Tag Archives: Randi Lee Harper

An Open Letter To @Jack. Hire Randi Lee Harper

Dear @Jack,

I am wriitng to you with a surprising recommendation.

Hire Randi Lee Harper.

I know she’s spent years yelling at people, finding exploits and attacking people. She’s written bots, and done things that were surprising to me.

She even threatened my figurative knees. I like my knees. They are the bees knees I’m told.  I didn’t appreciate that much at all so I resolved to look into what made Randi tick.

Frankly, she’s an obnoxious, difficult, head strong individual.  Just like you (If your Momma is honest with us).  And me.  Or anyone.

Here’s why you should defy convention and hire Randi.

The FBI has a long history of HIRING people who exploited systems to work FOR the FBI or Department of Justice to catch the bad guys.

The FBI RECRUITS hackers to help America.

Would Randi need a well structured environment with capable supervisors to monitor her work product and keep her productive?


Put her on a sealed test network to try to screw up your code the worst way possible.

Should she scream on twitter about hating people and they should eat dicks?


As a professional public speaker, who is WELL recieved by her audience I know that she knows that’s not great for long term goals like eating and sleeping and having medical insurance.

I’m here to say that you could learn a lot if you hired her, debriefed her, and put her to work fixing what she kind of helped break.

I have read TONS of Randi’s tweets  over the years.  I know nothing about Randi she hasn’t said of herself or hasn’t been said in press coverage.

I know quite a lot because I investigated claims for a living.  Your team has the same access to the tweets.  Read them.

Has anyone ever gone out of their way for NO REASON to help Randi? I don’t know.

Maybe you can be the first.

This is American Justice.  And we here are concerned with Justice.

Are you?

Randi posted she is clsoing her Patreon down and looking for work.

Hire Randi.

Consider this penance and forgiveness.

Turn the page. Help someone turn the page.

Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Big data.

Flow charts of who talks to who, who was seen by whom and little is said about what was said at those meetings.  Or public events.  Or if the nature of the “discussion” was an attempt to understand another or just pure propaganda.


Imagine for a moment that the algorithms and API’s that provide the data “big data” scienists use to evaluate networks is itself biased.

Does that sound impossible?

A woman that silenced LGBT with her bots meets with tech companies to influence their policies.

That’s right.





That same woman begged for “feminism” in the code.

Do you think a woman who became a renowned public speaker had any influence at Google and Youtube over how their algorithm was coded?

Brianna Wu has spent years asking Google to put “trusted sources” into the code.

If we are considering “trustworthiness” isn’t it important that Randi Lee Harper, who worked with Brianna Wu, silenced LGBT with her bots on Twitter?

Who is zooming who here?

Who elected Brianna Wu and Randi Lee Harper Chiefs of Social Ostracization™?

I want a revote.

Tim Pool, who did excellent reporting on the water shortage (crisis) in East Porterville,CA …

…and who is a self employed journalist (multi racial) and non high school graduate finds himself lumped in with some actually awful people.






How do you deal with data scientists that not only rely on biased algorithms and API data but falsify facts?

How to measure the harm to a self employed journalist who the Left appears to be trying to silence?  Tim Pool relies on Youtube monetization for his living.

Congress needs to heavily regulate these monoliths.  And investigate them for Antitrust violations.  CDA 230 needs to be repealed and social media held accountable for the falsehoods their ‘data” enables and their platforms spread by accounts they allow to exist.

In short, social media companies need to have the same risks and responsibilities everyone else int he United States. They have abused their privilege of immunity and have abused others Civil Rights in doing so.


Si Se Puede!

Continue reading Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Social Advocate Who Silenced #LGBT Wants Jack Dorsey to Suspend Senator Marco Rubio (R -FL) $twtr

Randi Lee Harper, thinks little of free speech, or @civilrights, or of LGBT and their rights…


…thinks Senator Marco Rubio should be suspended by twitter for suggesting his followers call a Miami (his constituency) business to register their displeasure that the restaurant owner who supports the dictator of Venezuela.




