Tag Archives: Brianna Wu

An Email From Brianna Wu Accusing Me Of An “Outrageous, Baseless Lie.”

Apparently Brainna Wu went digging through archives and found a 2 year old blog I’d taken out of publiction where I said she’s a “former GOP fundraiser” and is wrong for Progressives.

Brianna, a former GOP staff member for Trent Lott (R -MS) and intern for Michael Steele apparently worked for 5 years for the GOP according to her own tweets.


She was also “as Republican as you can be” until age 25 according to her own tweets.

I don’t think that’s “briefly” according to the standard dictionary definition.

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Since I am happy to correct any unintional mistakes I emailed back a pretty extensive set of questions.

1..  What party did she fundraise for?


2. How long did she work for Trent Lott (R – MS)




Is “fundraising” a part of a political campaign?  She said she’s worked at every level of a campaign.



Is 5 years a “brief” period?


Brianna Wu emailed back saying,

Okay, that’s fair to base it off that Tweet. I was trying to sum up a summer where I attended a lot of fundraisers in the evening as part of my job and saw a lot of really weird shit. It was an imprecise statement on Twitter, back in 2014 when there was only 140 characters.

But, I’m telling you directly, I never worked as a fundraiser.


Brianna’s job duties included some activities linked to fundraising.

That’s certainly reasonable and expected in Washington D.C. where networking is a critical job function.

She was not a “Fundraiser” which some may take to mean “rain maker” or “bundler” or something illicit.

I apologize for any negative implications that may have been inferred by others based upon the title of the blog.

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Ed Whelan, “Conservative Activist” Floats “Some Other Dude Done It” Defense For Judge Kavanaugh, Doxes Homeowner

The Judge Kavanaugh confirmation for Supreme Court just became extremely muddled and convoluted.

“Some Other Dude Done It” is a standard defense floated by miscreants when they have no other defense to offer.

The Jury Expert reports,

The results of the current experiment suggest that in court, the addition of one or more alternative suspects would decrease jurors’ belief in the defendant’s guilt, even when the alternative suspect is not actually believed to be the culprit. (See Tenney, Cleary, & Spellman (2009) for more study details.)

Apparently Ed Whelan feels the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are credible enough that he tracked down a house matching the description and an alleged perpetrator and named them in a bizarre tweetstorm on Twitter.

Ed Whelan tweeted a series of tweets in which he strongly insinuated that a lookalike of Judge Kavanaugh (former classmate) commited the alleged sexual assault of Christine Blasey Ford.

Ed also managed to tweet the name and picture of the man he named and the address AND floorplan of the home he believes the alleged assault may have taken place in.

In other words, this is a massive DOX of private individuals to try to muddy the waters around Judge Kavanaugh.

When Brianna Wu was doxed by Nazi Trump supporter Ethan “Cop Beater” Ralph he tweeted detailed images of the floorplan of Wu’s home.

Ralph who served time in Virginia for assaulting Law Enforcement (a felony), had a nazi on his staff, Lane Davis, who killed his own father, and Wildgoose, a notorious doxer.

Yours truly has been doxed by Wildgoose previously.



Ralph began stalking Wu at public appearances.


The tweetstorm by Whelancame after he posted a link to this Washington Post article that irresponsibly claimed “mistaken identity would be a welcome resolution.”



Of course we don’t KNOW if there is no evidence or witnesses because the FBI won’t reopen the background check or assert jurisdiction and investigate the allegation.

The effect on the safety and security of the current home owner and the man Whelan named are unknown however doxing is a popular tactic of harassment mobs who know or hope that someone will take action to silence said individuals permanently.

The Cyberbully Research Center reports,

The goal of those who seek, find, and then release personal information of others is ostensibly to bully or scare targets by destroying their sense of privacy and rendering them vulnerable to victimization by future harassers. For instance, a bullying aggressor might make use of your personal information by ordering multiple pizzas (that you never ordered or wanted!) for delivery at your home address. Another tactic is called “swatting,” and occurs when someone anonymously calls the police with a false threat (like a hostage situation) and uses your address, causing deployment of the police SWAT team to show up at your house armed and ready for violent action.


