Tag Archives: customer service

$TWTR Continues to Fail at #Custserv and Public Relations #socialmedia #socialsales

Over the weekend Twitter removed the @verified account from Jose Canseco.

As is typical, no explantion was given for the removal.


However after a quick review of Jose’s timeline, I’m fairly certain why.



Never tweet to anyone that their appearance makes you throw up.

We tweeted to Kim Kardashian to inquire, but do not expect a response.



What is now known however is that certain people have access to “escalation” channels and can inquire, and/or work to have other people suspended or punished in retributive fashion.


It is clear Twitter plays favorites.

This favoritism is very strange as Randi Lee Harper is able to silence LGBT on Twitter and violate consumers privacy.

Twitter continues to exhibit a punitive handling of these issues in certain cases.

Why not reach out to Jose and discuss the reasoning?

Why not provide some level of customer service, especially as their reputation is not so great in social media now?

Why not give Jose an opportunity to correct the problem and have a learning opportunity that can help Jose and make clear to other consumers what is and what is not allowed?

It makes no sense that Twitter leaves not just Jose, but all consumers mystified.

Especially as the double standard of their moderation remains evident.

Some people are pretty freely abused on Twitter.


Tweeting the wife of the dude who Twitter is banking on?  Not smart.


But this was known when Twitter verified him…

Beta Testing @CrowdifyTech ~ Some Issues With Communication With the Development Team

Crowdify.Tech is a new intry into the social media “sharing” niche.

I have been advised by the entrepreneur developing the project that the status updates (on your profile) and “tasks” (equivent to requests for social shares) need to be “tech” related.

Whey I inquired how strict that rule was i was informed by the entrepreneur that they neither planned on providing customer service nor would be offering any explanations.



So it seems strictly tech related is the rule as a humorous blog about a mutual friend selling his business seems not to have been worth discussing.

To my thinking this defeats the purpose of beta testing, as exchange of information between testers and the site should be welcome, but I guess that’s their policy at present.

I was reporting that the “tasks” allow you to type more than 140 characters with no warning.  Once you hit update you are presented with a finished and oddly truncated, “task”.

As there is no beta testing forum, nor way to make these bugs and other issues known to the developers directly on the website I made what I was discovering known to the entrepreneur through Facebook chat, as he had indicated on this blog he welcomed such input.



It’s easily corrected, but a character limit warning when you are creating the task would be nice.

There are some issues with the programming associated with the Crowdify.Tech website itself at present.

Neither Facebook nor facebook pages can be hooked up at present.

The “Support” link does not work, nor are any of the other links live.



Crowdify will combine unique features into one package, a marketplace for tech, meeting place for in person meetings, and a free bitcoin wallet according to their Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.




What Could Possibly Fuel The Continuing Abuse of #Twitter Customers?

Why would a known false advertiser think he’s a reputable primary source for anything?

Keith Gill, AKA Digitalkeith, a man so abusive on Twitter that the SF DA’s office and CA DOJ investigated Twitter’s handling remains able to bully and harass people on Twitter.

Keith Gill is currently a corporate marketing manager for @avisolve.

His activiities, along with other “goon squad” of Empire Avenue people helped change Twitter’s abuse policy according to Ethel Newlin of the San Francisco District Attorney’s office.





Keith Gill, who instead of simply fixing his artlcle on Sales 4 Life began engaging in trolling and cyberbullying remains unable to accept the truth of what he is.

Sadly, he continues to troll and abuse others who are simply warning others of his abusive ways.

When will Twitter stand up for a clean, honest and forthright marketplace on Twitter, and protect their consumers from such abusive people as Keith Gill?

Does Twitter actually intend to protect consumers, or are people just freely abused?

Of course allowing abusive people such as Keith Gill on Twitter simply drives away core users, which TWITTER already knows.