Randi Lee Harper has her own mob of harassers.


Randi also has directed that mob to attack people like Mark Kern and tweets intimidating threats of directing that mob at businesses if content is not taken down.


How does/did Randi control her “mob of harassers?”

She tweets to them.


@2dammuslim explained how he and his mob work(ed) in a series of tweets that were archived prior to his suspension.

Randi funds her “work” through her Patreon account.


Randi hacked a “Protected” twitter account and tweeted what she found to her mob of harassers.


She also begged Oauth tokens from her followers, which seems to violate the reason for the existence of Oauth in the first place.


Randi apparently wrote code that allows “token swapping” so anyone can swap tokens and fool the host of the content(such a a social media website) into thinking they are an authorized individual operated in good faith.

Randi has over 1,000 Oauth tokens.


She uses these Oauth tokens to monitor Twitter consumers.


Randi, who found a way for her bot to “make money” was able to silence LGBT advocates on Twitter who were tweeting to a hashtag she didn’t approve of.

Did Randi Lee Harper register an application and comply with Twitter ToS and Twitter Developer ToS when she was making those API calls with borrowed Oauth tokens?

LGBT had to approach her and beg to not be blocked.









Why was Randi Lee Harper, who is not a Twitter employee, able to decide what a LGBT advocate & DC based attorney could retweet and still be connected to her social network?

Her response to was to remove the LGBT from her blocklist, but if they tweeted AGAIN to the same hastag they would be blocked.

This had the effect of separating vulnerable LGBT from their social support networks and was an intentional, but avoidable, harmful act against a protected category of Twitter customers.

Randi finds herself in a “privileged” position.

Randi gets to decide what hashtag LGBT can tweet to and still be in their own social network on twitter.


How does Randi get to work WITH Twitter Safety, have a non disclosure agreement and tweet things like instructions on how to create an ISIS bot network?



Only Jack knows.


Strangely enough Randi Lee Harper worked closely with Brianna Wu prior to the election of Donald Trump.

We emailed Brianna Wu for a comment about Randi’s silencing LGBT and she responded in a disdainful manner and then emailed that she had some info about Randi Lee Harper but wanted that information to remain private.

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Brianna Wu responded with information that we already knew about Randi that anyone could have surmised from Randi’s own tweets.

We can’t publish her response however her lack of concern for the LGBT Randi silenced (we showed her the tweets) is telling in and of itself.

Brianna Wu never responded to the question about harm to LGBT advocates.


Brianna Wu is a former GOP Staffer for Trent Lott (R -MS).

Randi Lee Harper alleges Wu had a somewhat close assocaition with Nazi Andrew “Weev” Aurenheim so is highly critical of Wu as a person.


Wu doesn’t follow her own tweeted rhetoric, having blocked the DNC’s @radiokeri.

Will Jack suspend a sitting US Senator?

Lord only knows because Twitter has proven to be absolutely unpredicatable on their moderation decisions.

How else to explain Randi Lee Harper’s own, extremely abusive, history on Twitter?


Jack, and Twitter Safety tolerate(d) some abuse, and not other abuse, is the only rational explanation.

Can people who work with Twitter Safety simply hack, silence and abuse LGBT and Twitter Support will not act to suspend/moderate them?

What is going on at Twitter?

They say they monitor behaviors and are trying to be proactive but Randi Lee Harper has been on twitter, openly conducting herself in the manner for years.   Continue reading Social Advocate Who Silenced #LGBT Wants Jack Dorsey to Suspend Senator Marco Rubio (R -FL) $twtr

$TWTR @Safety Consultant @Randileeharper Propagates ISIS, @Jack is “Consciously Failing” To Fight Terror

The United Kingdom Home Affairs Committee published a report arguing that social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are “consciously failing” to combat the use of their sites to promote terrorism and killings,

In Twitter’s case this is undoubtedly true as Randi Lee Harper, allegedly an internet abuse expert, propagated ISIS on twitter.

Ms Harper has contacts with Twitter Safety (thought to be @Delbius) and openly boasts of being able to make queries of twitter and has openly violated consumers privacy in the past.