Continue reading Ed Whelan, “Conservative Activist” Floats “Some Other Dude Done It” Defense For Judge Kavanaugh, Doxes Homeowner

Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Big data.

Flow charts of who talks to who, who was seen by whom and little is said about what was said at those meetings.  Or public events.  Or if the nature of the “discussion” was an attempt to understand another or just pure propaganda.


Imagine for a moment that the algorithms and API’s that provide the data “big data” scienists use to evaluate networks is itself biased.

Does that sound impossible?

A woman that silenced LGBT with her bots meets with tech companies to influence their policies.

That’s right.





That same woman begged for “feminism” in the code.

Do you think a woman who became a renowned public speaker had any influence at Google and Youtube over how their algorithm was coded?

Brianna Wu has spent years asking Google to put “trusted sources” into the code.

If we are considering “trustworthiness” isn’t it important that Randi Lee Harper, who worked with Brianna Wu, silenced LGBT with her bots on Twitter?

Who is zooming who here?

Who elected Brianna Wu and Randi Lee Harper Chiefs of Social Ostracization™?

I want a revote.

Tim Pool, who did excellent reporting on the water shortage (crisis) in East Porterville,CA …

…and who is a self employed journalist (multi racial) and non high school graduate finds himself lumped in with some actually awful people.






How do you deal with data scientists that not only rely on biased algorithms and API data but falsify facts?

How to measure the harm to a self employed journalist who the Left appears to be trying to silence?  Tim Pool relies on Youtube monetization for his living.

Congress needs to heavily regulate these monoliths.  And investigate them for Antitrust violations.  CDA 230 needs to be repealed and social media held accountable for the falsehoods their ‘data” enables and their platforms spread by accounts they allow to exist.

In short, social media companies need to have the same risks and responsibilities everyone else int he United States. They have abused their privilege of immunity and have abused others Civil Rights in doing so.


Si Se Puede!

Continue reading Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Social Advocate Who Silenced #LGBT Wants Jack Dorsey to Suspend Senator Marco Rubio (R -FL) $twtr

Randi Lee Harper, thinks little of free speech, or @civilrights, or of LGBT and their rights…


…thinks Senator Marco Rubio should be suspended by twitter for suggesting his followers call a Miami (his constituency) business to register their displeasure that the restaurant owner who supports the dictator of Venezuela.




Randi Lee Harper has her own mob of harassers.


Randi also has directed that mob to attack people like Mark Kern and tweets intimidating threats of directing that mob at businesses if content is not taken down.


How does/did Randi control her “mob of harassers?”

She tweets to them.


@2dammuslim explained how he and his mob work(ed) in a series of tweets that were archived prior to his suspension.

Randi funds her “work” through her Patreon account.


Randi hacked a “Protected” twitter account and tweeted what she found to her mob of harassers.


She also begged Oauth tokens from her followers, which seems to violate the reason for the existence of Oauth in the first place.


Randi apparently wrote code that allows “token swapping” so anyone can swap tokens and fool the host of the content(such a a social media website) into thinking they are an authorized individual operated in good faith.

Randi has over 1,000 Oauth tokens.


She uses these Oauth tokens to monitor Twitter consumers.


Randi, who found a way for her bot to “make money” was able to silence LGBT advocates on Twitter who were tweeting to a hashtag she didn’t approve of.

Did Randi Lee Harper register an application and comply with Twitter ToS and Twitter Developer ToS when she was making those API calls with borrowed Oauth tokens?

LGBT had to approach her and beg to not be blocked.









Why was Randi Lee Harper, who is not a Twitter employee, able to decide what a LGBT advocate & DC based attorney could retweet and still be connected to her social network?

Her response to was to remove the LGBT from her blocklist, but if they tweeted AGAIN to the same hastag they would be blocked.

This had the effect of separating vulnerable LGBT from their social support networks and was an intentional, but avoidable, harmful act against a protected category of Twitter customers.

Randi finds herself in a “privileged” position.

Randi gets to decide what hashtag LGBT can tweet to and still be in their own social network on twitter.


How does Randi get to work WITH Twitter Safety, have a non disclosure agreement and tweet things like instructions on how to create an ISIS bot network?



