All posts by Wanderin Poet

About Wanderin Poet

Blogging on #Poetry, #socialmedia and any other topic of interest.

Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?

Kyle Kashuv, a Jewish 17 year old senior at Stoneman Douglas, was threatened by a man named Christopher Suprun, a twitter verified account, with a “horsewhipping.”

He also mentions a “SKing.”  We are not certain who that it however the most prominent person on twitter with those initials is Shaun King, a writer for Glenn Greenwald’s “The Intercept.”

Kyle has tweeted with Chelsea Clinton and has met with many people who aren’t Conservative in an effort to promote bipartisan politics and good faith, non violent behavior in America.

The tweet of Christopher Suprun was reported to Twitter and we await a response.

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Threatening a “horsewhipping” is precisely how racist plantation owners in the antebellum south threatened their slaves and kept order with slaves who learned to read and had their own ideas on slavery and being horsewhipped.

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Twitter has acknowledged receipt of the report.

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Kyle was involved in an interesting discussion with William Legate when Mr. Suprun intervened to threaten him.

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Twitter has a massive problem with antisemitism on the platform as covered by other Main Stream Media sites.

Twitter also has a very well documented (and longstanding) problem with violence and threats of violence on their platform despite ostensible rules prohibiting advocacy of violence.

It is hard to believe that “horsewhipping” a Jewish kid doesn’t glorify and incite violence against other Jews as “horsewhipping” has a long history and is symbolic of the racist South however Twitter lacks transparency and their decisions are often, at best, bizarre.

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Kyle Kashuv is simply NOT a Nazi. Threats to abuse others under clearly false pretenses should not be tolerated by Twitter.

If Jack Dorsey feels threats of “horsewhipping” is OK we’d all like to know who he thinks it’s ok to have horsewhipped.

Mr. Supran is also a verified account. If verified accoutns have rights and privileges other twitter customers (the hoi polloi) lack, Jack should make that policy clear to us all as well.

Continue reading Is Threatening To Horsewhip a Jewish Survivor of Stoneman Douglas (Mass shooting) A Violation of Twitter ToS?

America’s Two Tier Justice System: Good Cops (Zisi) & Bad Cops (Comey)

During the runup to the 2016 election I had the pleasure to meet and speak with (I hate “interact with”) Christopher Zisi on Twitter.

Mr. Zisi is a retired FBI agent. NOT just any old FBI agent, but a 25 year veteran of white collar crime, overseas duty and a trainer at Quantico.

In 2006 the Washington Post featured Mr. Zisi in an article entitled, “Over 18 Weeks, an Arduous Path to the Badge”

After leaving the room to let Taylor stew, Michael returned, removed his jacket and rolled his chair closer to Taylor. Using information gleaned from the interview, he now had to go for the confession.

“At this point, they need to move in,” said the instructor, Supervisory Special Agent Christopher J. Zisi. “Invade their comfort zone. Let them smell the chili you had for lunch. They can’t think straight.”

Mr. Zisi talks a little bit about his time in the FBI on his social media but is circumspect about his time which is expected of a man committed to his duty & mission and not seeking the limelight for what he does.

America needs more people like Christopher Zisi in the FBI and anywhere, quite frankly.

Mr. Comey has been subpoenaed by the House to testify.

Mr. Zisi tweets on @cjzisi.

Mr. Zisi is a 25 year veteran of the FBI. He has a law degree from Tulane and handled  & white collar crime in the North East.  He has worked overseas.  He is a former FBI supervisor and trained recruits at Quantico.

These are his tweets in his own words about Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Zisi has also been tweeting about the antitrust division of DOJ needing to investigate social media companies and other matters.


Click to access CS%20Zisi,%20C.pdf



Twitter’s New Rule Proposal: “Dehumanization”

Charlie Warzel of Buzzfeed has reported that Twitter is considering new rules on “dehumanization.”


Having found that twitter mobs quickly label anyone asking questions or not obeying the herd rules to ostracize them AND signal the mob on who to abuse I think that’s necessary.

