Tag Archives: keith gill

$TWTR Continues to Fail at #Custserv and Public Relations #socialmedia #socialsales

Over the weekend Twitter removed the @verified account from Jose Canseco.

As is typical, no explantion was given for the removal.


However after a quick review of Jose’s timeline, I’m fairly certain why.



Never tweet to anyone that their appearance makes you throw up.

We tweeted to Kim Kardashian to inquire, but do not expect a response.



What is now known however is that certain people have access to “escalation” channels and can inquire, and/or work to have other people suspended or punished in retributive fashion.


It is clear Twitter plays favorites.

This favoritism is very strange as Randi Lee Harper is able to silence LGBT on Twitter and violate consumers privacy.

Twitter continues to exhibit a punitive handling of these issues in certain cases.

Why not reach out to Jose and discuss the reasoning?

Why not provide some level of customer service, especially as their reputation is not so great in social media now?

Why not give Jose an opportunity to correct the problem and have a learning opportunity that can help Jose and make clear to other consumers what is and what is not allowed?

It makes no sense that Twitter leaves not just Jose, but all consumers mystified.

Especially as the double standard of their moderation remains evident.

Some people are pretty freely abused on Twitter.


Tweeting the wife of the dude who Twitter is banking on?  Not smart.


But this was known when Twitter verified him…

The Misogynysts Guide To Hate On @Twitter. #feminism #cybersecurity

Depersonalization is the core of hate.

There can be little doubt that depersonalizing others is key to rationalizing the abuse of individuals.

And yet an easy way to attack women on twitter is to simply deny their very personhood.




This has been happening to Lili, aka @laughrodite4u for over a year and Twitter never stops it.  Never considers it’s impact.

And so one can simply lie to harass women, and Twitter won’t stop it despite rules against targeted harassment of women and spam.

Archive of hateful tweet.

Want Rid of Someone On @Twitter? Just Tweet About It.

According to Twitter @support, open discussion of whom you want rid of does not violate Twitter Policy.




Nance Larson is on staff at gaming company Empire Kred.

Empire Kred (formerly Empire Avenue) has a well documented history of having a “goon squad” that attacked their own customers for years.

Nance Larson has acknowledged the goon squad existence, indicated that it only existed in 2011, and that she’s not a part of any goon squad.

Fooled me.








Nance Larson, former Team Leader of Empire Avenue (now Empire Kred Staff) and other leaders of EmpireKred have been attempting to keep this massive record of abuse of their own customers “off the record” since 5/2014.

They have magnificently failed.

Consumer Advocacy


However, according to @twitter @support talk of getting rid of people does not violate their @safety @policy.




This contrasts directly with Linked.in support who took the time to review events and come to the correct conclusion and result.



Personally I think abusers are a bad look for @linkedin brand.

Your mileage may vary.




No love


$TWTR MAU Problems? Entirely Self Induced #IJFU #cybersecurity

It’s clear to me that Twitter’s problems are their own creation.

An institutionalized culture of not listening to valid feedback, arrogance and lack of business ethics and common sense.

When I started blogging about the abuse at Empire Avenue, what I quickly noticed was the relative impunity with which leaders from Empire Avenue threatened and doxed me on Twitter.

Chris Sandys, a leader at Empire Avenue, wanted the abuse of Empire Avenue customers “off the record”, rather than deal with the abuse.

Empire Avenue Team Leader Nance Larson and Leaders Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies were able to target me for doxing and massive harassment for blogging about abusive practices on Empire Avenue.

Keith Gill, aka DigitalKeith joined in after I noted his false advertising being run through Empire Avenue social media promotional missions.

And they were able to openly export that abuse right on twitter.  And it continues unabated.

After a couple months of emails to support inquiring as to why with no real response I filed complaints with the San Francisco District Attorney’s office Consumers Protection Unit and The California Department of Justice (x-ref 615640).

During that time other much higher profile accounts such as @Femfreq and an Electronic arts gaming executive also talked about the massive abuse they were sustaining, death threats etc.

I was not alone in the abuse piled on me.

Twitter simply allowed customers to threaten other customers to the point that the mass market was made aware that Twitter didn’t care about their customers.

Twitter tried to address this with Dick Costolo taking responsibility and Twitter General Council Vijaya Gadde writing a Washington Post Op-Ed about the abuse.

I hoped changes would be made, but certain leaders of Empire Kred continued to be able to be openly abusive with little response from Twitter.

One such abuser is Keith Gill, AKA DigitalKeith.

You see, Jim Cramer has tired of the libel Twitter allows.  The serial lies, abuse and harassment customers can sustain.

However you can tell and SHOW Twitter how people are serially lying about you and Twitter does not care.