Only Jack knows.


Strangely enough Randi Lee Harper worked closely with Brianna Wu prior to the election of Donald Trump.

We emailed Brianna Wu for a comment about Randi’s silencing LGBT and she responded in a disdainful manner and then emailed that she had some info about Randi Lee Harper but wanted that information to remain private.

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Brianna Wu responded with information that we already knew about Randi that anyone could have surmised from Randi’s own tweets.

We can’t publish her response however her lack of concern for the LGBT Randi silenced (we showed her the tweets) is telling in and of itself.

Brianna Wu never responded to the question about harm to LGBT advocates.


Brianna Wu is a former GOP Staffer for Trent Lott (R -MS).

Randi Lee Harper alleges Wu had a somewhat close assocaition with Nazi Andrew “Weev” Aurenheim so is highly critical of Wu as a person.


Wu doesn’t follow her own tweeted rhetoric, having blocked the DNC’s @radiokeri.

Will Jack suspend a sitting US Senator?

Lord only knows because Twitter has proven to be absolutely unpredicatable on their moderation decisions.

How else to explain Randi Lee Harper’s own, extremely abusive, history on Twitter?


Jack, and Twitter Safety tolerate(d) some abuse, and not other abuse, is the only rational explanation.

Can people who work with Twitter Safety simply hack, silence and abuse LGBT and Twitter Support will not act to suspend/moderate them?

What is going on at Twitter?

They say they monitor behaviors and are trying to be proactive but Randi Lee Harper has been on twitter, openly conducting herself in the manner for years.   Continue reading Social Advocate Who Silenced #LGBT Wants Jack Dorsey to Suspend Senator Marco Rubio (R -FL) $twtr

Gamergate: Where Are They Now? The Successes, Fails & Silencers of #LGBT

Gamergate pitted 2 sides against the other.  Which was right and which was wrong?

That depends on your politics and tolerance for abuse. Both sides employed/deployed bots, trolls and abuse mobs.

Where are they now?

The Women of Gamergate:

Brianna Wu:

The tech CEO and public speaker, former journalist, ran for Congress on a progressive ticket and had an impressive showing (starting from essentially zero) and is building her base for a 2020 run.

Anita Sarkeesian:

Anita continues her work at Feminist Frequency with a podcast & social advocacy.  She wrote a book and continues her public speaking career.

Zoe Quinn:

The artist/programmer/social advocate is now involved in the comic book industry with DC Comics.  Something tells me the character is based on someone we know.

Randi Lee Harper: 

The allegedly racist troll/doxer/hacker harassment mob leader Republican lives off donations to her patreon and is in hiding after daring people to dox her.

Randi, according to journalist Jesse Singal, has silenced marginalized communities (LGBT) with her blocking and autoblocker bot.


Randi herself knew that is a bad strategy to cut off people from their support networks but did it to LGBT advocates purposefully.

Randi has also been called out for this silencing on Twitter where she remains free to troll others.


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The Pro Gamergate Side. Such as It Is:

Milo Yiannopoulis

After scoring a $13 million dollar startup fund for Dangerous, Milo has been ostracized by polite society for networking with white supremacists and trolls as part of his shtick.

Milo ocassionally whines on Facebook about the injustice of it all.

Ethan Ralph

Proprietor of a muckraking site, The Ralph Retort, Ralph has returned to limited podcasting after being released from prison. He served time for assaulting law enforcement.

Ethan Ralph is a frequent guest on white nationalist podcasts such as Red Ice.

Ethan Ralph’s political editor Lane Davis shot his own father to death (called him a nazi) and is serving time in prison.

Ralph now spends his time tweeting people about being a convicted felon and suggesting they self harm.



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Mike Ma:  Breitbart Journalist Mike Ma was suspended by twitter for abuse and disappeared into the void never to be heard from again. We think he’s “Admin” on Dangerous but who cares?

His Vines were funny but he was a bully.  C’est la vie.

As to a harassment mob leader leading a “war on harassment.”

Republican Randi Lee Harper’s worrying should have informed her behaviors better.