One way scumbag political operators like Heather Greven dehumanize people is by LYING about people’s politics AND then refusing to review facts, contrary evidence and running off while you are falsely labeled.

My BLOG is FULL of posts that aren’t by the wildest stretch of any imagination “Conservative” but that is no matter to Jack and the aforementioned liar, Heather Greven.

I even posted my Political Compass results as a helpful guide to avoid such confusion.


I think being lied about by a campaign major for a major campaign is dehumanizing.

As a disabled Californian I find it unacceptable.

I’m not sure if Jack agrees, cares or will do anything.

After all journalists have had to write about DEATH THREATS they receive before Twitter will do anything at all.


The Political Epiphany Of Brianna Wu

Brianna had an epiphany after seeing the rush to war in Iraq from an insider’s position and she changed her politics to reflect who she was becoming.

That’s understandable.

It would be the same as working IN a meat packing plant and deciding to be vegan.

A very human reaction.


George Bush seems to have the same conscience.

There is NO sign that Trump has a conscience at all.

Resist Trump.

Pick your best Democrat in primaries that reflect what you believe most closely.

Vote Republican now at your own peril.

An Email From Brianna Wu Accusing Me Of An “Outrageous, Baseless Lie.”

Apparently Brainna Wu went digging through archives and found a 2 year old blog I’d taken out of publiction where I said she’s a “former GOP fundraiser” and is wrong for Progressives.

Brianna, a former GOP staff member for Trent Lott (R -MS) and intern for Michael Steele apparently worked for 5 years for the GOP according to her own tweets.

She was also “as Republican as you can be” until age 25 according to her own tweets.

I don’t think that’s “briefly” according to the standard dictionary definition.

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Since I am happy to correct any unintional mistakes I emailed back a pretty extensive set of questions.

1..  What party did she fundraise for?

2. How long did she work for Trent Lott (R – MS)

Is “fundraising” a part of a political campaign?  She said she’s worked at every level of a campaign.

Is 5 years a “brief” period?

Brianna Wu emailed back saying,

Okay, that’s fair to base it off that Tweet. I was trying to sum up a summer where I attended a lot of fundraisers in the evening as part of my job and saw a lot of really weird shit. It was an imprecise statement on Twitter, back in 2014 when there was only 140 characters.

But, I’m telling you directly, I never worked as a fundraiser.


Brianna’s job duties included some activities linked to fundraising.

That’s certainly reasonable and expected in Washington D.C. where networking is a critical job function.

She was not a “Fundraiser” which some may take to mean “rain maker” or “bundler” or something illicit.

I apologize for any negative implications that may have been inferred by others based upon the title of the blog.

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An Open Letter To @Jack. Hire Randi Lee Harper

Dear @Jack,

I am wriitng to you with a surprising recommendation.

Hire Randi Lee Harper.

I know she’s spent years yelling at people, finding exploits and attacking people. She’s written bots, and done things that were surprising to me.

She even threatened my figurative knees. I like my knees. They are the bees knees I’m told.  I didn’t appreciate that much at all so I resolved to look into what made Randi tick.

Frankly, she’s an obnoxious, difficult, head strong individual.  Just like you (If your Momma is honest with us).  And me.  Or anyone.

Here’s why you should defy convention and hire Randi.

The FBI has a long history of HIRING people who exploited systems to work FOR the FBI or Department of Justice to catch the bad guys.

The FBI RECRUITS hackers to help America.

Would Randi need a well structured environment with capable supervisors to monitor her work product and keep her productive?


Put her on a sealed test network to try to screw up your code the worst way possible.

Should she scream on twitter about hating people and they should eat dicks?


As a professional public speaker, who is WELL recieved by her audience I know that she knows that’s not great for long term goals like eating and sleeping and having medical insurance.

I’m here to say that you could learn a lot if you hired her, debriefed her, and put her to work fixing what she kind of helped break.