In a shocking display, Ms. Harper tweeted (tweets still live) an information dump of ISIS propaganda.


@Jack has tweeted with @Randileeharper, indicating that he takes her advice on “safety” seriously.


Jack responded to Randi Lee Harper after journalist Kara Swisher (running for San Francisco Mayor) tweeted Randi Lee Harper’s Medium article to @Jack for review.

Vocative has reported that ISIS has been growing at least as fast as Twitter has been suspending accounts, no doubt in large part to Randi Lee Harper’s propagating ISIS materials and Jack’s conscious disregard of safety for all of Twitter’s customers.

In fact, Twitter’s customers actually fight ISIS on twitter, with @Jack and @support frequently suspending accounts actively trying to aid the US & UK in the fight against terrorism.

I often wonder why it is that @Jack has such callous disregard for the safety of his consumers, even as Islamists openly declare Presidential candidate Donald Trump their enemy and solicit hitmen.









As for Randi Lee Harper, her motivation is clear.  To “burn down” Twitter.

And she has, however @Jack seems complicit in the burning of national security and twitter investors.

Not to mention consumers whose safety is compromised by alleged expert Randi Lee Harper.


Related Content:





#Gamergate Reimagined! Journalist Jesse Singal Tossed OUT By Randi Lee Harper

The “Gamergate” controversy has roiled twitter for coming up on 2 years.

Amazingly enough the most sustainably abusive person in Gamergate is Randi Lee Harper.

She’s managed to become an “anti abuse expert” while telling people to light themselves on fire, fuck off, “get fucked” in endless supply.

I can only imagine it’s because she has inside contacts with Twitter (@safety) and openly boasts about them.

Not only does she boast about them, she brags that she knows what is best for you whether you like it or not, and they can make these suggestions.

Often when I read through various accounts that are linked to Gamergate, however tenuously I cannot believe I am in America.

It’s Orewellian.

And it’s a high school soap opera once you realize that everyone on that page is a public person (at least now) and receives threats from the weirdos that inhabit the internet in endless amounts.

I myself have also received threats.

I funny understand that women perceive threats differently, but still some caution must be taken to make sure the threats are credible threats to yourself.

Quite frankly Randi Lee Harper openly advocates violence, hatred and is the most abusive person I have ever seen on the internet.

I have no idea why @Jack turned her and her mob loose on consumers.

They operate exactly as @Vijaya explained in her Washington Post Editorial, but they remain beyond moderation.

Soap Opera


What we have is Journalist Jesse Singal boarding the Revolution!  Sounds fun and why not?

Jesse Singal is a firm believe in “explain nothing” and that by explaining nothing social change is inevitable.

I cannot believe this man is a journalist.







As long as Jesse comes out on top, it’s all systems go!



And not so much, when enforcers are on the scene.

Jesse has a long history of being tossed out and gamely reboarding the ride.





Don’t cross the enforcers, or their friends.



So after warning Candace Owens not to write about Zoe Quinn and Randi Lee Harper, Jesse went ahead and wrote his hit piece.

No single person is more important that the Revolution!




And the lynch mob that Randi Lee Harper command set in.  As Jesse knew it would.

The “Lynchmob” (racist reference) of course operates exactly how Vijaya Gadde wrote in her Washington Post Op Ed, but if you are Randi, the Terms of Service seems to be inoperative.



This of course STILL offended Katherine Cross.

Gonna have to blame Jesse again, because there’s just not a convenient person about!


And thus Jesse ends up being the target du jour.



Like so many others.




What remains a mystery to me is why Katherine Cross is silent about Randi Lee Harper silencing LGBT on Twitter?

Or why she is silent about Jennifer J. Medina targeting LGBT for Randi to block, intimidate or harass?


If anyone has seen her respond to this publically I’d sure like to see it.


PS: I cannot WAIT for what Dick Costolo comes up on his tv show!