$TWTR Damages Their Investors As #RandiLeeHarper Advocates For ISIS

It is astonishing that @Jack and @Vijaya have allowed 3 people to harm Twitter to the extent that they have.

Lies not only poison the well for twitter and investors, but it destroys what Twitter is at it’s core.  A social media company.  A communications company.

Yet Randi Lee Harper, Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu erode trust in Twitter daily as they regularly attack twitter consumers.

When Women Action Media teamed up with Twitter to work on the abuse problem, the study concluded that only .66% of harassment claimed by Randi Lee Harper was actually gamergate related.




#Gamergate is a hashtag that twitter allows.  

Yet Twitter allowed 4 women, Randi Lee Harper (@randileeharper), Brianna Wu (@spacekatgal), Zoe Quinn (@unburntwitch)  to label Twitter’s own customers as a “Hate group” equivalent to ISIS for tweeting to a hashtag.

Zoe Quinn is a partner with Randi Lee Harper in Online Abuse Prevention Initiative, allegedly an anti abuse organization.

Frankly it’s a leader in abuse on social media.


Although Brianna Wu lists Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq) as the 4th of their group of women, I find no mention of comparing #gamergate tweets to ISIS in a search of tweets.


And yet it is @Randileeharper herself who is “signal boosting” ISIS, as she disseminated instructions on how to create an ISIS botnet, twitter handles of suspected ISIS accounts and various other means of social media usage by ISIS to her followers (and the public as anyone may come across her tweets.)


Randi Lee Harper considers tweeting a joke about ISIS as advocating for ISIS…


And it is Randi Lee Harper herself who has contacts at Twitter with Safety.




Randi Lee Harper brags about taking down WoC journalists openly on twitter.


It is shameful journalism, and contributes to the destruction of Twitter itself as @Jack and @Vijaya allow a lie to propagate and disseminate on Twitter.

Why is this person allowed to terrorize Twitter consumers?


Randi Lee Harper (a pseudonym, her real name is Olivia Pope) routinely tells consumers to set themselves on fire.


And yet this is how Randi Lee Harper treats professional journalists on Twitter.  With utter content, condescension and disdain.



Randi isn’t hesitatant to talk to reporters.  She only talks to compliant reporters, such as predatorial @jessesingal.



So many of the professional tech media simply regurgitate the hateful rehetoric spewed by these 3.

How did the #gamergate hashtag start?

Hollywood actor Adam Baldwin invented it in a tweet.

Randi Lee Harper jumped on it, and started accusing a Hollywood Actor, Adam Baldwin, of being a leader of a hate mob.

And the media ate it up.

Randi Lee Harper has even leaked consumers private information as it relates to moderation of their accounts as @safety has a leak.




(Adam has taken to deleting his tweets as protest against Twitter which monetizes him as they allow him to be viciously abused by a predator, Randi Lee Harper.)



You can see more of Randi Lee Harper’s abuse of Adam, here.

And at no time has Twitter protected their consumers or investors from this insidious attack on their own business interests and customers.

Twitter is utterly corrupt and management and the Board needs to be removed.

They allow Randi Lee Harper to spew lies, abuse and threats.  It’s sick.


“Aggressively parroted” by attorneys such as Mitch Jackson, CA litigator of the year in 2013, a highly successful trial lawyer.




Twitter plays favorites and allows these women to abuse their customers.  Openly.



Jack is a liar, lying about Safety being a priority and about censorship.

Twitter censors for Turkey and other governments, yet went on national televsion and told the world that Twitter does not censor.

We know this is demonstrably false, yet Jack misleads his own investors with falsehoods.



Jack Squat




Tweeting ISIS does not break Twitter ToS.




$TWTR @Jack And @Twitter Hate 44 Percent of #Consumers Worldwide, Are Anti #Science

I present Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency.  AKA @Femfreq.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Unless you are @Jack and @Twitter, and Anita Sarkeesian.

In that case you let a very small subset of consumers label 44% of consumers worldwide as a hate group equivalent to ISIS.

What rational business would allow a small subset to label 44% of available consumers worldwide as a hate group?

Then moderate as if that were the simple truth?

@Jack and @twitter have.

“Gamers” is not listed on the Southern Poverty intelligence report.