I have read TONS of Randi’s tweets  over the years.  I know nothing about Randi she hasn’t said of herself or hasn’t been said in press coverage.

I know quite a lot because I investigated claims for a living.  Your team has the same access to the tweets.  Read them.

Has anyone ever gone out of their way for NO REASON to help Randi? I don’t know.

Maybe you can be the first.

This is American Justice.  And we here are concerned with Justice.

Are you?

Randi posted she is clsoing her Patreon down and looking for work.

Hire Randi.

Consider this penance and forgiveness.

Turn the page. Help someone turn the page.

Ed Whelan, “Conservative Activist” Floats “Some Other Dude Done It” Defense For Judge Kavanaugh, Doxes Homeowner

The Judge Kavanaugh confirmation for Supreme Court just became extremely muddled and convoluted.

“Some Other Dude Done It” is a standard defense floated by miscreants when they have no other defense to offer.

The Jury Expert reports,

The results of the current experiment suggest that in court, the addition of one or more alternative suspects would decrease jurors’ belief in the defendant’s guilt, even when the alternative suspect is not actually believed to be the culprit. (See Tenney, Cleary, & Spellman (2009) for more study details.)

Apparently Ed Whelan feels the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are credible enough that he tracked down a house matching the description and an alleged perpetrator and named them in a bizarre tweetstorm on Twitter.

Ed Whelan tweeted a series of tweets in which he strongly insinuated that a lookalike of Judge Kavanaugh (former classmate) commited the alleged sexual assault of Christine Blasey Ford.

Ed also managed to tweet the name and picture of the man he named and the address AND floorplan of the home he believes the alleged assault may have taken place in.

In other words, this is a massive DOX of private individuals to try to muddy the waters around Judge Kavanaugh.

When Brianna Wu was doxed by Nazi Trump supporter Ethan “Cop Beater” Ralph he tweeted detailed images of the floorplan of Wu’s home.

Ralph who served time in Virginia for assaulting Law Enforcement (a felony), had a nazi on his staff, Lane Davis, who killed his own father, and Wildgoose, a notorious doxer.

Yours truly has been doxed by Wildgoose previously.



Ralph began stalking Wu at public appearances.


The tweetstorm by Whelancame after he posted a link to this Washington Post article that irresponsibly claimed “mistaken identity would be a welcome resolution.”

Of course we don’t KNOW if there is no evidence or witnesses because the FBI won’t reopen the background check or assert jurisdiction and investigate the allegation.

The effect on the safety and security of the current home owner and the man Whelan named are unknown however doxing is a popular tactic of harassment mobs who know or hope that someone will take action to silence said individuals permanently.

The Cyberbully Research Center reports,

The goal of those who seek, find, and then release personal information of others is ostensibly to bully or scare targets by destroying their sense of privacy and rendering them vulnerable to victimization by future harassers. For instance, a bullying aggressor might make use of your personal information by ordering multiple pizzas (that you never ordered or wanted!) for delivery at your home address. Another tactic is called “swatting,” and occurs when someone anonymously calls the police with a false threat (like a hostage situation) and uses your address, causing deployment of the police SWAT team to show up at your house armed and ready for violent action.

Continue reading Ed Whelan, “Conservative Activist” Floats “Some Other Dude Done It” Defense For Judge Kavanaugh, Doxes Homeowner

Is Conservative Ninny Ed Whalen the Criminal Mastermind Behind Every Crime, Ever?

Ed whelan decided to tweet a half baked (and we don’t mean he took a bit of cocaine mixed with meth) twitter storm where he insinuated a dude who looked like Judge Kavanaugh assaulted Christine Blasey Ford.

So we asked ourselves is Ed Whalen a leading suspect in not only notorious crimes but every crime?

Think about it.

A one man crime wave like Bonnie & Clyde conducted (Feminism leads the way!) with two people would be so unlikely that no one would suspect Whelan is the criminal mastermind behind (and probably conducting) every crime imaginable.