$TWTR Damages Their Investors As #RandiLeeHarper Advocates For ISIS

It is astonishing that @Jack and @Vijaya have allowed 3 people to harm Twitter to the extent that they have.

Lies not only poison the well for twitter and investors, but it destroys what Twitter is at it’s core.  A social media company.  A communications company.

Yet Randi Lee Harper, Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu erode trust in Twitter daily as they regularly attack twitter consumers.

When Women Action Media teamed up with Twitter to work on the abuse problem, the study concluded that only .66% of harassment claimed by Randi Lee Harper was actually gamergate related.




#Gamergate is a hashtag that twitter allows.  

Yet Twitter allowed 4 women, Randi Lee Harper (@randileeharper), Brianna Wu (@spacekatgal), Zoe Quinn (@unburntwitch)  to label Twitter’s own customers as a “Hate group” equivalent to ISIS for tweeting to a hashtag.

Zoe Quinn is a partner with Randi Lee Harper in Online Abuse Prevention Initiative, allegedly an anti abuse organization.

Frankly it’s a leader in abuse on social media.


Although Brianna Wu lists Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq) as the 4th of their group of women, I find no mention of comparing #gamergate tweets to ISIS in a search of tweets.


And yet it is @Randileeharper herself who is “signal boosting” ISIS, as she disseminated instructions on how to create an ISIS botnet, twitter handles of suspected ISIS accounts and various other means of social media usage by ISIS to her followers (and the public as anyone may come across her tweets.)


Randi Lee Harper considers tweeting a joke about ISIS as advocating for ISIS…


And it is Randi Lee Harper herself who has contacts at Twitter with Safety.




Randi Lee Harper brags about taking down WoC journalists openly on twitter.


It is shameful journalism, and contributes to the destruction of Twitter itself as @Jack and @Vijaya allow a lie to propagate and disseminate on Twitter.

Why is this person allowed to terrorize Twitter consumers?


Randi Lee Harper (a pseudonym, her real name is Olivia Pope) routinely tells consumers to set themselves on fire.


And yet this is how Randi Lee Harper treats professional journalists on Twitter.  With utter content, condescension and disdain.



Randi isn’t hesitatant to talk to reporters.  She only talks to compliant reporters, such as predatorial @jessesingal.



So many of the professional tech media simply regurgitate the hateful rehetoric spewed by these 3.

How did the #gamergate hashtag start?

Hollywood actor Adam Baldwin invented it in a tweet.

Randi Lee Harper jumped on it, and started accusing a Hollywood Actor, Adam Baldwin, of being a leader of a hate mob.

And the media ate it up.

Randi Lee Harper has even leaked consumers private information as it relates to moderation of their accounts as @safety has a leak.




(Adam has taken to deleting his tweets as protest against Twitter which monetizes him as they allow him to be viciously abused by a predator, Randi Lee Harper.)



You can see more of Randi Lee Harper’s abuse of Adam, here.

And at no time has Twitter protected their consumers or investors from this insidious attack on their own business interests and customers.

Twitter is utterly corrupt and management and the Board needs to be removed.

They allow Randi Lee Harper to spew lies, abuse and threats.  It’s sick.


“Aggressively parroted” by attorneys such as Mitch Jackson, CA litigator of the year in 2013, a highly successful trial lawyer.




Twitter plays favorites and allows these women to abuse their customers.  Openly.



Jack is a liar, lying about Safety being a priority and about censorship.

Twitter censors for Turkey and other governments, yet went on national televsion and told the world that Twitter does not censor.

We know this is demonstrably false, yet Jack misleads his own investors with falsehoods.



Jack Squat




Tweeting ISIS does not break Twitter ToS.




Randi Lee Harper, Founder Of Online Abuse Prevention Initiative Tweets ISIS Propaganda

Online Abuse Prevention Initiative Founder Randi Lee Harper disseminated ISIS propaganda material on Twitter on January 14, 2016.

Randi Lee Harper partners with Alex Lifschitz (Crash Overrride Network), Zoe Quinn (Crash Override Network), and Sheri Rubin (Design Direct Deliver) who serve as inaugural members for the organization’s board of directors at the Online Abuse Prevention Initiative.