According to The Verge, quoting former CEO Dick Costolo,

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo is taking personal responsibility for his platform’s chronic problems with harassment and abuse, telling employees that he is embarrassed for the company’s failures and would soon be taking stronger action to eliminate trolls. He said problems with trolls are driving away the company’s users. “We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we’ve sucked at it for years,” Costolo wrote in an internal memo obtained by The Verge. “It’s no secret and the rest of the world talks about it every day. We lose core user after core user by not addressing simple trolling issues that they face every day.”


Why doesn’t Keith Gill simply fix his own house and stop abusing Twitter’s customers?

According to Vijaya Gadde, General Council of Twitter,

This is, to put it mildly, not good enough. Freedom of expression means little as our underlying philosophy if we continue to allow voices to be silenced because they are afraid to speak up. We need to do a better job combating abuse without chilling or silencing speech.




Does Twitter stand against abuse or not?

Simply because Keith Gill doesn’t seem to accept the validity of consumer affairs blogging shouldn’t leave a person free to abuse everyone else engaging in free speech.



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Twitter @Policy @safety @Jack Stand Against Abuse? #cybersecurity #socialmedia


#EmpireKred Leader So Abusive The CA DoJ And SF DA’s Office Opened Files

Do you wish to be a customer of a company Empire Avenue, now EmpireKred, whose current leaders have such a history of such blatant abuse of their fellow leaders (and customers) that their conduct is credited by the San Francisco District Attorney’s office with helping change Twitter’s abuse policy?

Keith Gill, AKA DigitalKeith, Leader of then Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) was so abusive on Twitter that the California Department of Justice and San Francisco District Attorney’s office opened inquiries into Twitter’s handling of the abuse.

Keith Gill is currently a corporate marketing manager for @avisolve.

If you’d like to be the customer of such a company give EmpireKred a try.

If you’re a normal person, and don’t wish to potentially be abused by people that have a history of doxing customers, issuing violent and non violent threats, trolling, and other harassment, pass on EmpireKred.

Empire Avenue refused to stop the abuse, and EmpireKred also indicates they will do nothing to stop abuse either.

According to Ethel Newlin of the San Francisco District Attorney’s office blogging helped change Twitter’s abuse policy.

This was further corraborated by Steven Krohn in a phone call to Ms. Newlin on 2/5/2015 one day after Twitter CEO Dick Costolo acknowledged they sucked at dealing with trolls and abuse.



In fact, the San Francisco DA’s office recommended a potential civil rights complaint if I chose to pursue litigation.

However, as I am out roughtly $100.00 – $115.00  (leaders package plus a month or so of bronze package) I feel warning consumers about who is at EmpireKred is a much more worthy exercise.

Mr. Gill, who thought corporations can do whatever they want to customers, apparently was surprised by response from attorney Mitch Jackson.






Bullies Changed Policy



653014 Letter DOJ REdacted 12302914 letter DOJ redacted Ethel Newlin 1122015 Ethel Newlin 2032015 Ethel Newlin 11062014

Bullies Changed Policy


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Customer Service In The Age of #SocialMedia; The @Starkistcharlie Team At Work. #custserv #consumers

When a seemingly irate consumer launched a vicious attack on a beloved brand the social media team at StarKist leapt into action.



Customer service issues can be clarified with a quick response from the team if a brand is dedicated to customer service, and fair dealing with the public.

Listening to consumer feedback can help your brand immensely.


Your team can save sales and even create sales as people see your timely and professional response on your social media channels.

This is as opposed to the leader of that other social media company, EmpireKred, and their “goon squad.”

Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.

A company is responsible for overseeing its reps and volunteers that are endorsed and sanctioned by the company, in making sure they are in line with a Company code of conduct. Let me ask you something, if you were to go into Walmart or Nordstoms, make a complaint with Customer Service would you expect or allow yourself to continually be attacked and bullied by their Company volunteer staff? Then over a month it continues and gets worse the more you complain? I’m warning everyone with no question to avoid Empire Avenue. If your Brand comes under the ire of one of their rogue Chat Mods, Empire Avenue can’t protect the bashing of your Brand and doesn’t seem to care in my opinion. I’m telling people to run from this company, keep your money or ask for a refund. This is a perfect example of a social media fail everyone should be blogging about and making lesson plans on!