1.2 billion people worldwide are gamers.  I am reasonably certain these are people who for the most part aren’t following US politics.

The majority of which are women.


Yet if you are a gamer, tweeting to a hashtag on @twitter which Twitter allows, #gamergate, you are labeled as a member of a hate group equivalent to ISIS.

Associating, with a hashtag…



So using twitter as it is designed, means you are a member of a hate group if you tweet to a twitter approved hashtag.


Apparently Randi Lee Harper considers it irrefutable that 44% of consumers worldwide belong to a hate group.


Yet when Women In Media studies Randi Lee Harper’s data, they found that only .66 percent of people Randi claimed were part of a hate group equivalent to ISIS were online cyberharassers.



This study was conducted in cooperation with Twitter and subjected to rigorous academic peer review.



Actor Adam Baldwin, whose very livelihood depends on free speech tweeted that he was forced to delete the following tweets.

The screenshots look accurate to me, and although he has since deleted the tweet, I saw the screenshot live on twitter about a month ago.

The orginial link is here.

Backtweets.com has an archive of the tweet, with the corresponding media file link.



That media file graphic is now posted on Imgur and presented here.


Apparently a statement about gamergators being attractive and joyous offends Twitter.

Apparently someone at Twitter is anti science.




Personally I think allowing a few loud customers to label 44% of consumers worldwide as a member of a hate group is abusive in the extreme.

I have no doubt this active hate of consumers is well known worldwide, and is leading to a massive loss in popularity, growth, and a corresponding lowering of stock price and destruction of investors capital.


Yet far from being concerned about this, @Jack and @twitter have placed Anita Sarkeesian on their Orwellian Trust and Safety Council.



@Jack is destroying Twitter as Anita Sarkeesian and Randi Lee Harper ride the wave to fame.

And yet Randi Lee Harper can silence LGBT on Twitter, negatively impacting the psychological health of that marginalized group.

Kinda weird, that.


That is my truth to power.

I am not excusing legitimate harassment women receive.






$TWTR And @Jack; Throttling #socialmedia, Crushing #influencernetworking And Empowering Hate, Misogyny And Patriarchy

@Jack think that $TWTR is for empowered dialogue, blah, blah, blah.

I think @Jack is misleading and does not care how his Terms of Service is structured to punish communication and is easily abused by his personally empowered abuser, @Randileeharper.



So let’s start by examining what talking to a delusional fundamentalist is like.

Meet Journalist and Writer Damien Walter.  He writes for The Guardian and other fine publications.


Damien is a person who likes to think he knows how social media functions.



Having a conversation with a journalist who assumes he is wholly correct is tedious, difficult and ultimately pointless as they are rigidly bound to their ideology and unable to process new and valid information.





So how does Randi Lee Harper abuse @twitter consumers beyond being openly threatening?


First, along with Anita Sarkeesian @femfreq, Brianna Wu @spacekatgal and Zoe Quinn @unburntwitch, label anyone who doesn’t agree with you as part of a hate group.


This includes 44% of consumers worldwide, who by disagreeing with these 4 in some way, winded up labeled as a hate group equivalent to ISIS.


And yet she knows she is falsely labeling a very large preponderance of people that tweet to #gamergate as a hate group.


Set out to build an army.


Twitter took sides with a tiny amount of people that labeled people tweeting to a hashtag as a Hate Group.




They can silence media news coverage.




@Nero, AKA Milo Yiannopoulos is a professional journalist last seen in a White House press briefing asking questions.



She silences LGBT, who are amongst the most marginalized of people already.



And controls them with fear and intimidation, leaving them socially isolated on @twitter.










As Randi Lee Harper, meta data expert knows, SJW Twitter is the worst, and she exploits it’s behavior to abuse.




So how can Randi Lee Harper silence you?

Besides meeting with @safety, that is.


By ToS manipulation and abuse.

Randi likes to claim that tweeting her valid questions is inciting dog piling.

This despite no intent to dogpile.  I was simply following up with the person, Cathy Young, that @randileeharper claimed was sending followers to dogpile her.

“Incitement” is against ToS.  Yet @twitter will suspend you without even determining your intent, or the validity of the speech itself.