The series of tweets featured instructions that ISIS uses to create and propagate Bot nets and included a large data dump of ISIS accounts.

Not surprisingly, and as Gilad  Shiloach of Vocativ reports, ISIS has once again mustered a large number of accounts to attack Twitter.



This behavior is beyond bizarre and serves to disseminate and propagate ISIS, not limit it’s impact on Twitter and consumers.

Twitter has friends like these.  Bruce Dasich is a Twitter executive in Europe.


Tweets archived.  Not published here in their entirety.



$TWTR @Jack And @Twitter Hate 44 Percent of #Consumers Worldwide, Are Anti #Science

I present Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency.  AKA @Femfreq.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Unless you are @Jack and @Twitter, and Anita Sarkeesian.

In that case you let a very small subset of consumers label 44% of consumers worldwide as a hate group equivalent to ISIS.

What rational business would allow a small subset to label 44% of available consumers worldwide as a hate group?

Then moderate as if that were the simple truth?

@Jack and @twitter have.

“Gamers” is not listed on the Southern Poverty intelligence report.



1.2 billion people worldwide are gamers.  I am reasonably certain these are people who for the most part aren’t following US politics.

The majority of which are women.


Yet if you are a gamer, tweeting to a hashtag on @twitter which Twitter allows, #gamergate, you are labeled as a member of a hate group equivalent to ISIS.

Associating, with a hashtag…



So using twitter as it is designed, means you are a member of a hate group if you tweet to a twitter approved hashtag.


Apparently Randi Lee Harper considers it irrefutable that 44% of consumers worldwide belong to a hate group.


Yet when Women In Media studies Randi Lee Harper’s data, they found that only .66 percent of people Randi claimed were part of a hate group equivalent to ISIS were online cyberharassers.



This study was conducted in cooperation with Twitter and subjected to rigorous academic peer review.



Actor Adam Baldwin, whose very livelihood depends on free speech tweeted that he was forced to delete the following tweets.

The screenshots look accurate to me, and although he has since deleted the tweet, I saw the screenshot live on twitter about a month ago.

The orginial link is here.

Backtweets.com has an archive of the tweet, with the corresponding media file link.



That media file graphic is now posted on Imgur and presented here.


Apparently a statement about gamergators being attractive and joyous offends Twitter.

Apparently someone at Twitter is anti science.




Personally I think allowing a few loud customers to label 44% of consumers worldwide as a member of a hate group is abusive in the extreme.

I have no doubt this active hate of consumers is well known worldwide, and is leading to a massive loss in popularity, growth, and a corresponding lowering of stock price and destruction of investors capital.


Yet far from being concerned about this, @Jack and @twitter have placed Anita Sarkeesian on their Orwellian Trust and Safety Council.



@Jack is destroying Twitter as Anita Sarkeesian and Randi Lee Harper ride the wave to fame.

And yet Randi Lee Harper can silence LGBT on Twitter, negatively impacting the psychological health of that marginalized group.

Kinda weird, that.


That is my truth to power.

I am not excusing legitimate harassment women receive.






The Evil, Hate Filled $TWTR Empire of @Jack and @Randileeharper. #socialmedia #cybersecurity

Randi Lee Harper is the most abusive person I have ever encountered online that simply has been able to remain abusive and unmoderated by Twitter.

I cannot believe @Randileeharper is allowed to have a @twitter account, much less engage in the bullying, harassment and intimidation of twitter customers she flagrantly engages in.

What do journalist Cathy Young, Adult actress Mercedes Carrera, actor Adam Baldwin, Journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, and Game Developer Mark Kern have in common?

Let me rephrase that.  What does a Russian Born Immigrant, a PoC Sex Worker, some white dude, a Gay Jew Greek immigrant, and a Taiwanese immigrant have in common?

Let me rephrase that yet again.

What do people that rely on their free speech for their livelihood have in common?

They are all speaking up for the second amendment.

We are now adding our voice to this struggle.