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Twitter @Policy @safety @Jack Stand Against Abuse? #cybersecurity #socialmedia

The Importance Of #Humor. #socialmedia #socialsales

Whatever happened to Keith Gill’s (AKA DigitalKeith, Leader of EmpireKred, the “notorious” #Fresno Troll) sense of humor?

According to Peter McGraw, PHD, writing in Psychology Today,

Not getting the joke

Finally, researching humor is important because it will help us understand why it doesn’t always work. While successful humor leads to myriad benefits, failed humor can be downright destructive, from bruised egos and broken friendships to million-dollarmarketing mistakes (think Groupon’s failed Super Bowl commercial). If we can better figure out what makes things funny, we will end up far better equipped to handle it when we don’t get the joke.

In sum, when done well, humor can have a significant positive effect on your life. Isn’t it time we use a little more academic rigor to figure out how it works? By developing a better understanding of humor we believe we can then suggest ways that people can live better lives – from helping them cope with pain and stress to encouraging people to use humor to criticize brands that have done them wrong.


Obviously anyone that doesn’t accept consumer advocacy as a legitimate form of free speech, and whose very conduct led to the the San Francisco DA’s office opening a file, and not coicidentally helped change Twitter’s abuse policy according to Ethel Newlin of the SF DA’s office, probably doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.




Ethel Newlin 1122015


This would probably explain why said person perpetuates violence against children in his alleged humor.


According to new research a twisted sense of humor could be an early sign of dementia.

The study, conducted at University College London (UCL), looked at 48 patients suffering from frontotemporal dementia (FTD) – which affects the region behind the forehead – and Alzheimer’s disease. Using a series of questionnaires, they asked friends or relatives of the participants what type of comedy they preferred: slapstick comedy such as Mr Bean, satirical comedy such as Yes Minister (imagine a 1980s British Veep if you’re not familiar) or absurd comedy such as Monty Python. They then compared the results with 21 healthy people of a similar age.


The problem of course is that Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) has a well documented “Goon squad” that attacks people who raise legitimate concerns.

Attacks on their own customers by the “Goon squad” stretch back years.

According to Chris Voss of the Chris Voss Show, noted social media expert,

Empire Avenue Fail 5 post overview: Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.

A company is responsible for overseeing its reps and volunteers that are endorsed and sanctioned by the company, in making sure they are in line with a Company code of conduct. Let me ask you something, if you were to go into Walmart or Nordstoms, make a complaint with Customer Service would you expect or allow yourself to continually be attacked and bullied by their Company volunteer staff? Then over a month it continues and gets worse the more you complain? I’m warning everyone with no question to avoid Empire Avenue. If your Brand comes under the ire of one of their rogue Chat Mods, Empire Avenue can’t protect the bashing of your Brand and doesn’t seem to care in my opinion. I’m telling people to run from this company, keep your money or ask for a refund. This is a perfect example of a social media fail everyone should be blogging about and making lesson plans on!


That is not funny, at all.

And now consumers know and can make informed decisions.


Bullies Changed Policy


Dups Wijayawardhana Legacy As CEO of Empire Avenue? A “Nightmare” Of His Own Making

Being a customer of Empire Avenue was a nightmare for a lot of people.

According to Alan Gray of NEwsblaze, Empire Avenue had the second worst customer service in his time on the internet.




That’s a deathknell for a small startup that refuses to protect their customers from their own “goon squad.”

Towards the end of Dups time at Empire Avenue, even answering basic customer service inquiries became a bridge to far for Dups.

With a “goon squad” as reported by Chris Voss of The Chris Voss Show, certain customers (later leaders) being able to viciously attack other customers at will, with no protection from those in authority at Empire Avenue, it’s clear that Dups gave no concern to customer service issues, nor safety or cybersecurity issues.

From doxing customers to violent and non violent threats, cyberbullying and intimidation the “Goon squad” does it all.