This of course CHILLS free speech, but it’s what twitter considers.



Interestingly twitter claims to prohibit false or misleading tweets, but those tweets by @randileeharper seem to not be moderated.



Also mentioned is adding large number of unrelated users to lists.  Randi categorizes 44% of consumers, gamers as members of a Hate group, and propagates that block list to subscribers.

The only way they are remotely related is playing games, but Randi adds large numbers to lists and blocks them.

And then you can end up suspended for being blocked by a large number of people.

So this little ball of hate is empowered by @jack to limit free speech and consumers ability to utilize Twitter as they see fit, without actual threats to any other consumers.



It’s the craziest business decision I have seen in a long time.

Letting 44% of consumers be labeled as a Hate Group?

And Randi has contacts inside @twitter @safety.

And Twitter wonders what is wrong.



Turn IT UP!

Help the actual abused, visit my Facebook post to learn how.





Special thanks to @Klout.


“Hi I’m @Jack and I Run A Fence Building Apartheid Corporation Named @Twitter.” $TWTR

“I allow some of my customers to be silenced, threatened, abused and run off @twitter.”

I’m not @Jack, but if @Jack were an honest man that is what he would tell the world.

You see, @Jack, just went on @TODAYshow with @Mlauer and lied to consumers.

As reported by USA Today,

“I can block people. I’ve never blocked anyone,” Dorsey said.

Picking from crowd-sourced questions on Twitter, Lauer had asked Dorsey about his company’s stance and activity on censorship, which led to a conversation on blocking.

“Does Twitter censor?” Lauer said.

“Absolutely not,” Dorsey said. “It’s our job to make sure they see the most important things.”



And yet Twitter plainly censors.

This is a known fact.


Mr. Kaye is a human rights rapporteur (basically an investigator/reporter) for the United Nations.



@Twitter @support also plainly does not enforce the ToS in an unbiased manner.

This is made plain by the reign of terror by Randi Lee Harper on twitter consumers for well over a year.

Twitter absolutely hides content and censors.

This has been measured by both sides of the #gamergate scandal.



Jack also said that @twitter’s ToS prohibits violence, yet @randileeharper thrives on the advocation of violence.



This abuse by Randi Lee Harper has led to Trans people being silenced on Twitter as @jack does not stop her from her McCarthyist, violent, fence building rhetoric she pours out daily on her timeline.

This is exceedingly strange behavior from a woman who influences @safety @policy at @twitter and has the CEO’s ear on @safety issues.

It is classic threatening indoctrination of a vulnerable element of society and leaves them socially isolated, not included.


Twitter and @jack are fence building bigots, not connectors.


@Jack is a liar.


@Randileeharper builds fences that result in marginalized communities being further marginalized on @twitter.



Randi Lee Harper is, by her own definition, a digital terrorist.


As you can see, Randi is able to exploit her contacts in @twitter @safety to invade the privacy of consumers on @twitter.


@jack’s twitter only enforces the ToS against some people, not others.  This is unequal application of their ToS.  And abuse of consumers.




Twitter is quite ok with expressions of violence in some instances, with doxing then taking place on their network.






The only way to be unsuspended in 10 minuts is to call whomever you can call to make inquiries of.


It seems Randi Lee Harper is uniquely privileged to terrorize #consumers.




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Related Content: 

Is Empowered By @Jack Cyberbully #Randileeharper A Legitimate Threat To LGBT $TWTR #Consumers? #cybersecurity



The Time That #Journalism AND @Jack #Tech Combined to Hate #Consumers.

This sounds like an incredible claim.

Why would @Jack allow a rampant hater to hate 44% of potential consumers openly, derisively and violently when he is in charge of a corporation engaged in the business of social media.

That is, allowing people to connect with other people through the power of twitter networking.

Why allow someone to literally attack your consumers, potential new customer base?

Professional evaluation of @randileeharper’s false claims showed that only .66% of what she was claiming as harassment was harassment.

And in any case “gamergate” is NOT an organized group.

Some people meet on various websites to discuss the issue, and actually plan.  This apparently takes place on open to the public websites like Kotuku in Action.