No one in their right mind is an absolutist about Free Speech.

Having been taught that free speech in the legal sense is free speech minus threats such as don’t yell fire in a crowded movie theatre, don’t make physical threats, this would be clear to anyone of rational mind.

And then we have privileged and empowered Randi Lee Harper.  She is apparently the Darth Vader to Jack and his dark empire.

Randi spends a lot of her time telling people to die in a fire, to light themselves on fire, and other variations thereof.

She also tells people there is no such thing as free speech in social media.


She is not a lawyer, and she is wrong.


Randi Lee Harper thinks a professional journalist asking her questions on Twitter is “dogpiling.”


I’m just going to link tweets for you, of Randi’s.

I contend @Jack is not listening at all.


And that his statement herein is a lie.


And that this behavior by Twitter is not beneficial for Twitter’s investors.



Remember everyone Randi is talking to is a customer of Twitter, which is open for business.

Anyone she is tweeting might be in any psychological state, a business partner of twitter’s, etc.

This is how Randi Lee Harper is allowed to treat people on Twitter.

She is a ball of empowered hate and bigotry.

All tweets are archived here.


Pretty much anyone using social media to talk is accused of sending mobs after Randi if they talk about what Randi does to them.


Actually reading content is where it’s at to know what someone is about.


44% of consumers online are gamers.  Why is this woman free to abuse 44% of potential twitter customers?



Self immolation as an act of suicide.  Advocating one self immolate is advocation of violence.

It remains clear to me that despite all of @jack’s words, he hates consumers.

No rational company would allow Randi Lee Harris to attack their own customers in a never ending torrent of hate, vitriol and advocation of violence if they had ANY regard for their “users” as people.

Meanwhile Randi classifies talking as causing a mob.  She’s anti social.  The antithesis of social media, and is destroying $TWTR.

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How Creepy Stalkers Like Sam Schinke @sschinke Ruin #SocialMedia And Damage $TWTR

Newsweek writes that Trolls and Online Mobs have ruined the internet.

And now I have a little mobster acting like a  little stalker who thinks he is doing a bust.

It’s really creepy, since I asked him to leave me alone, and he agreed to do so.




And yet our poor little obsessed cyberstalker logs out of Twitter in order to be internet po po.






Apparently using the internet means Sam Schinke is going to cyberstalk you and try to report you as spam to major corporations such as Klout.

Because @Klout, a content aggregator shared my content.

You heard right, Sam Schinke is going to report me to Klout, because I shared Klout’s share of my content and other twitter accounts tweeted it.

As you can see, I have blocked Sam Schinke.



And yet this does not prevent this little cyberstalker from spying on me.

A search was conducted on a particular Klout link.



And Sam jumps to the totally incorrect conclusion that I created those links and bots are tweeting them.

For which he is going to report me to @Klout as spam.







Twitter has rules against creating false and misleading tweets, but they don’t seem to enforce them.

Jim Cramer has written about this before, yet Twitter, in their infinite wisdom, deems that lying about customers is ok, even when it’s demonstrably provable that a lie is occuring.

As a Twitter advertiser, I am confounded by this.

Why does Twitter allow some random cyberstalker to lie about advertising partners?

A content BETA shows recent content Klout has shared.



And then, amazingly enough, I can share them.



Klout has shared the recent blogs I have written.



Including the particular blog (and link Klout created) the cyberstalker is captivated by.



As a result of this, I am no longer purchasing advertising on twitter, and recommend to my friends to do the same.

Advertisers are spending less on Twitter as twitter growth has stalled and with people able to openly stalk and lie about you, it’s no wonder at that.

Klout aggregates and disseminates content.

They have long shared my blogs.  I never know when a particular blog will be shared, they pick up the content they want to.

I simply find the content on Klout, and then people share it.

Social Media, working as intended for me.

And freely abused by shameless, lying cyberstalkers intent to do harm.

Sure hope @kloutsupport is on the ball and recognizes liars like Sam when they see them.

They have been great to me, so I have 0 worries.