One legacy Dups has is that his “goon squad” helped change Twitter’s abuse policy.

We would like to cordially thanks Dups Wijayawardhana for being such a horrible CEO that his companies “goon squad” helped change Twitter’s abuse policy.

Thank you Dups.

There is a silver lining in every “goon squad” cloud.

However, according to reports, Dups remains a consultant for PeopleBrowsr, aka Kred, owner of EmpireKred.

The “goon squad” remain leaders (at least) at EmpireKred, able to at least attempt to “goon” it up against unwary consumers.

Gareth Davies is perhaps the single most abusive predatorial person I have encountered on the internet.

Next to him, the next most vicious are Nance Larson and the rest of the “goon squad.”



Traffic! Unique Visitors and Sales! New Startup @crowdifytech Takes Some Of #EmpireKred’s Traffic

Crowdify, a new social media startup is finding room in the not so crowded social media, influencer marketing and influencer networking scene.

Where is their traffic coming from?


The major social media sites for the most part.

And EmpireKred.

According to founder Michael Q. Todd,

Idea of site is to bring internet knowledge to world and to hold meetings that will promote and faciliatte *sic equity crowdfunding especially of cleantech


Helping spread the news of smaller social media entrepreneurs along with news on cleantech, bitcoin and other subject matter, there’s room for Crowdify to grow due to Empire Avenue’s historic abuse of customers and resulting migration of customers away from the site.

Will Empire Avenue’s legacy of abusing customers and having a “goon squad” (Keith Gill, Chris Sandys, Nance Larson and Gareth Davies) still leaders at EmpireKred (which recently changed name from Empire Aveue) continue to siphon customers away from EmpireKred?

Will Keith Gill and the other “goons” continue to lash out at news they don’t like on their social media profiles?

Or will they stop the cycle of abuse and repair their business image, traffic flow and increase their own sales?

Only time will tell.

Other competitors that offer “sharing” of social media between other members include Traff.Up and Co-Promote.



Chris Sandys has been warned by Twitter for non violent threats.
Gareth Davies has been suspended for tweeting private information and violent threats.
Keith Gill, AKA DIgitalKeith was moderated by Instagram for cyberbullying and had his twitter account locked (replaced indefinite suspension)
Nance Larson participated in the doxing of a customer.
All acts were directed at a then customer of Empire Avenue, and now a customer of Kred, which owns EmpireKred.

EmpireKred “support” refuses to stop the ongoing abuse.

The Unwelcoming “Welcome Wagon” Greeter of #EmpireKred #NanceLarson #Eav #socialmedia #custserv

EmpireKred Staff member Nance Larson has to be the most unwelcoming “welcome wagon” admin in the place.

Post a polite hello, and get a snarky response back.



What if you want to help other new players?

Do you have to be “Nance Approved” to post in an official forum?

This womans control freak nature is way, way out of control.

I believe she continues to drive away potential new players to Empire Kred.

Anyone can join, Nance.


Is #GarethDavies Even His Real Name? #EaV #socialmedia #cybersecurity

According to Michael Q. Todd, leader of EmpireKred, Gareth Davies (@me_gareth) also a leader of EmpireKred, is a troll and Gareth Davies may not even be his real name.

MQT 5 MQT 7  MQT 9


Gareth Davies has a long history of attacking other Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) customers.

His vendetta against Michael Q. Todd has been carried out on Twitter and in the Empire Avenue forums for over 3 years.

Gareth Attacks Michael Q Todd - Copy


Gareth Davies has been suspended by Twitter (to my knowledge) for doxing (tweeting private information) and violent threats.

He was additionally warned for violent threats.

To my experience Gareth Davies is a troll who lies, bullies and does whatever it might take to try to get his bullying way.

It’s astonishing that EmpireKred still allows this man to be a customer of, much less a leader of EmpireKred.

It’s best to avoid EmpireKred until this abusive leader is removed or controlled.

Source:  http://www.empire.kred/gareth

Gareth New Profile