That all is perfectly legal.  And by professional measurement, anyone even remotely connected to being pro gamergate was only a tiny percent of the harassment this salacious liar, @randileeharper claimed.

Yet @Jack allows a racist hater to label consumers as hate.  And advocate violence.

Even as she seems to take enjoyment from it.


Certainly 2 fields, that both rely on first amendment freedom of speech, would not in any way act to limit consumers freedom of speech?

To answer this I must ask what do a Russian born Journalist named Cathy Young (@Cathyyoung63), an English (Greek) Jew Journalist Milo Yiannopoulos (@nero), and a Taiwanese Lawyer named Mark Kern (@grummz) have in common?

They all immigrated to America from oppressive regimes (The UK Parliament now spends time debating 1 person from entering their fine establishment).

Taiwan is of course the remains of Nationalist China, where Chiang Kai Shek retreated after being defeated by the Communist, Mao) and spoke out in favor of free speech.

And Cathy escaped Soviet Russia in 1980 or thereabouts.

They are now attacked by professional journalists and tech, and anti consumer and anti free speech zealots.

This is very strange to me, as quite frankly in the 70’s Milo would have been at the head of the Gay Pride Parade, when simply being brave enough TO SPEAK made you a hero.

He would have danced with the Village People, and people would have been ASTOUNDED that an openly Gay man was a professional journalist telling people where to stick it.

Instead he is now demonized by anti #consumer zealots such as Randi Lee Harper for speaking his mind.

Randi Lee Harper can and will have professional journalists barred from Tech events.

Apparently @Sxsw and @hugh_w_forrest have no commitment to free speech, either.




Randi hates checking facts.  No checking facts in Randi’s world!


Randi thinks by tossing out false allegations she can harass and intimidate into silence. This is passive aggressiveness by design.  An exploit, as it were.


Professional journalists, or other people, are routinely accused of falsehoods by Randi Lee Harper, as Twitter stands by, watching her drive their business into the shitter.



@jack says @twitter is about Truth To Power y’all.

I think it’s about @jack and @safety hating consumers.


Randi Lee Harper’s existence on Twitter is dedicating to eradicating free speech and the ability to network socially.

Randi thinks she can hate anyone she wants, attack them, and continue to attack as she is simply not subject to moderation.


In this archive, Randi explains in a deleted tweet that she is just acting like a dude.  I don’t know many people, dudes or otherwise that routinely tell people to self immolate, and actually get away with it.



She drives people away from twitter in droves through her openly condoned and endorsed harassment.


She wants to build fences, and will use ANY language necessary to drive you off, shame, humiliate and silence you that she wishes.  Including advocating violence as she advocates violence.



She can do this because she is beyond the reach of us mere mortals, empowered by @jack and @safety to abuse at will.

She does this by filtering content, which she openly boasts of.


This of course violates Twitter Dev ToS, but no one at Twitter REALLY has any commitment to free speech, or fucks to give that she abuses TRANS people during the course of this filtering of content.



Randi advocates for her politics in code where it can’t be detected, and you are simply silenced through the power of twitter coding.

And twitter just shrugs it off.


All Randi does is call anyone else’s opinion “harassment” and Kristen leaps pretty quickly to publish.  In fact she will publish without waiting for a response from the person she asked for comment.

Today, Herb Caen would be rolling over in his grave, as unprofessional yellow attack dog journalists like Kristen V Brown write articles devoid of fact or evidence and slam people who stick up for their, and others, free speech.






If you email her over a hundred live links to tweets and documentation of Randi Lee Harper’s abuse, you get not so quick a response.

I am still waiting on Kristen who published in a matter of a few hours to review and respond to the material.

Researching claims ARE TEH HARDZ, GUYZ.



Randi keeps getting those quick responses though.



And of course Kristen knows when someone tweeting Randi, and not her, is talking about her.






It was Mercedes Carrera (@themercedesxxx), who is not only a porn star, and by necessity guards her free speech, who is brave enough to speak out to defend others free speech despite the derision and scorn heaped on her by Randi Lee Harper, with Twitter and other tech companies direct complicity.

