Produce Only The Best Fake #News Available.

In todays headlines, Hillary Clinton was eaten by an alligator at Disneyland as she trolled for new kids to give to Podesta.  No one was hurt, and the alligator received a Congressional Medal of Honor.  Bill Clinton gave the eulogy stating, “Who is that blonde?”

Ron Paul tweeted a list of fake news sites.  We would ask Jack Dorsey and Zuck to immediately bar these fake news sites from publishing news or updates on Facebook and twitter forevermore.



In NFL news the Cleveland Browns challenged Alabama to a football game.  Alabama declined, fearing excessive injury risk for the pansy Browns players.  The Akron Pop Warner boys U-12’s stepped up and beat the Browns 35-28 in a hard fought game, with the Ghost of the Galloping Ghost Red Grange leading all rushers with 142 yards and 3 td’s.

In Major League Baseball news Justin Verlander was jobbed by the baseball writers out of his Cy Young.   However he has Kate Upton.  So all in all it seems fair.

In basketball news Michael Jordan came out of retirement, dunked on Kanye West and re-retired.  Kanye West was last seen in an ambulance muttering about Beyonce, Taylor Swift and 3 partially eaten bags of cheetos.   Kim Kardashian immediately divorced him saying, “I didn’t know he couldn’t D up and guard an old man.  I don’t feel safe anymore.”

In Twitter news Jack Dorsey resigned as CEO stating, “I suck.  I cannot believe I did this to twitter, my customers and my country.  I am a very bad person.”



There’s A Reason Why #Twitter’s #Market Fundamentals Are Poor. #investors #cybersecurity

When times get tough, some companies return to basic tried and true fundamentals.

Some companies try for moonshots, according to The Motley Fool.

However the Motley Fool also notes “uninspiring fundamentals” as key to Twitter’s continuing slide in the marketplace.

I don’t think this will have a major impact on Twitter stock; investors are more concerned with the company’s uninspiring fundamentals. But any change that might help to boost user confidence, not to mention the service’s reputation, is welcome.


Many users ARE investors or potential investors and are put off by the abuse that Twitter allows.

I agree with the Motley Fool that poor user growth and poor engagement is a concern for Twitter.

After all, engagement levels on Instagram are through the roof and continue to grow.

However there’s a fundamental reason for why there’s poor growth and poor engagement at Twitter.


Word has gotten around that Twitter allows cyberbullying and it’s easily conducted through automated means with tweets purchased off sites like addmefast.com.

Or, fake followers can be purchased off sites that amass them and follow people in a bizarre reputation attack.

Worse yet, Twitter moderation allows the abuse, while censoring the truth about these abusive brands.

Instead of a “moonshot” Twitter should return to good old Midwestern customer service values, moderate fairly and to ethical standards, and not protect abusive brands like #digitalkeith from the truth about their own abuse.

Far from feeling safe, Twitter feels like a safe haven for cyberbullies to many of their customers.

Until Twitter means what they say about fighting abuse, instead of fighting a PR war, consumers have no reason to trust Twitter.

And all the advertisers in the world can just try to sell to each other on Twitter, while people enjoy Instagram and the safe environment they provide.

Otherwise Twitter’s users will simply continue to be bullied right off of Twitter.






#News of the Bizarre From #EmpireKred #socialmedia #gaming.

Nance Larson of EmpireKred has tweeted “News You Never Expect” that Gareth Davies has won a lawsuit over the notorious Fresno Troll.

It’s a bizarre end to the case if true.

The link doesn’t appear to be live, however.

Our condolences to the Fresno Troll if he indeed lost the case.

The case seems to stem from some dispute dating back to last Semptember, however details of the case are unclear.

One wonders if he had to turn over his Pud Pit?





A Major Mangina? #EaV #socialsales

Apparently Keith Gill, AKA DigitalKeith, feels he can come to this blog and suggest a new hobby, but if I have Lili look at his professional Linked.In profile he feels threatened by a grandma?

Keith Gill needs to revisit reality I think.

I cannot believe this former Military Intelligence officer would feel threatened by lovely Grandma.

His perception of events is at best skewed, at worst irrational.

We continue to suggest that all consumers avoid EmpireKred as long as people like Keith Gill, Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies and Nance Larson remain there in any capacity from customer to leader, admin or any other formal or informal capacity.

Keith Gill is simply a malignant human being, best avoided.

If he feels threatened by Lili, he’s a world class pussy.



The reason for looking at his Linked.In was to determine if he had revealed his association with Kred (PeopleBrowsr) on an article he wrote in September about Klout vs Kred.

He seems to not have.

This is a perfectly reasonable inquiry into a known spammer, troll and person moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying.

If he felt threatened, he’s just a major mangina.