They simply allow people like Keith Gill to continue their abuse on and on and on and on.


This despite having rules defining such lying as spam.



Some people don’t leave Twitter.  Some stay to let others know what Twitter is.

Twitter is a company that allows massive abuse of it’s own customers by it’s own customers and censors journalism and truth.

Twitter has polticized abuse.   And the free market knows it.



Basically Twitter General Council Vijaya Gadde’s reaction to me when I asked her for help with cyberbullies and cyberstalkers sums up Twitter.

She blocked me.

Twitter simply does not care.

They even suspend victims of rape.

And Empire Avenue?  Despite being bought out by Kred, and rebranded EmpireKred, the truth about how they act is tumbling out, as well.

Goon squads, trolls and mobs run rampant on Twitter, ruining social media.



Kevin Green On @empirekred, “goals appear to be to white wash black hat engagement…”

Former Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) Brand Manager Administrator Kevin Green, currently a leader at Empire Kred has this to say in the Empire Kred Leaders forum

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This is well known to observant social media practitioners and the subject of extensive abuse by Nance Larson, Keith Gill, Chris Sandys, Gareth Davies and now Valerie Clark in order to try to keep said abuse “off the record.”

Gareth Davies has an extensive history of doxing customers of Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred) and issuing violent threats, with warnings and suspension on Twitter.

Keith Gill was moderated by instagram for cyberbullying and had his twitter account locked for abuse.

Chris Sandys was warned by Twitter for non violent threats.

Nance Larson, a former team leader, and currently staff at EmpireKred participated in the doxing of customers and acknowledged a “goon squad” that was attacking customers.

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Low end digital markets like Keith Gill, AKA @digitalkeith  proliferate on Empire Kred and are free to abuse other customers to their hearts content.

Customers of EmpireKred report continuing cyberbullying despite the change of ownership to to Kred, and rebranding.

Leader of Empire Avenue Wanted Abuse “Off the Record.”

Imagine being a customer of an online gaming company that rather than deal with cyberbullying and abuse of their own customers, wanted that abuse “off the record.”

Chris Sandys Off the record


That’s how Empire Avenue operated.

And in fact still operates despite Kred purchasing Empire Avenue and renaming the gaming company Empire Kred.

Customer continue to report being cyberbullied and witnessing cyberbullying at Empire Kred.

And people like Keith Gill, aka Digitalkeith, also in leadership at EmpireKred continue to try to keep the reporting of the cyberbullying “off the record.”

Keith Gill, AKA @DigitalKeith had his account locked by Twitter for abuse on twitter.

Gareth Davies, AKA @me_gareth was suspended by twitter for violent threats and doxing.

Chris Sandys, AKA @usafa_93 was warned for non violent threats.

All of the suspensions were related to their ongoing attempts to keep abuse at Empire Avenue “off the record.”

It’s sad, but these people are deeply, deeply committed to both abusing their own customers, and trying to keep that abuse off the record.

Their ability to continue with the open abuse on Twitter, has led to a CA DoJ inquiry into Twitter’s handling of the matter (CA DOJ x-ref 615640) and the SF DA’s office twice opening files.

Consumer Advocacy

There’s A Reason Why #Twitter’s #Market Fundamentals Are Poor. #investors #cybersecurity

When times get tough, some companies return to basic tried and true fundamentals.

Some companies try for moonshots, according to The Motley Fool.

However the Motley Fool also notes “uninspiring fundamentals” as key to Twitter’s continuing slide in the marketplace.

I don’t think this will have a major impact on Twitter stock; investors are more concerned with the company’s uninspiring fundamentals. But any change that might help to boost user confidence, not to mention the service’s reputation, is welcome.


Many users ARE investors or potential investors and are put off by the abuse that Twitter allows.

I agree with the Motley Fool that poor user growth and poor engagement is a concern for Twitter.

After all, engagement levels on Instagram are through the roof and continue to grow.

However there’s a fundamental reason for why there’s poor growth and poor engagement at Twitter.


Word has gotten around that Twitter allows cyberbullying and it’s easily conducted through automated means with tweets purchased off sites like addmefast.com.

Or, fake followers can be purchased off sites that amass them and follow people in a bizarre reputation attack.

Worse yet, Twitter moderation allows the abuse, while censoring the truth about these abusive brands.

Instead of a “moonshot” Twitter should return to good old Midwestern customer service values, moderate fairly and to ethical standards, and not protect abusive brands like #digitalkeith from the truth about their own abuse.

Far from feeling safe, Twitter feels like a safe haven for cyberbullies to many of their customers.

Until Twitter means what they say about fighting abuse, instead of fighting a PR war, consumers have no reason to trust Twitter.

