The #Socialsales Adventures of #EmpireKred #leadership, #DigitallyProbedKeith. #SpeakUp

Follow along as Digitally Probed Keith flips his wig as he learns about social media!

From 90 day wonder as a “social sales rock star” to making it into Forbes, Digitally Probed Keith is a laugh a minute.

Keith is also a leader at social media entity, EmpireKred.

Jamie Shanks



Let’s check out Keith’s Tips number 3!  Mention celebrities!


There is only so much theorycrafting one can do.

Let’s go into the twitter wild and see how Keith mentions celebrities!


DigitalKeith Troll With Wig


It should be noted that unwanted mentions are defined as spam on Twitter.



According to former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo (as reported by The Verge),

We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we’ve sucked at it for years,” Costolo wrote in an internal memo obtained by The Verge. “It’s no secret and the rest of the world talks about it every day. We lose core user after core user by not addressing simple trolling issues that they face every day.”


One wonders why a company that reportedly has a “goon squad” (Empire Avenue, now EmpireKred) is free to abuse Twitter’s customers?

According to Chris Voss of the Chris Voss Show, nationally recognized social media expert,

Over 5 posts on my blogs I documented issues with Empire Avenue, from their rogue volunteers, running a “wall of shame” on Brands, attacking Brands reputations online, not answering complaints, having a “goon squad” of endorsed volunteers attacking customers who complained, refusing to discipline internally thereby encouraging more attacks on Brands, etc. What I witnessed was the worst travesty in the annals of customer service I have ever seen. After a month of private discussions with EA to change things, I went public. Only then did they begin to change, but the attacks on me and others grew by their “goon squad.” In the end, I went to EA’s Angel Investor and EA had to shut down its Chat Room and Chat Mod “goons squad.” EA shamelessly has never apologized or produced it damning chat logs as promised by their CEO. This is one of those posts, you can read the rest by Search in the upper right for ‘Empire.’ Don’t play EA or if you do save your REAL money.

Gareth Davies, a leader at Empire Avenue (now EmpireKred), has a history of tweeting Empire Avenue customers private data, and has been suspended for violent threats.  He was warned additionally for violent threats.


Michael Q. Todd refunded Mr. Davies the purchase price of a book, which Gareth admits.


Gareth Davies is unblockable on Twitter, which negates a key @safety feature.


Such abuse by Empire Avenue leaders of their own customers on Twitter triggered a CA DoJ investigation into Twitter,  and the San Francisco DA’s office twice opened files.


12302914 letter DOJ redacted Capture3 Capture



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