To test this theory we compared Whalan to notorious criminal DB Cooper.



The resemblance is remarkable.

We think Ed bought some of Alex Jones vitamins, defied aging, and has lived life on the lamb, with those poor passengers money, for quite a long time.  (Ed steals run on sentences!)

Then we checked the audio of the Kennedy motorcade.  We heard President John F. Kennedy whispering to his driver,

“I do believe that is Ed Whalen over there on that grassy gnoll.”


We checked the grassy gnoll photo. And sure enough. It’s Ed Whalen.  I should point out we tested the grassy gnoll for ballistic evidence and found no residue. We don’t think Ed was the shooter. We think he was the spotter.


We don’t mean train spotting which is what whacked out Heroine addicts do when they dream up crazy conspiracy theories to tweet.

We then checked the NASA archives.

And there’s Ed.


Ed has been a one man Ambien Crzy Train of Terror upon the American psyche for decades!

We checked Wal Mart surveillance video and there was Ed robbing the pharmacy of Ambien and Oxicodone for a Hollywood party he invited Charles Manson to.

Ed lowered himself down through the ceiling vents and grabbed that mans crotch as he hurdled the counter and scooped up all the vitamins, anti oxidants and hard drugs he could carry out in 3 10 cent bags.

We reviewed surveillance video and it was heartbreaking. We will not post it here. It’s on Youtube and Twitter.


We then went to the Tax Assessor and Build Department in Ed’s town and got his home blueprints and dug through his trash for receipts.

We confirmed he has literally paid for NOTHING for decades while living an ostentatious and opulent lifestyle in a palatial home at (REDACTED!  WTF ARE YOU DOING?  DELETE THIS BEFORE PUBLISHING YOU LUNATIC. PEOPLE”S LIVES ARE AT RISK WHEN YOU TWEET THEIR HOME ADDRESSES BECAUSE MOBS TARGET POLITICAL ENEMIES ~ *Ed)

Oh my God!  Was that comment by my Editor? Or Ed?  Ed Whalen that is.

My editor is in hiding now. Spooky.

Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.

Big data.

Flow charts of who talks to who, who was seen by whom and little is said about what was said at those meetings.  Or public events.  Or if the nature of the “discussion” was an attempt to understand another or just pure propaganda.

Imagine for a moment that the algorithms and API’s that provide the data “big data” scienists use to evaluate networks is itself biased.

Does that sound impossible?

A woman that silenced LGBT with her bots meets with tech companies to influence their policies.

That’s right.

That same woman begged for “feminism” in the code.

Do you think a woman who became a renowned public speaker had any influence at Google and Youtube over how their algorithm was coded?

Brianna Wu has spent years asking Google to put “trusted sources” into the code.

If we are considering “trustworthiness” isn’t it important that Randi Lee Harper, who worked with Brianna Wu, silenced LGBT with her bots on Twitter?

Who is zooming who here?

Who elected Brianna Wu and Randi Lee Harper Chiefs of Social Ostracization™?

I want a revote.

Tim Pool, who did excellent reporting on the water shortage (crisis) in East Porterville,CA …

…and who is a self employed journalist (multi racial) and non high school graduate finds himself lumped in with some actually awful people.

How do you deal with data scientists that not only rely on biased algorithms and API data but falsify facts?

How to measure the harm to a self employed journalist who the Left appears to be trying to silence?  Tim Pool relies on Youtube monetization for his living.

Congress needs to heavily regulate these monoliths.  And investigate them for Antitrust violations.  CDA 230 needs to be repealed and social media held accountable for the falsehoods their ‘data” enables and their platforms spread by accounts they allow to exist.

In short, social media companies need to have the same risks and responsibilities everyone else int he United States. They have abused their privilege of immunity and have abused others Civil Rights in doing so.

Si Se Puede!

Continue reading Social Media & “Big Data” Responsible For Character Assassination, Inc.™ Repeal CDA 230.