And all the advertisers in the world can just try to sell to each other on Twitter, while people enjoy Instagram and the safe environment they provide.

Otherwise Twitter’s users will simply continue to be bullied right off of Twitter.






#Twitter Moderation Utterly Unpredicatable, Allows Abuse, Moderates Truth

Twitter insists they are trying to allow and respect free speech while moderating abuse.

However, when Twitter moderates truth, and allows lies to stand unmoderated, that apears not to be the case.

Keith Gill, AKA @digitalkeith visited my blog about community building and left the following comment with the linked below tweet embedded.







Given that the tweet isn’t factual, I wonder why it’s allowed to stand?

I am not anonymous and Keith Gill was moderated by instagram for cyberbullying when he posted that very image.

Keith Gill Instagram Violent Cannibalistic Gareth Keith Gill Instargram Moderated For Cyber Bullying



I wrote a blog addressing Mr. Gill’s contentions and tweeted it off the “sharing” system in place on WordPress.



Conduct Offensive




My question is entirely legitimate given Mr. Gill’s strange comment on my blog.

And the tweet was in keeping with Twitter’s stated policy as per this email received when I was being impersonated online.



And of course this tweet (and blog) is based on a Tweet form @garyloper to @digitalkeith about his offensive conduct.


Can a brand, or a person that represents themselves as a brand suppress the truth on Twitter?

The individual is a digital marketing manager for @avisolve.





Incidentally Klout confirmed to me that gaming of Klout is possible but not considered economically feasible.



Can Twitter moderation determine what honest satire, commentary and news is when it’s presented on one account?

I think not.

However after the CA DoJ inquiry into Twitter and the SF DA’s office twice opening files in the consumers protection unit I can only assume this behavior on Twitter’s part is intentional.

The abuse has been ongoing since 5/2014 with Keith Gill joining in in August 2014 when I discovered him running false advertising through Empire Avenue’s “missions” system.

The missions system is used by people to promote their social media posts.


And as CBC news reports,

However, one advocate said the real test will be how Twitter enforces the rules.

“The new rules are definitely an improvement,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Digital Terrorism and Hate Project at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. “But the question is: Will they be accompanied by a more proactive attitude toward making sure repeat offenders are identified and permanently removed?”

A Twitter spokesman declined comment Tuesday.

In a blog post, the company said: “The updated language emphasizes that Twitter will not tolerate behaviour intended to harass, intimidate, or use fear to silence another user’s voice. As always, we embrace and encourage diverse opinions and beliefs — but we will continue to take action on accounts that cross the line into abuse.”




I’m still waiting for the reality to match Twitter’s public posts.








Related Content:

How Big A Liar is This #Celebrity, Anyway? #socialmedia

Addressing Scandalous And Malicious Lies On @Twitter CC: @jack @policy @support @sfdaoffice

It pains me to do  this, however I feel I must.

@Koustave is one of my oldest friends online and is always supportive and is a great person.

Due to sheer volume of the malicious lies by men such as Keith Gill and Chris Sandys, I must address the following lie.

I have no idea where this lie originates from, however the sheer volume of the attack, with seemingly over 100 (I haven’t counted) tweets received compels me to address it.



I do not, nor have I ever run any social media account for @koustave.

I have not cyber harassed anyone.

Lies like these are told by malicious individuals seeking to compel silence on truth, a silence they cannot accomplish through traditional legal remedies or good faith discussion of pertinent facts.

People like this have no ethics, morals, business sense, logical argument or ability to apply reason.

They seem to exist for one reason and one reason alone.  To do damage to others by any means neceesary, including through application of “superior force.”

I am voluntarily removing my “mentorship” of Koustave from my bio and Linked.in and any other post or profile.

However me and @koustave remain best buddies.

I suggest you avoid people who act maliciously in bad faith to damage others reputations.

It’s strange that Twitter will moderate the truth, but will allow scandalous lies to be tweeted in incredible volume with absolutely malicious intent.

I will be contemplating what further course of action to take in the new year.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.


Why didn’t “Support Group” of #Celebrity Nancy Abt Seek Appropriate Medical Care for Her?

Celebrity Nancy Abt, sister of TV Attorney Jay Abt was housebound and needed appropriate medical care.

She had recently come into contact with what she later described as her “support group”.

These people included Keith Gill, AKA @Digitalkeith and Chris Sandys, @usafa_93.

Why didn’t this so called “support group” seek appropriate medical attention for this person who clearly needed help when advised she was housebound?

What kind of “support group” acts so.

Here Nancy Abt tweets her displeasure to the men, but they fail to respond with appropriate compassion, kindness or care.

It seems a clear case of abuse to me.

Cant leave house