Mercedes was deplatformed by SXSW after Randi Lee Harper falsely claimed harassment and @sxsw and organizer @Hugh_w_forrest chose to believe a racist abuser of Trans people instead of keeping a commitment to free speech and letting Mercedes speak on her scheduled day.



And the helpful “journalism” of Kristen V Brown, who is the least professional journalist I have ever encountered.

Mercedes, in the terms of Social Justice, is a PoC sex worker who was deplatformed by a white feminist who is openly racist and bullies trans and PoC to keep them in line as Twitter does NOTHING to her.

She has been attacked publically by empowered white feminists who represent the patriarchy, and are empowered by @jack to attack whomever they wish at their leisure.


Randi Lee Harper also openly boasts of her privilege.


How does one do this you ask?

Easy.  Simply label everyone with a different opinion as you as members of a Hate Group, equivalent to ISIS.

And then presto voila.  No one in tech or journalism will fact check you, and in fact will attack people who speak up as those very same haters, or complicit with hate, or foul murderers, beasts and rapists despite you never having uttered an offensive word.

And so while Randi Lee Harper boasts that her enemy is both incompetent and only loud, and she hates men (you can hate men on twitter, it’s totally OK) and tells people repeatedly to self immolate (you can advocate violence on twitter if you have the right politics, even if you run an anti abuse charity) no one at Twitter will act.

Randi openly threatens consumers.  She can, and will pull down your metadata, write a block list targeting YOU and then, knowing SJW Twitter is the worst, watch it all unfold.

“Unfold” as in SJW twitter attacks you relentlessly after being greenlighted by Randi.


It is is NOT surprising to me at all that Randi can do this.

When I wrote to @Vijaya, the General Council for help with cyberbullying (I was doxed and threatened by leadership of a social media company, Empire Avenue, Gareth Davies (@me_gareth), Keith Gill (@digitalkeith), Nance Larson (@nancelarson) and Chris Sandys (@usafa_93), Vijaya Gadde blocked me.



Multiple accounts were ultimately suspended for making violent threats against me,  doxing, and non violent threats.

And yet I STILL find that Twitter, far from caring about the @safety and #privacy of their consumers, endorses a person who boasts of violating consumers privacy openly in her twitter feed AND advocates violence routinely.

As a result, I do not believe that Twitter or @jack care about consumers.

In fact I think they hate them.  Despise them, and think there is an inexhaustible supply of them.

Essentially they are simply the new overlords, who in replacing the old overlords, say nice words while lying on national tv about what they do.

Instead of Twitter simply handling the matter professionally, I had to involve the FTC, San Francisco DA’s office, CA DoJ and Senator Feinstein.

Who ALL acted to protect me, an American citizen.  Thanks Home Team!

I HOPE they will now turn their interest to protecting consumers from the very people who should be most interested in the health and well being of Citizens, ie consumers, from business which hates them.

That being the Tech Industry and Journalism.

Totalitarianism is totalitarianism, no matter how you brand it.

If government won’t act it won’t matter.  You see I’m all in favor of burning this mother down (in the free speech sense) and driving Twitter right out of business, IF they won’t protect consumers from rampant abuse by Randi Lee Harper and others who seek to exploit others for personal gain.

Let’s Dance, Biatch.



PS:  A Democrat who wishes death on children named Allan Brauer thinks asking government for help is bad.  





Twitter has NO commitment.  ZERO.  None. It’s up to us, as consumers, to act to protect ourselves.


Actual expert lawyers disagree.

Why does Randi get to lie and abuse on twitter?



We call on regulators at state, local and federal levels to investigate @twitter, @jack, @randileeharper and the funding mechanism that appears to be the shitheap known as @patreon.


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For another side of Mercedes besides her tush, check out her ASMR video.  If you don’t know what that is, it’s tingling people describe as a head orgasm.




Of course Brianna Wu, aka @Spacekatgal, labels anyone who is pro consumer and accurate journalism as part of a hate group, along with Randi Lee Harper.

No one doubts Brianna Wu received threats, I have as well.  But to label everyone who posts to a twitter hashtag as part of a hate group is beyond absurd.

And twitter allows it.

Jack hates people.  Won’t protect them from massive and sustained abuse.



Special thanks to Arthur.



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